400 Watt Boss Hog and Northern Light Grow


Well-Known Member
You saw ll the great replies and response you got from your 8 oz, it seemed to stun everyone, so imagine how impressed they will be on your next grow. I know I for one Am looking forward to it. Oh, and with the lights being so close to the plants, there is actually a decent amount of light getting to the bottom leaves


Well-Known Member
That's good. It's hard to tell in pictures.

After being here a little while, I see a lot of seedling and plant casualties on the boards.

You should be thrilled with the success you have achieved so far.

The real reward will be here soon; when you have that first smoke and can say, " I grew that!"


Well-Known Member
from my own experience you can (I WOULD) lst them & bend them over. That way you can lift the entire plant closer to the light. You will get much better buds lower because of the ligth penetration. Its amazing how when you put them right 90degrees over they start within hours they curl back up to the light. The buds on the stalk that is now sideways will start to grow up towards the light as well.

I wouldnt trim or FIM them at this point obviuosly, but I would certainly bend the high ones over to raise the rest of the plant higher

Just my 2 cents :)

Good luck



Well-Known Member
From base to top each one measures about 3 and a half feet. That is about 1 and a half feet taller then expected.

one of the good things about the lights being so close to the plants asides from the large fan allowing the heat to be extremely minimal, is the fact that the light is stretching down most of the plant canopy, I am seeing buds forming all along the inside where light would usually be minimal.



Active Member
Nice jungle man.... reminds me of my first grow.. so much fun.. wish I would've vegged out my current bitches like you did.. you'll be flush soon


Well-Known Member
LED has arrived! Lights come on at 6 so I will be adding it in around that time with more pics to follow. The build is excellent and well worth the price from Cidly. It is extremely bright and runs silent. The last picture is only with half the lights on.
This runs at around 240 watts.



Well-Known Member
LED has arrived! Lights come on at 6 so I will be adding it in around that time with more pics to follow. The build is excellent and well worth the price from Cidly. It is extremely bright and runs silent. The last picture is only with half the lights on.
This runs at around 240 watts.
Your new toy looks cool.


Well-Known Member
Where's you find that?nthere used to be a place around here that sold alligators and monkeys.. Babies of course.. Lol


Well-Known Member
Alligators and monkeys are a little too much for me right now hAha but places like that are always great, defying the odds. I ordered mine online, he is just 5 months old, they reach maturity at 1.5 years and gain their full coloration around then. Mine will look like a rainbow of colors, that's what the father looked like. I've also got a female to breed him with


Well-Known Member
I have noticed that since adding my LED the fullness on that particular side is really taking off which shows how they are enjoying the light. I can see buds forming all the way to the very bottom which is also showing the good penetration it is getting, as these are forming fast and actually full as well.

Trichome production has begun and I am expecting it to only go up from here!

Full view

Side to side split

Buds forming all along stems, it is doing this down to the very bottom, a highlight of having the lights close to top

Unfortunate yellowing that has been occurring for a few weeks, haven't seemed to find a way to stop it yet, just slow it down.

Mid way through, as you can see, there arent too many fan leaves blocking light to lower branches.



Active Member
Very nice man.... They are looking great..

You're at the stage in my grows were I seem to start to run into minor issues...

Mine always seems to be Phosphorus or Mg.. but this past time it only started around week 6 of flower so I was pretty happy with the buds I ended up with.. much better than previous..

I've always used this flow chart to diagnose any issues I've had..



Well-Known Member
Thanks, I ended up burning mine too early so it seems it was merely a lack of nutrients since i decided to water only for about 2 weeks. I started adding nutrients again about a week ago and since then it has severely slowed down. I am hoping to continue this with minor feeding when necessary to get them back on track. The top growth on 2 of the plants is near perfect. I am confident I will be able to fix it in no time. Thanks for the chart btw and the support!

I have been starting nutes in flowering with a 50/50 mix of Dyna gro grow and bloom. I want to make sure they still have sufficient N as well as P and MG since most Blooms leave out N.


Well-Known Member
I've read, in quite a few different places, of people running straight Grow in Flower (I think Homebrewer?) I am currently trying his out.. Though don't look at my currently flowering tangerine dream for an example.. That fuckin thing looks like the Reading Rainbow..

Also read that their MagPro and Grow in combination rocks flower

thinkin about doing this for my next flower phase, with Protekt.