Zero experience, closet, flourescant grow of an unknown strain on a tight budget...


So here we go. Just some random bag seeds I picked out. 4 were from an "ice" strain (pretty good smoke) and the other 6 were from a bag full of seeds with sub-par smoke. I didn't keep them seperate or anything, just kept all 10 together-- so I have no idea what's what with my grow.

About me: Broke ass college kid, zero previous growing experience (MJ or anything else for that matter), I had no idea how to germinate seeds even when I started this. Now I'm about a month in and I know a lot more, but I could have done a lot to help these guys from the start.

The log:

My first growing area/medium/container consisted of some dirt from outside my door, some shot glasses, and a windowsill. Thats why the first two plants have names-- the name of the family guy character on the glass.

Day 1- First seed has germinated, planted in Stewie

Day 2- Second seed germinated, planted in Brian, Stewie has sprouted
Day 3- Stewie's leaves face upward, apparent dead spots in the leaves. Brian begins poking through soil.
Day 4- Stewie's stem is upright, second set of leaves become visible. Brian has sprouted, dark leaves.
Day 5- Third seed germinated, planted in peter. Brian's stem is upright now, second set of leaves begin growing. Stewie is growing taller.

Day 6- No change, possible damage to Peter due to over-watering? Will wait and hope for a sprout.

Day 7-Fourth seed germinated- planted in Joe. No sprout from Peter. Second set of leaves on both Stewie and Brian are growing, bladed edges on first set of fan leaves begin being visible.

Day 8- Seeds 5 & 6 germinated, planted in Quagmire and Cleveland. Stewie's second leaves growing well, dark spots appear to be diminishing. Brian is growing well, stalk is thickening and leaves are growing. After 3 days with no sprout, dug up peter, root has not grown, replanted. Cracks in dirt show Joe might sprout soon.

Day 9- Removed all plants from shot glasses and created the "ghetto closet." 200w bulb hanging ~8 inches from the top. Small fan was placed for proper ventilation. Total cost for soil, perlite, light, bulb, and tray was $31. Stewie's fan leaves appear to be growing, even though there is damage to the first set of leaves.
Day 10- Planted remaining 4 seeds that did not properly germinate. Might as well give them a shot since the space was prepared for them.

Day 11- New sprout today. Also moved the two already growing seedlings to the center of the tray to get the best light.

Day 12- Plant number 4 sprouted today, however I accidentally broke it, hoping for survival is optimistic. Stewie's growth is being shadowed by Brian due to first leaves' bad health, however the first fan leaves are starting to expand upward with visible second sets. Learned my first lesson with heat today. Got 2 new lights. I tried creating fixtures but both failed due to heat, the first one melted the adhesive on the duck tape. The second fixture created so much heat that it melted the cords, destroying the connection and shorting a light bulb, as well as tripping the circuit breaker. Moving the plants from my room to the other also caused me to break a bulb. Total price spent on grow today was $24.
0401121205.jpg0401122124.jpg0417120630.jpg(Complete grow room/all equipment!)
Day 13- Plant 4 is not looking good. First leaves are drying out and dying, I'm not sure if it will pull through. Current height is 4cm, I will be monitoring it over the next couple of days to check for growth. Brian is currently 3in tall with two sets of leaves and is growing vertically quickly. Stewie is 2in tall with stunted vertical/fan leaf growth. Plant #3 appears to be healthy and is 0.5in tall. Replaced the two broken bulbs and bought a water PH tester. Tap water is apparently 8+ in the PH scale, will be diluting from now on to a more appropriate level. Total spent on grow today was $18.

Day 14- Leaves of plant 4 didn't re-attach themselves to the stem and fell off/died, the rest of the plant following shortly. Removed plant 4 from the batch. The rest of the un-sprouted plants don't appear to be alive either, but I'll leave them in for now and hope for the best. If there aren't any signs of life by the end of the week I'll remove them too. I began rotating the plants so that they get airflow from multiple angles instead of just one to strengthen the stem.

Day 17- Planted the two big plants in 8in pots, left the other one to grow some more before I transplant it.

Day 18- Added support for Stewie's stem since it isn't growing very strong.

Day 20- Not much change. Added plant food to the pots today, might have been too much. Really stank up my room. The third plant should be ready for a transplant within a couple of days. Stewie doesn't seem healthy. The stem isn't growing straight and the leaves are developing yellow spots. Brian is very healthy and growing quickly. Stewie is 5 in, Brian 6.5, and #3 is 2.2.
Day 21(4/9)- Transplanted #3 into pot today.

Day 22- Still letting Stewie dry out from way over watering it, probably won't water it until the end of tomorrow.
Day24- There is a problem developing in Stewie and Brian- the leaves are starting to turn yellow. I thought it was just Stewie at first but it's starting to appear in Brian as well so I'm guessing it's a nutrient problem. Will flush pots and see if the problem gets better/worse. Also topping Stewie hasn't appeared to have much effect, but the FIM method on #3 is working well. #3 is also growing much more lenky than the other plants did at this stage.
Day 26- The problem is now obviously a nutrient problem-- leaves are turning more yellow. Added plant food with the watering today as well as some pruning of the leaves with a lot of damage. (2nd feeding so far)

Day 27- It looks like topping Stewie may have created 4 different nodes. I might be putting too much stress on #3. The amount of new shoots/leaf growth is very slow. Some leaves already appear to be recovering (especially Stewie! That guy needs some lovin) even though it has been less than 12 hours since feeding them. Hopefully the nutes help them get some vigorous growth going again as they all have had some-what stunted growth lately. Definitely going to be nuting them more often though.

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I will update this often, so check back for updates. Unfortunately these guys might not have a home in a couple of weeks. I have to move for work this summer and won't be able to care for them, so these guys are more of an experiment than anything, but I might have found a new hobby. Next year I plan on setting up something a little bit less ghetto than this, but for now it will have to do.



Also, while pruning Brian I managed to get my first clipping that's valid for cloning so what the hell... might as well learn how to now with these guys. Grabbed a shot glass, wrapped it with foil, poked a hole, put it in and put a baggy around it. The bottom 1/8 in. or so of the stem is under water. We'll see how it goes.

Sorry for the format btw. My original grow log was all a word file until I posted here. I'll be doing individual posts from now on with updates.

Any advice on my FIM plant? Is it looking right?
Actually any advice in general is very appreciated. I don't really have any money left to spend on this grow though, I've got about 100 bucks to last me the next month actally >_<