Your first scar

When I was a dumb fuck young lad of four or five, I managed to get a hold of one of them Swiss Army Knives. I was throwing it into the ground, over and over again, found it quite a novelty. Predictably, I got a bit overzealous one time and threw it into my foot.

Got to the hospital all pumped for the pain and bleeding to stop, and what does the cocksucker do but stick a fucking needle in my foot. That hurt worse.
I've got in the habit of telling DR's to squirt some F'ing Novocain into a wound before stabbing it with a needle. I had one do that once when i sliced my thumb open, jammed the needle in like three times into the gash, I didn't have much pain until he did that. Never going to happen again if i have any say.
Stepped on my mom's razor when i was about 4. I remember it, those old school kind where you have to put the blade in. still have scar on my ankle. I vividly remember it b/c lots of blood but no pain. She was freaking out. I was just sort of curious about the blood.
Yea I don't use that old stihl without safety brake on it. I won't sell it either. I don't want someone to kill themselves with it.

I won't run dangerous equipment or do dangerous things stoned. Its to easy to make a mistake as it is.
I have an old one with no safety bar. Fucking thing is sketchy as hell. Once had a branch split causing it to fall funny and knock me off my ladder. 15-20 ft fall. Knocked me out and had me bumped and bruised for months after.
I have an old one with no safety bar. Fucking thing is sketchy as hell. Once had a branch split causing it to fall funny and knock me off my ladder. 15-20 ft fall. Knocked me out and had me bumped and bruised for months after.
My neighbor did one that way. It had a safety. He was cutting a hole in a barn loft. It hung or kicked and knocked him off the ladder. It fractured one vertebrae in his neck and one in his back. I heard him yelling and found him laying on the ground.

They are definitely dangerous.