Your opinion would be appreciated :)


Came back from a week trip away to some yellowing and a few spots on my leaves.
I cant find any traces of mites, so i have ruled that out for now. Im growing Blue Dream and SSD indoors. In 3rd week of flower. Any thoughts on the matter would be helpful! thanks and enjoy your weekend!

I know lig˙ts are on, but i was just wanted to give an idea of grow. pics of leaves are below.



Active Member
Everything looks so healthy in the very top picture!! Are these the same sets of plants as the ones with the leaf problems?

What system are you using, soil/hydro? What types of nutrients are you employing? Did you have them on autopilot while you were away or did you have someone caring for them.

It's these types of grows I really want to help. You have very strong beautiful plants and obviously can grow. If you get these plant churning out butter you'll be swimming in the cream.

Good Luck!


Yes! These are from the same plants.
I'm using soil and General Hydroponics for the nutes. I have them on an auto drip system. Someone was checking in while I was gone, but didn't mess w the recipe or anything.
Thanks for the response and props! I'm still new to the game and trying to have happy ladies on my tables!


Active Member
How many plants do you have in flower, and how many of the leaves are actually being affected.

Half way through flower you'll start seeing slight yellowing on the lower branches. It works it's way pretty uniformly up the top. What GH nutes are you using?

I would incorporate some silica, fulvic and kelp into my schedule if I were you (if you don't already). The Armor Si product by GH is great for the price. This is the only GH product I still currently use. Bio Ag fulvic and BioWeed by GH, are two more great products. Fulvic opens up trace elements and mineral in your soil making them easily acceptable to your plants, and kelp provides any micros, minerals (too many benefits to list) that may not be in your soil.

With the addition of these products you could easily cut your other recipe in 1/2 once your plants get back to normal. With the increased uptake they provide you may easily over do it.


Thank you, yesmamnosir!! Your feed back has been so helpful and informative!
I have around 60 ladies in flower right now. We are about to hit week 4 in a cpl of days.
I have already been incorporating the Amor si, once the flowering began. I used ProMix as my medium, so I didn't want to over do it right away with additional elements and minerals right away. It's my first time using it, as I had drainage and root block issues on my last round, I thought it would be a good try.
I'm also using GH Floralicious Plus that contains kelp within it Base ingredients.
I was thinking of doing a routine flush, then a compost tea, and back to my recipe that they're on.
I'm going to do more research on the fulvic and humic acids as well. Soil production and all of its awesomeness are high in my reading list so I can start incorporating them in my work.
Thanks again!


Well-Known Member
silica is amazing if you can deal how high it raises the ph so make sure your monitoring ph if you add silica

to me it looks like N def.. is it worse at the lower half of the plant?


Active Member
I feel Armor Si(silica) gives you a lot more room for error on the environmental conditions…..temps, humidity, bugs etc. BUT you have to dose it right. I put one teaspoon in every watering no matter what. Silica really has to be routinely fed to the plants for the benefits to be thoroughly seen. I go ahead and dose my water with teaspoon/gallon as soon as i put the water in barrels. It can sit that way for days. That way you don't have to worry about dilution rates for weird amounts or forgetting to put it into the water first before all other nutrients.

Are you hand watering or is it automated? also……what part of the plants are yellowing up? Is it on the new growth at the top of the plant or is it yellowing from the bottom oldest branches and working it's way up?
Is half more than half of the plant getting yellow or it just a rare yellow leaf here and there??

Do you foliar feed or have anything you use for bug deterrent?


Silica is part of my everyday recipe. I always dose the water as its filling and then add the rest of my nutes later. I love it.
The yellowing is happening in random places. I have lady bugs and praying mantid roaming around getting their fill of anything that may be in there.
The guy I got my clones from hit them with avid before I picked them up. Haven't used anything on them since.
I did a cop nitrogen foliars the first week of flowering.


Maybe it's all natural and I'm over reacting, but I aim for diligence and try to be preemptive as much as possible.


Active Member
Seems like you're doing everything fine to me. I actually dealt with my first horrible case of yellowing in flower my last go round.

I started using alfalfa/kelp botanicals with coconut water/aloe and barley and my plants loved it so much they went root bound in 5 gallon fabric pots, which i've never heard of before ……I thought fabric pots stopped plants from being root bound. Now I just wait till a little closer to 12/12 to put in final homes and have moved up to 7 gallons.

Half way through flower most of my leaves turned a vibrant neon yellow but didn't buckle or canoe kept standing straight and up. It did feel weird to be watering and catering to such a yellow plant, but the harvest was amazing nonetheless.

Any new pics?

Good Luck!

OG Gardenz

Active Member
i have grown blue dream in the past and it is a very heavy feeder, especially at the stage you are in now! As it starts to put on more weight be sure it receives enough potassium, this is the energy element for plants.

also i can see from one of your pics, you have thrips....


Yesmamnosir, well, it seems the plants are just yellowing at places directly under the lights.
OG garden - yes... Those bd's are giants. Makes sense they need a bit more of a boost. I was treating for trips earlier on. I thought I had gotten past them, but I will take a closer look.

Thanks for all the great advise!
Pics coming soon. I wish there was an easier way to do it from my phone.


OG garden-- I just realized my mistake. I had found a few aphids before and did away with them. I have not dealt with Thrips before. And recs for handling them?