
  1. calliandra

    I'll show you mine if you show me yours :D

    Haha, yes, exactly what you were thinking, I know! WORMBINS! The world needs more wormbin pix! I love my wormbin! My worms are so happy I want to show the whole wide world! 8-) So here's mine, after feeding yesterday. I got busy so I hadn't prepared the bedding, which came on today. 2...
  2. freemanjack


    I might have missed it, if so my apologies for any duplication but I see a lot of talk about worm castings as food, wormeries and how good these things are. Anybody else actually add live worms to their grows?? If I pull up a root-ball and its not got a worm wrigglin in it, I figure I bin doin...