Beware of Cheap Timers


Active Member
I have made a discovery. It is that these cheap timers cack themselves because a 600 watt ballast spikes at 15 amps and these things are rated only to 10 amps. I've got 2 fucked timers, ten bucks less and two extra trips to the hardware store, two weeks of really messed up light cycles and (at least) 9 males and hermies to prove it...
You wouldn't think a 600 watt would go over 10 amps would you? The guy at the hydro shop said, 'K-mart won't even take returns on 'faulty' timers any more because it's such a common mistake by pot growers trying to use them and melting their internal welds.'
So,if you're a newbie, save your time and money and buy a decent digital timer rated at 30 amps. They are more expensive, and by reading the instructions you wouldn't think that they spent any of the extra money on English lessons for the guy who wrote them, but they will save your crop from the same mistake I made.
I remember reading somewhere early on about boo growing, 'Don't go cheap because in the end you'll pay more' and I thought 'Mmm, but I'm a fucking cheapskate and I've made it this far in life by being one so why should it make any difference... ah let's see, here's a timer for only $4.98!' But this time I was very wrong.
Also, while I'm at it, those el cheapo ballasts you see at incredibly reduced prices too? Made in China and they burst into flames quite readily costing you for your next spliff the price of a house (yours or maybe Mom and Dad's?)
The guy at the shop also told me that a lot of online hydroponics supplies shops are owned by the DEA so fuck shopping there!