new build

  1. dirtyoldb

    Samsung strips new h influx vs f series 3rd gen.

    Checking the Samsung calculator on the 3000k. Running at 1.4A max and total wattage of 400W. All numbers the exact same to check what has best lumens and efficiency ratios. Average new grower based on 400W setup. All tests are in series. Till maxed out at 400W. Here is the list from best to...
  2. dirtyoldb

    New loft build 4 x 2 LED (lm301) (xpg 3)

    Here is my little design for my home build thanks to some wise folk on here. All their knowledge and insights have made me move from Migro 100 to my very own homemade LED light. Samsung lm301 are the strips(so2 3k) Big red circles are Cree xpg-3 deep red (G01 660nm) 4 diodes on a round pcb...
  3. H

    What size room and why?

    Hello I have just received a lisc to grow up to 73 plants. I will be building a new area to grow in and I wanted some input on what you guys think. I will be using 1000watt hps lights for flowering I currently have 2 and 2 more ordered. lights will be air cooled hoods and I will be using organic...
  4. oldbeancounter

    LED DIY hanging kit suppliers

    Looking to find way to hang strip LED via clips hangers. I attached pic for ideas suited , must be able to fit in holes of the strips that it comes with.