Canadian mj resorts?

The Hippy

Well-Known Member fuckin way.....ever.......never........fuckin cocksucker asshole cunts that the OLGC is....hate their fuckin guts.

Sorry......... flip out over.
Now where that goat?


The Hippy

Well-Known Member
please tell how you really feel..don't sugar coat it
I know...I know....I will never spend a cent on Lottery EVER...fuckin thieves at their best.
I don't buy...I don't give em as gifts.

I got a HUGE prejudice to Lottery Products and their going's on.

Should be illegal. Lottery is the most harmful immoral thing the gov does to folks. The lottery corp is a bunch of fuckers who need to be unemployed.
The whole concept disgusts me.
Legal criminal thievery at it's finest.