Anti government in the politics section

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Our laws and constitution trump (no pun intended) what you may find self-evident. Get over yourself, Yukon John.

While you may be correct when it comes to personal associations (although your remedies seem oddly paranoid and reactionary), when you decide to form an entity that interacts with the public you are not permitted by law to exclude classes of people from associating with that entity based on certain protected characteristics of those people. Don't like it? Then don't form a public entity that is so constrained. It's as simple as you are.

You seem rather rude and ignorant, no offense of course. Also, I detect a high level of government bag lappery in your inane retort. I'll pray for you.

So, according to you, when slavery was legal and lawful, you would be okay with it, until a law forbidding it was passed? Interesting.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
you think it is "polite and reasonable" to hang a sign disallowing black customers from your store and deny that black people were harmed when they were denied access to the same medicine, food, goods, and services that white men could get.

doesn't get much more rude and ignorant than that, neo-nazi bitch.

No, you're wrong again. You are amazingly consistent in that regard, Poopy Pants.

I think it is polite and reasonable to notice others how you chose to use your property. The notification of your intent is polite, while the content of your notification may not be polite.

I think people who ignore others and seek to have no contact with them can't possible be initiating aggression, if they remain on their property. For instance if I showed up at your property and said you must associate with me, would you then have an obligation to associate with me or should you have a choice in asking me to leave you alone ?

You still seem afraid to answer my questions, is that because you can't?


Well-Known Member
I think people who ignore others and seek to have no contact with them can't possible be initiating aggression, if they remain on their property.
Unfortunately, if that property is a public business licensed by the state, which is has to be in order to conduct business, you have to obey the law. That means you can not pick and choose who you will or will not do business with based on color, religion, sex, sexual orientation and handicap under discrimination laws.

It doesn't matter how nice your note is or isn't. You're breaking the law. As such, the state has the right to revoke your business license, fine you, or both. That of course does not rid you of the civil action sure to come.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Unfortunately, if that property is a public business licensed by the state, which is has to be in order to conduct business, you have to obey the law. That means you can not pick and choose who you will or will not do business with based on color, religion, sex, sexual orientation and handicap under discrimination laws.

It doesn't matter how nice your note is or isn't. You're breaking the law. As such, the state has the right to revoke your business license, fine you, or both. That of course does not rid you of the civil action sure to come.
Thank you for the brief legal dissertation, it wasn't necessary though. States don't have rights, per se , but states do violate peoples rights frequently.
So if a law tells you that you must return a runaway slave to his master, you feel obligated to do that ?

The real question here is, does anybody have the right to compel another person under threat of force, to associate with them ?

Will you be joining the long line of people here who have avoided answering that question ?

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
like i said. you think it is "polite and reasonable" to hang a sign disallowing black customers.

if you didn't, you wouldn't have said so. but you did. fucking neo-nazi.

a store owner who kicks out black customers simply because they are black is initiating aggression.

you are a white supremacist bag of shit and want words to mean the opposite of what they do, but they don't.

white supremacist shitbag.

Well, I've heard a lot of vile insults from you Poopy Pants, but please fire up both your brain cells and see if you can actually answer my questions rather than running from them.

Who has the right to compel under threat of force another person to associate with and serve them ? Isn't that what slave owners did ?

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
where is this even happening, you bag of shit racial segregationist?

So, the answer is yes, you are afraid to answer my questions and the defense of your flawed idea is that it IS okay for one person to force another person to associate with them ? Sounds rapey, Poopy Pants. Why do you hold two opposing views at once ?

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
why are you comparing civil rights laws to slavery? are you a neo-nazi white supremacist or something?

where is this happening? name the store and the location. otherwise you're fighting an imaginary monster that only exists in your white supremacy addled, fragile, stupid mind.

thanks, neo-nazi bitch.

I believe I've explained that to you several times. That if a person is compelled to seek permission etc. to even use their property to engage in trade in the first place, force ALREADY exists do the nature of what happens when a person is compelled. You're not too bright are you?

I see you seem to have forgotten to answer any of my questions. Scared ?


Well-Known Member
if a person is compelled to seek permission etc. to even use their property to engage in trade in the first place, force ALREADY exists do the nature of what happens when a person is compelled.
so then why can't you name a single store where people are forced to serve other people?

should be easy if everyone is getting slavery-raped in the fashion that you are telling me is happening.

guess it's all just imaginary made up nightmares from a neo-nazi white supremacist who thinks hanging "no negro" signs is a polite and reasonable thing to do.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
You in fucking 2nd grade or what?

Play your goddamn word games with someone else.

You are supposedly a member of society in 2017. You want society defined too?

I would be interested in your definition of all 3 words.

I'm a member of the society which doesn't compel others to join them under threat of offensive force, is that the same one you're in too? I wonder because your vapid post seemed a little aggressive and all internet muscular and stuff.


Well-Known Member
You seem rather rude and ignorant, no offense of course. Also, I detect a high level of government bag lappery in your inane retort. I'll pray for you.

So, according to you, when slavery was legal and lawful, you would be okay with it, until a law forbidding it was passed? Interesting.
I seem ignorant yet you do not have a grade school understanding of our laws?

I seem rude yet you would like to reserve the right to shun people based on your arbitrary biases?

Are you fucking stupid? ( need to answer)

"I detect a high level of government bag lappery" -- Yukon John

What you detect (and, unsurprisingly fail to identify) is a high-level of respect and empathy for others as well as a lack of feelings of superiority and entitlement. You're overflowing with those last two.

Are you dumb enough to believe I can answer your hypothetical question with any degree of certainty? Are you also dumb enough to believe that the passage of more than one hundred and fifty years is contextually neutral? Why are you conservative jackasses so incapable of thinking abstractly and applying situational context? I would like to believe that I would have felt the same way, but one hundred and fifty years of progressive enlightenment did in fact make my current position much more likely.

But why are you changing the subject? We are in the here and now and you are a racist piece of shit. Let's focus on that.


Well-Known Member
I would be interested in your definition of all 3 words.

I'm a member of the society which doesn't compel others to join them under threat of offensive force, is that the same one you're in too? I wonder because your vapid post seemed a little aggressive and all internet muscular and stuff.
You're a member of the exact same society I am.

You can pretend it's something else but you'll be responsible to pay taxes and follow laws like everyone else.

You can be a whiny bitch about it all day long.

But you'll still pay your taxes and follow the laws of society or be separated from society.

Cry me a river.

You sound incredibly antisocial to me. You'll still pay those taxes though, unless you're very poor. (financially, not mentally).

Now try to act intelligent by asking for definitions my 4th grade grandson could rattle off in a second.

esh dov ets

Well-Known Member
So as the south became less racist they voted more Republican for president....while the openly racist Democrat legislators that opposed civil rights legislation did not switch parties. They continued voting on legislation as Democrat legislators.

Meanwhile, your lib friends at NYU just proved you would have loved drumpf as a woman.
where\how do you come up with that? the south votes far right. they continue to vote red . i did not realize someone could be so confused.

esh dov ets

Well-Known Member
I was raised by wolves.

I think any society which tries to justify one person being able to force another person to associate with them is on the wrong track. Do you disagree?
how does society force you to conform? reward and punishment is one. another is through propaganda. if you Analise the propaganda it doesn't say to help people it says you are independent as long as you fund the machine . and then there'stumblr_mvf24a7ILS1qkmapxo1_500.jpg
I think anyone who doesn't conform to help others is a sad human. Actually an animal.
he said associate with not help. i agree with you.