Your first joint...


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at what age,with who, and which country(if applicable :P) did you smoke your first joint ???

me it was with my best friends though one didnt want to smoke... and it was on a field trip to germany when i was about 15.... man that was the first time iv ever really enjoyed myself, along with having my friends company....

damn... if i could go back in a time machine to change anything, it would be to give myself a pat on the back, and give myself some of the dope i have now........


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My uncle asked me for 20 bucks one day shortly after my B-day so i had the money. he proceeds to drive around and smoking me out. I had such a fucking Headache

I was maybe 10 or 11


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15 yrs old on top of an old city dump in Canada, which was now just a hangout for teens under a bright beuatiful cloud filled sky.


Active Member
My best bud, 14, USA. Never been the same(for the better!)
same for me.... it opened doors that were closed....

its funny cuz before you smoke, you know it exists but you dont know who sells and shit, but the second you smoke, you realise that the "weed network" is much larger than you ever thought..... i was like holly shit, he sells,he sells they sell he grows......

she sells weed by the seashore XD
im stoned :P


Well-Known Member
I was 10 or 11
I rode my sister on the handle bars of my bike a few miles to her Jr high school and got it out of her locker.
Then all the way back just to sit out in our backyard and smoke half a joint. Ha! I almost forgot about that.
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My first actual joint (not to be confused with first time smoking weed), was consumed maybe 3 months after just starting smoking. My best buddy came down from Mendocino with some Super Silver Haze all pre jointed like a huge bag of cigs. I couldn't finish a whole one because I had never consumed that much before... the joints were well over a gram each, I finished maybe 1/3rd of it and just could not stop laughing. I even remember them saying "would you shut the fuck up what is so funny?!" hahahaha which is how my buddies joke around so it made me laugh even harder. It was all on a local public beach that is as crowded at night time as it is in the day. I was too high to even be paranoid hahahahaha

California, USA. I think I was 18 or 19.

Bobby Fuse

Active Member
9 years old summer break before going to sixth grade.... Purple haze laced with coke... A good buddy of mine he was a year older.... USA

LOL what a crazy day that was.... It was as simple as saying one day while we were hanging out &#8220;hey want to try this&#8221; me &#8220;sure&#8221;

I was always curious how it was going to feel... the funny thing was my parents smoked and I was told they were smoking "cigarettes" then I realized what that smell really was...

Bud Farmer

Well-Known Member
I was in school. Maybe 16. My buddy had a bowl that we smoked before school behind this little building where everyone else did illegal things (US).

I did'nt really feel it like I thought I would. I was just kinda zoned out and dazed. The second time was when I first hit a doobie. Me and two friends in town, in "the boat". "The boat" was an old boat parked behind some buildings in town. This is a small town, two gas stations and one red light. That boat was a killer place to hang out and smoke up. Someone had even put a big can of slim jims stashed in the boat for the munchies. :) I got all giggly after the joint.

Thinking back on those days makes me want to go back too. I had piles of fun from 16-24, then got hitched up and just like that, it was over. Now I'm 31 and messing with my little plants is the onlt fun I ever have. :)


Active Member
9 years old summer break before going to sixth grade.... Purple haze laced with coke... A good buddy of mine he was a year older.... USA

LOL what a crazy day that was.... It was as simple as saying one day while we were hanging out &#8220;hey want to try this&#8221; me &#8220;sure&#8221;

I was always curious how it was going to feel... the funny thing was my parents smoked and I was told they were smoking "cigarettes" then I realized what that smell really was...
iv tried coke laced.... my mom put her baggy of coke inside the baggy of weed and it popped..... so it got all over the weed, and i felt like fucking shit the day afterward.....(cuz of da coke)


Well-Known Member
Age: 18 (2009)

Location: Brother's apartment ripping from a bong, smoking some chronic.

It took 2 hits for me too get high, just before then I went to walmart and stocked up on goodies :)


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haha i remember me and my friend were walking around.. this was middle school. and we were "trying" to hunt turkeys, and we stumbled upon some vegging plants. we didnt know what it was but had our suspicions, so we cut a bunch of leaves lol. anyway looked on the internet and tried to smoke the leaves lol. it somewhat worked...


Well-Known Member
haha i remember me and my friend were walking around.. this was middle school. and we were "trying" to hunt turkeys, and we stumbled upon some vegging plants. we didnt know what it was but had our suspicions, so we cut a bunch of leaves lol. anyway looked on the internet and tried to smoke the leaves lol. it somewhat worked...
Hahahaha funny shit. For me i was like.. 15? i believe, used to roll around with my buddy my age and this older buddy of ours who was like 18 at the time and we smoked it in his car, fuck was i highhh. I miss getting high like i used to, i think i should quit for a bit just to get ripped again.


Active Member
i also remember my first joint with my mom,in canada,when i was 16.... i thought it was an epic win... i thought it was cool cuz it was the beginning of a beautiful friendship....that is still here today....