Capitalism 2.0 Will Include a Healthy Dose of Socialism


Well-Known Member
Well it's nice to know where you stand.

How do you explain the fiscal health of Democratic Socialist Nations like Finland, Norway, Denmark and Germany?

For that matter, if neoliberalism was so fiscally responsible, why does the United States currently carry over $21 TRILLION in debt?

I reject your meme and ask you to explain your position in light of these facts.


Well-Known Member
Well it's nice to know where you stand.

How do you explain the fiscal health of Democratic Socialist Nations like Finland, Norway, Denmark and Germany?

For that matter, if neoliberalism was so fiscally responsible, why does the United States currently carry over $21 TRILLION in debt?

I reject your meme and ask you to explain your position in light of these facts.
Some people see Socialism in that way. There is some justification in that belief.

I just wish you'd stop fucking up the word "Progressive" when you mean "Socialist". Why do you run away from the word Socialist?

Oh, right, because socialism has a bad rep. Why do you think it has that rep?


Well-Known Member
Some people see Socialism in that way. There is some justification in that belief.

I just wish you'd stop fucking up the word "Progressive" when you mean "Socialist". Why do you run away from the word Socialist?

Oh, right, because socialism has a bad rep. Why do you think it has that rep?
There you go, making up things to argue with me about. I'm not afraid of the word 'socialism'. You just fabricated that from the fevered recesses of your own brain- much like you do with a lot of things.


Well-Known Member
There you go, making up things to argue with me about. I'm not afraid of the word 'socialism'. You just fabricated that from the fevered recesses of your own brain- much like you do with a lot of things.
Then why do you always use the word "Progressive" when you mean "socialist"?


Well-Known Member
I'm using the terms I think fit best.

Who appointed you the political thesaurus police?
You keep using Progressive to represent Bernie Sanders, don't you?

But you like his socialist policies.

Just pointing out the contradiction in what you say vs what you mean. It's pretty easy to see why you are doing that.


Well-Known Member
You keep using Progressive to represent Bernie Sanders, don't you?

But you like his socialist policies.

Just pointing out the contradiction in what you say vs what you mean. It's pretty easy to see why you are doing that.
Lol he's a centrist.

I realize your Overton window is stuck on authoritarian but maybe you should get out more.


Well-Known Member
Well it's nice to know where you stand.

How do you explain the fiscal health of Democratic Socialist Nations like Finland, Norway, Denmark and Germany?

For that matter, if neoliberalism was so fiscally responsible, why does the United States currently carry over $21 TRILLION in debt?

I reject your meme and ask you to explain your position in light of these facts.

I am a centrist. I reject the left as had as the right. No one ever thought there would be an extreme center. well, here I am.


Well-Known Member
I am a centrist. I reject the left as had as the right. No one ever thought there would be an extreme center. well, here I am.
No one in American politics and certainly not Sanders advocates for a hard leftist scenario of nationalized industry or land.

Sanders is widely acknowledged to be a political centrist.


Well-Known Member
No one in American politics and certainly not Sanders advocates for a hard leftist scenario of nationalized industry or land.

Sanders is widely acknowledged to be a political centrist.
They start like that... if I go by our situation over here...
Then the goal posts get shifted at every opportunity....


Well-Known Member
Republicans love the progressive fringe.....they are equally working to defeat Democratics
Maybe Democrats should start taking us seriously, considering we represent issues that have the support of the majority of voters, Republican or Democrat.

After some resistance, the Republicans embraced the Tea Party wing (Koch brothers funded).

It's time the Democrats do the same- or perish.


Well-Known Member
Maybe Democrats should start taking us seriously, considering we represent issues that have the support of the majority of voters, Republican or Democrat.

After some resistance, the Republicans embraced the Tea Party wing (Koch brothers funded).

It's time the Democrats do the same- or perish.
You're closer to a Tea Party Republican than Democrat....I wish you the best of luck


Well-Known Member
You're closer to a Tea Party Republican than Democrat....I wish you the best of luck
I think you have your left and right mixed up.

It is true that the two sides share some similar stances on issues, like excessive government power to abuse citizens. I see this as a hopeful sign because working together is the only way real change gets done.