600Watt LED hydro gro-op...5 strains CLICK FOR MORE


Your LED setup looks good, will kepp checking back to compare to mine :)

when you have made your hash or buy it in a hard block, all it takes is a little lighter heat and you should be able to either crumble some off or break bits off to roll into tiny little sausages, depending on how you make yer hash. do that before putting it in yer pipe/bong, put some one a spoon and heat up and inhale the smoke or as i prefer to roll it into a joint with a little tobacco.


Active Member
Your LED setup looks good, will kepp checking back to compare to mine :)

when you have made your hash or buy it in a hard block, all it takes is a little lighter heat and you should be able to either crumble some off or break bits off to roll into tiny little sausages, depending on how you make yer hash. do that before putting it in yer pipe/bong, put some one a spoon and heat up and inhale the smoke or as i prefer to roll it into a joint with a little tobacco.
Cool dude thanks for compliment. You have a grow journal or pics so I can see your setup?
As for the hash, I personally like it raw the best - when its sorta ground up like kief, except you can roll it between your finger and thumb and it will stick together. You can heat it a bit and press it when its in this stage to make bricks.


Well-Known Member
Hey all,

Week one of flowering is all done! The girls are looking amazing, white hairs are growing all over the place. The sativa dominant strains are getting huge, and the indica dominant strains are short but bushy with a ton of nodes! See the pics for details.

I took about five more cuttings from the adults and put them in my cloning setup and got them in the closet under 18/6 hours light/dark. The cutting I took a week or two ago has grown roots and is ready to be transplanted asap....just need that media to come in the mail.

I'll have more time on Friday/Saturday to really work on the vegging closet, so I'll probably post more pics then.

Enjoy these pictures and lemme know what you think!
Plants look great man, excited to see what you pull with the LED's :weed:



Cool dude thanks for compliment. You have a grow journal or pics so I can see your setup?
As for the hash, I personally like it raw the best - when its sorta ground up like kief, except you can roll it between your finger and thumb and it will stick together. You can heat it a bit and press it when its in this stage to make bricks.

it's the brick hash i prefer. much more stealth to take places than weed. its when its in this brick form that if burn it lightly on the edges it will crumble, if ye rub yer kif to make it oily black hash and making that into blocks then when ye heat with the lighter it will go soft like putty. the oily black hash has a taste like nothing else and can redefine couchlock!

nah no grow journal, dont wanna be uploading to much evidence if i dont have to, will restrict posting pics to troubleshooting when needed.


Active Member
it's the brick hash i prefer. much more stealth to take places than weed. its when its in this brick form that if burn it lightly on the edges it will crumble, if ye rub yer kif to make it oily black hash and making that into blocks then when ye heat with the lighter it will go soft like putty. the oily black hash has a taste like nothing else and can redefine couchlock!

nah no grow journal, dont wanna be uploading to much evidence if i dont have to, will restrict posting pics to troubleshooting when needed.
hahaha so true man, good, potent hash can put you in a state of ultra couchlock! Great for bedtime, but even better for during the day, just chillin getting super baked :weed:


Active Member
how do i make a led panel for my plants?

are there tutorials for that anywhere???
Holy shit dude, ummm....I really don't know how to make one, but you can look it up on google or something and I'm sure you'll find a bunch of crazy stuff.
best of luck on that.


google is going to be too much of a random search for that...?

I understand a little about electronics, and making it would be easy,
problem is their specification, which i dont know, what leds were used,
what viewing angle that led has, what lumen's intensity, and so on.

If i knew the shopping list, making a roof of these would be a piece of cake! ;)

im sure there must be some enthusiast about that kind of stuff here too


Active Member
google is going to be too much of a random search for that...?

I understand a little about electronics, and making it would be easy,
problem is their specification, which i dont know, what leds were used,
what viewing angle that led has, what lumen's intensity, and so on.

If i knew the shopping list, making a roof of these would be a piece of cake! ;)

im sure there must be some enthusiast about that kind of stuff here too
Cool man, lemme know if you find anything - that'd be really sick to be able to customize a grow room so that there are LED's everywhere in the space where the plants are! Put them on the sides and even on the table...damn, the possibilities....
I hope you find something, google is worth a try I'd say, at least as a place to start and see what its got


Active Member
Looking good King...subscribed. Very interested how the LED's perform since I was considering using them myself ( 2 90w in 4x2 room). Just got my clones wednesday got em under a 400 mh (paid $100) but by the time I make DIY cool tube and get some extra ducting/fan probably gonna cost me the $200 it would have for the 2 90w LED's!


Active Member
Looking good King...subscribed. Very interested how the LED's perform since I was considering using them myself ( 2 90w in 4x2 room). Just got my clones wednesday got em under a 400 mh (paid $100) but by the time I make DIY cool tube and get some extra ducting/fan probably gonna cost me the $200 it would have for the 2 90w LED's!
sounds good Buddha welcome to my grow.
totally agreed that after ducting and fans the cost is worth it - but yes, let's see how they do during flowering....they were amazing for vegging...but this is the true test:)
keep it good man.