Your worst kissing experiences?

What was your first kiss like?

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I used to masterbait in the same room as my frend when we were twelve and I only now fantasy about kissing him passionsly


Well-Known Member
My first kiss was pretty bad

It was middle school, I think 11 or 12. I had a "girlfriend" who was a girl I was sort of paired with in our group of friends. Didn't go on dates, never kissed or anything, it was just one of those middle school things where you said you were boyfriend and girlfriend. One day the plan was to go out to the back of the school and "scam", I'd just seen a new student about devour my friends face a few weeks earlier, and I was nervous as shit. The time came, everyone went out to the designated spot, she was like 4 inches taller than me, we leaned in too fast and our teeth hit and I remember it hurt pretty bad, the kiss was over in less than 5 or 6 seconds and everyone parted ways.

Looking back on it now it's a funny memory, if I had a young cousin or something and I saw these events take place I'd probably laugh my ass off witnessing it as a spectator

Much better kisses since then