
  1. S

    Is my method safe? BHO extraction without the B

    Hi all, first of all I have to say how brilliant this community is! So much useful info all in one place. So I am very close to starting the process of creating medicine for my nephew who has been diagnosed with cancer for the third time, this time in his neck, stomach and chest. He has had...
  2. Leaf_86

    Bubble Hash Yields

    Hey everyone! I'm fairly new to making bubble (3 months experience) I'm noticing after my drying process (3 weeks in a temp and humidity controlled environment) that my yield is averaging 6% of 1lb. Is this a good yield for finished product? Should I, or could I yield more some how? I'm using...
  3. MedicalMilitiaCan

    How to Make Rick Simpson Oil (RSO/Phoenix Tears): Small Batch Hash Oil at Home

    Hi guys, I'm new to Rollitup, so here is a lil' about me: I'm a veteran medical cannabis user, damn good cook, (recent)vegan, science buff and amateur body builder. I recently decided to start making short, educational videos, about my true love in life: Cannabis. In this vid, I demonstrate how...
  4. dabbindylan

    Lofty goals!

    Hello, I am curious if there exist anywhere a chart or graph relating to the molar mass of all or most cannabinoids. Aswell as there solubility inside different solvents. Including butane,propane,pentane,hexane and ethanol. Nothing involving co2 or d-limonene im not concerned with either at this...
  5. N

    My 90-135g Closed loop bho and vacuum oven setup

    Here is my current setup that I am slowly expanding since this stuff isnt cheap. I am also building a 20ton rosing press, I just need to buy the heat plates now. I use a best value vacs mini 45g closed loop passive extractor with the 90-135g upgrade kit. It has tje splatter platter bottom for...
  6. Arnold101

    concentrate leaked into Recovery Tank

    I've been running a closed loop system for almost 6 months now, my problem is or at least I think there is a problem with my butane refrigerant tank being contaminated with evaporating butane back into tank. My process is as follows: Vac entire system to remove all air after packing 2" x 36"...
  7. D

    Ventilation advice needed please

    Hi RUI. Ok so newbie here almost ready for. our has set up but have a couple things I'm unsure of. SET UP 1.2m x 1.2m x 2m Grow Tent (either budbox or gorilla) 1 x 600 watt sunmaster mh bulb for veg 1 x 600 watt sunmaster hps for flower growing in soil less medium in pots. going to be...
  8. Cheesecakes

    Rhino extractor fan loss of power?

    I bought a rhino 4" extractor fan and filter, which was brand new on the 21st of February 2017, so only 4 months old. It completely shut off today. So I unplugged it and waited a short time and put the plug back in the socket, the fan didn't turn on. I changed the fuse and it started spinning...
  9. automateorstaylate

    Automate Or Stay Late -new website, need feedback/products to add?

    automateorstaylate (won't allow me to post a link so add the dot and three letters afterwards for the website lol) So I just launched a new website for marijuana grow supplies and I need some feedback on what you guys think of the site and what should be improved. Also what other products...
  10. F

    CO2 extraction and multistage separation

    I've recently been looking into the extraction process using super critical CO2, but I'm a little confused on what actually comes out and what post processing needs to be done to achieve oil (for vape pens)... I've seen some articles and websites that use post processing techniques such as...
  11. dabbindylan

    Isopro alcohol isolation

    Is it safe to do a distillation with thc that been xtracted with isopropnyl alcohol.. Will it tarnish finshed prouduct or smell funny??? Will salts or acetates form or be concentrated?? Iso just seems dirty but everyone keeps telling me it can be done. @Fadedawg @chemphlegm
  12. E

    A Little Help With My 99mg/ml THC Vape Juice..

    So Ive Done loads of research, and so far what ive came up with is that Around 500mg(.5ml) of 70mgTHC Cartridges go for around $100. I was wondering what would the going price be for the following. i am trying to figure out how much money ill save by making a complete batch. Using 105...
  13. dabbindylan

    Azetropic removal

    Whats a good way to remove azetropes from a distillate other then water distillation or thin film
  14. AutoNorCal

    CO2 extraction companies

    Does anyone know of any CO2 extraction company is located in the bay area of California; that will take your grown material and turned it into the product which you keep?
  15. dabbindylan


    What is the best solvent to run close loop...who is best source to get that solvent... why is it that you went with your choice. I chose propane from bvv
  16. dabbindylan

    Bho soak time

    How long should i let bho sit in spool before opening ball valve
  17. dabbindylan

    Tips n tricks. Closed loop reclamation

    Sight glasses are worth investment. Dry run n reclaim all solvent before ever puting thru material as all solvents have a bit of other "stuff". "Molecule filters will not full prevent residues". Dry ice n alcohol are worth it in reclaim time. Check every part of extractor unit with "snoop" or...
  18. G

    Closed Column Pressurized Extractor

    Hey all. Just got a 135g extractor from Beat Value Vacs and am having a little issue. It didn't come with instructions lol. My problem is I pull a vacuum the same way I seen on a video review online but when I go to put the solvent in, It wont even take a one full 400ml can. it probably takes...
  19. N

    VG Eliquid Problems

    So I ground 3g of herb. I put in just enough of Now Solutions vegetable glycerin so that the herb completely filled the glycerin, I don’t know how many ml. I put that in a Ball glass jar and put that in a crock pot on low. Its been 4 days and while its gotten light green, it seems like it should...
  20. dabbindylan

    Cls / closed loop extraction

    Might be in wrong area. However, i am looking for persons with experiences or instructional information on using this tool