
  1. Green_Alchemist

    Brutal honesty time: should you flower after treating PM on plants in veg?

    So I’ve got to ask, since I’ve done a lot of reading and can’t find the brutal honesty. I know there are so many methods at containing/treating Powdery Mildew, and have exhausted most popular routes - however; wettable sulphur seems to have “nuked” it. Also, the environment is dialled in, But...
  2. calvin.m16

    ZeroTol for Powdery Mildew

    I've noticed that zerotol has given me 100% success eliminating Powdery Mildew alongside proper environmental control (dehumidification, air conditioning, airflow (fans) and such) and literally before I tried nuke em, plant therapy by lost coast, purecrop1, regalia (This works but is funky...
  3. Armyofsprout

    Zerotol HC results? WPM battle

    Hey guys. I had a WPM outbreak In my tents and am currently using Zerotol as a direct spray to try and save my harvest. There isn’t a lot of zerotol talk on here or anywhere relating to cannabis. And I’m aware that it’s basically a hydrogen peroxide mixture. my question is has anyone else used...
  4. Armyofsprout

    Can’t rid white powdery mildew.

    Hey guys I’ve done everything I can think of to rid my tent of WPM but every time I place a plant in there it contracts the disease. I’ve cleaned the tent with bleach, peroxide, disinfectants, you name it. I’ve even steamed it with a steam cleaner. And some how spores are still there. Every time...
  5. Armyofsprout

    White powdery milder and air purifier

    Will an air purifier help clear mold spores? I already had a tower air purifier in my home and just threw it in my tent because from my knowledge the HEPA filter should filter spores right? I’m in week 5 of flower. i trimmed most of the fan leaves because a lot were affected and I sprayed the...
  6. F

    WPM Defense

    Hey guys I have about 2 weeks of flowering left over on my auto. I was about to start flushing today, and saw WPM forming on the bottom leaves, and pro actively started defoliating some of the larger fan leaves for more air flow. Will this turn out to have been a bad idea? I know Auto's are...
  7. CBDseeker

    Long post looking for discussion on harvesting with history of recurring thrip, WPM and foxtailing issues. dealing with space afterwards.

    Alright so first of all, I live in Canada, which is why you won't see mention of spinosad in my efforts so far, but I have received some in the mail which I can now use going forward. Thank you very much in advance for anyone willing to read all this and offer feedback and advice I have 3 5x5...
  8. S

    Trace Amounts of WPM in final product...WWJD?

    I’ve had issues with white powdery mildew throughout the grow and have organically treated it up until harvest, there were no visible signs of WPM during harvest but I am finding trace amounts during the trim. Nothing on the buds, just small amounts on some of the leaves and stems. What would...
  9. Oregonhwy101


    Wpm 3 weeks until harvest what will keep it at bay with minimal damage ?
  10. Tokesumn8999

    Early wpm what should I do

    Any remedies I'm open to some ideas
  11. U

    WPM?? Nutrient/PH problem??

    So, I've had some white spots here and there on my plant for a while. This is my very first plant so haven't been through many issues and treating them. This doesn't look like spider mite damage (can't find evidence on the underside of leafs) and doesn't quite look like WPM. I'm thinking more...
  12. U

    1st plant, problem spider??

    So, this is my first grow and literally my first plant. Did nothing beside buy good soil and water her regularly. I'm fairly happy with the learning experience this has been, was not confident from the start that she would yield anything, but now feeling more hopeful. So my question, the spider...
  13. S

    White Dust on Leaves: HELP!!!

    I've been through this and other forums and it seems that whenever someone mentioned white spots, the discussion goes to either Spider Mites or White Powdery Mildew. I don't believe it is either of those based on the pics I have seen of each. 1. My white spots are like dust particles, not...