Recent content by Indicator

  1. Indicator

    Best Movie To Watch While High!

    Spanish film; "El Orpheum"... it is subtitled, however, it really didn't need them.
  2. Indicator

    Craziest Things You've Found In Weed.

    Chili powder and jalapeno seeds... courtesy of my loving father... who also peed in my bong. I love you and miss you Dad! RIP
  3. Indicator

    Folks is this rust fungus on my leaves?

    What do your roots look like? May just be hungry. Outside of hydro nutes, the only alternatives to calmag I can think of are alfalfa tea and epsom salts... I have only used them in soil though. If you attempt it, watch the ph. I'll step back now as I have zero experience with root issues (knock...
  4. Indicator

    Folks is this rust fungus on my leaves?

    Does not look like rust fungus. I lean more towards cal def. Not an expert, however, have had rust fungus before.
  5. Indicator

    Walmart Grow Light

    I tried that light... it was pretty useless; neither my clones nor my seedlings found it beneficial (used a couple of them too).
  6. Indicator

    Any Guess on weight ?

    I'll bite... I'm guessin' 170 grams. As a further gesture of good-will, I humbly volunteer to test it for you if I win the guesstimate (given that you don't partake).
  7. Indicator

    Search error after upgrade

    Still having search issues here... expected searchd protocol version 1+, got version '0' I'll presume it is still being addressed. Thanks.
  8. Indicator

    Urgent help, sick seedlings

    chicken shit is way too hot for seedlings
  9. Indicator

    Marijuana plant dying! Heeelp!

    Hi, it needs more than five hours of light per day. Also, stop feeding it fruit. If you gave it fertilizer for the first time, it is best to start at 1/4 dose and increase from there. I don't wish to discourage you, but the plant looks like a lost cause.
  10. Indicator

    How to Fix This Deficiency???on 2 Week Old Seedling in 5 Gallon Pot

    kind of hard to see what's going on, looks somewhat like leaf miner trails, but again, pic is a bit small. Just the one leaf?
  11. Indicator

    What the hell is going with to my beuatiful baby??!!

    Wow, pretty sad. No cats around? Only time I ever had something like that, my cat had found it a convenient spot to relieve herself. I hope she pulls through this trauma!
  12. Indicator

    can you tell me what this is???

    That was gonna be my 2nd guess, sorry, pics just a bit blurry.
  13. Indicator

    can you tell me what this is???

    I think you nailed it in your description. It looks like rust fungus. If it is, you will see a corresponding blister (raised bump) on the underside of the leaf. It spreads pretty rapidly. I have dealt with this in the past. I used a mixture of baking soda and horticultural oil. It really didn't...
  14. Indicator

    my kid

    Shoot, I gave that fight up entirely. My daughter would actually wear her p.j.s to school, as did many of her friends. All I cared about were grades. She's grown now, I doubt she would be caught dead in her p.j.s now. With girls, it is best to pick your battles carefully.
  15. Indicator

    lovin' your handle... "cannofbliss"

    lovin' your handle... "cannofbliss"