heat dissipation

  1. E

    sodium polyacrylate (snow powder) for led heat dissipation??

    Hi, any thoughts on sodium polyacrylate for led heat dissipation. Filled in cheap light weight u channel to lower overall room temperature.( Cheap way )
  2. B

    Bulbs And Heat Management

    Hello! I`m quite a new grower, really new actually. I have a 120cmx120cm tent with a 600w HPS bulb! But now, at summer its generating a lot of heat, even at night (when I turn on) Some days getting 30 degrees. My question is: There is a way to reduce this heat inside the tent? I use to open...
  3. GaurdianofthedankestTrees

    LED Virgin

    Hey my dudes I don't know much and so here I am asking a few questions. I'm thinking of purchasing a 5x9 grow tent so first things first I guess that space will technically be reduced because I will have to leave space between the plants and the lights and also the lights them selves away from...
  4. DaveInCave

    Why are all the heatsinks round?

    I was sure heat dissipation is a function of surface area. As such, don't round and spherical shapes have the minimal surface area for a given radius? I would expect heatsinks to be as cuboid as possible to maximize the surface area within an envelope. Can someone explain this? Thanks!