Your perfect paraphernalia...


Active Member
What's your favorite thing to smoke with? My personal fav is a bong but I haven't tried a vaporizer...anyone try one of these bad boys before? You're supposed to get like 98% of the THC outta your weed...pretty sweet if you ask me :twisted:
my favourite is about my bong also, but my bong is a peice of crap.. i accidently broke the part where the slide goes in so i have to wrap my fingers around the bowl so no air gets in..
my pipe is my baby though <3

Sgt. Floyd

Well-Known Member
I love my mini zong, but I also really liked this crappy vaporizer that I tried. I think if I ever get a good vape that will be my go to piece.


Well-Known Member
my favorite would either be a blunt or my 14"x2" steam roller, however, RooR bongs are legit and i dont really like bongs.

vaporizers are nice, but they make the high more sativa like, however, the high is really strong but its like a completely different high.

compare the difference in your high between a blunt and a joint, or a pipe and a bong.


Well-Known Member
my 2 illadeplhs. a little one for when i dont feel like being retarded. and a huge one with an illy ashcatcher and the coil and perc. the works. for when i feel like being blitzed.


Active Member
I loved my old bong it was a fancy two chamber deal, that was my favorite thing. It's replacement is very similar, but it's just not the same.

Big Joop

Active Member
love me my 1' zong quite a bit, but in the end, I think my favorite device would be my Proto Pipe. That thing can hold about 3 grams in the little storage compartment.


Well-Known Member
Grape Swisha when I smoking with my peeps and thin zig zag when by my lonesome,never tried a vaporizer kinda curious,and I hate bongs..... I'm just a lazy pothead I guess cuz I just like to sitback throw my feet up on something and smoke, with the bong you have to pick the bong up, pack a bowl, light the bowl,pull the bowl put the bowl back ,set the bong down all before exhaling and be careful if she tips over, pieces of glass all over if not stank ass bong water all over-------------------------------->whew!! and thats just one hit!Too much work for my lazy ass sorry bong smokers I just can't do it.But good smoking to all.Peace out I need to smoke dammit I never write this much stoned :shock:


Well-Known Member
king size slims
Hell ya, Rizla King Size Slim's are the shit. Although, there is nothing wrong with white Zigs.

But nothing beats my VaporBrothers Dark Coffee vape. Best investment I've ever made. Hands free, tasty vapour, no odor, and best of all no smoke. Just a nice good clean high. I LOVE IT. The only downside of it is that it requires a power source.

The VaporBrothers model is also made with a ceramic heater that has been 3rd party lab tested to gaurentee that no toxins are released during vape. Others like the valcano use a aluminum or metal heater/heat plate that can release toxins in with the vape. There is no cleaner way to smoke weed than with a VaporBrothers vape.

I know I sound like a fucking salesman, but it is truley my favourite way to get stoned!!!


Well-Known Member
I own or have tried just about every kind of smoking device for weed.

Joints/Spliffs - I hate rolling mostly because I was never good at it.
I bought a cigarette rolling machine, but I never use it because I feel it takes too much weed to roll one.

Blunts - Again...I hate rolling. Plus after smoking for over 20 years, blunts are a bit to strong for my lungs.
I can only take small puffs at a time and never really get that high due to taking small puffs.

Steam Roller - Once in awhile, and I mean once every couple of months I might take a hit off of a steam roller. I think it wastes weed.

Bubbler - I use my bubbler once in awhile also, mostly due to the fact it also wastes weed.

Pipe - I used to smoke out of my pipe almost all the time in the car until I bought a solo pipe.

SoloPipe - I absolutely love my solo pipe. I like how it's small, it looks like a cell phone or a camera.
I also love the fact that I can quickly put it out by simply closing the cover.
Plus the best part of it all I can light it and smoke it with one hand.

CornPipe - I've been smoking out of a cornpipe since I started smoking weed. I use my cornpipe now when
I'm working in the garden and I just want it to hang it out of my mouth while I toke on it.

WaterBong - I have a small 12 inch one that I use on a regular basis. I use my waterbong more than any other smoking device.
In fact I use my waterbong to test how good the weed is.
If I can take 6 or less bong hits and get really high, then I know it's good weed.

Vaporizer - I own the V-Tower Extreme. I bought it awhile ago.
Personally I think the V-Tower is the best vaporizer for the money and the quality.
When I first bought it I used it all the time. Now, I hardly use it. I only break it out when I have company.
It takes too long to get high, I have to breathe in at least 4 bags to get really high. To be able to breathe in 4 bags would take about 15 minutes.

I only smoke the best weed, I never smoke mids, schwagg, beasters, or whatever it's called now.
There's only one goal I have, To get high as fast as possible without wasting a shitload of weed in doing so.
A waterbong delivers everytime.


Well-Known Member
I feel like this question is asked everyother day..
Amen to that.

But being back on subject:

Blunts are def for social smoking

My 3' Zong is for death

And im still trying to figure out my damn easy vape I just cant dial in the temp right and end up popcorn burning my dank so decided until i get a number from someone i will save my precious green so any recommendations would be great.
