Chronikool’z LED + Organic + SOG + Party cup perpetual ‘boxes of fun’ grow!™


Well-Known Member
So do you have a preference towards Warm White or Daylight by now, or is a Watt a Watt for your intents and purposes?

Any reason why you went with prebuilt 10W flood lights as opposed to building your own? Glass lens, easy to hang, minimal cost benefit, or something along those lines?

Big fan of your stuff, man. Really dig it.
I dont have any real preference for either. Although my veg is predominantly blue (mainly cool white) and my flower enclosure is red (4 x warm white and 1 x cool white) and yeah...just filling in the gaps.

Yeah the reason is cost...$12-14 for a 10w floodlight....their cooling is fine....and i dont have to do any work....except with my credit card. :-P

Thanks....cloning is the bain of my growing at the moment....but i knew this grow was going to be a mission... :)


Well-Known Member
So running 140 watts in my clone/mother/vegetative enclosure now....isnt that comparable to one blackstar 240? Maybe i should have got one of them instead....


Active Member
I do monster cropping with most of my plants so I have had a lot of practice cloning simply because when I'm trimming I don't like to waste.

Easiest, no fuss way in my opinion is just some damn rockwool. It's simple, set and forget water every two days or so.

More complex is to use an airstone in a bucket, take a piece of thin styrofoam and cut into it, Like so ----| you basically just want to be able to slide the stem into the foam without breaking either. Once you've done that and placed your clones in just let it float on the bubbles. The agitation and increased oxygen will help speed up the cloning process.

No matter what way you do it, the way you take your clone is all important.

Get a cup of water, it can be RO or any such nonsense but water is water and it's essentially just an oxygen barrier at the moment so that you don't kill your clone immediately with an air bubble in it's waterways.

Source your clone from the bottom of the plant, you've got a couple options here. You can straight up just slice off a smaller branch and throw that in the cup. Cut it at a 45 degree angle and then toss it into your preferred cloning medium.

Or, you can be a little more in depth. Find your clone, remove the larger fan leaves and then take the clone and place it in the water. Once you have your medium ready to go, take the clone and slice down the stem six times shallowly. Immediately dip it into your gel/powder depending on the medium and put it into the cloner.

Kapow, cloner boner.


Well-Known Member
Yeah i constructed a bubble cloner the other day and made 15 fresh cuts a couple of days its bubbling away now, (with some fulvic added)

Psy - i've read stalks being both in and out of the water in a bubble cloner.. does it matter? Think i have a mixture of both based on clone size. :)


Well-Known Member
After losing a lot of clones I found the main problem was not enough bubbles. So I invested in a 45L/min air pump which has 4 outlets (~ $36). I also invested in Oxystone cylinders ($6-$ 8). The benefit of using ta large AP with 4 stones is that the air above the water line becomes O2 rich moisture. Now you can just put the stem tip in the water. More than that makes the stem susceptible to becoming soaked like overcooked spaghetti- That's bad, umK?> Think Mt Garrison from South Park

I trim the primary leafs ~ 1/2, which provides more nutes/energy for root development. The half leaves provide ample PS to support the plant during root development. This also seems to expedite new leaf development

Note these clones were taken during bud development. It works but the process is slowed down. Much better to take clones during veg.

I begin with < 100 ppm of Himalayan Salt. Once a decent root mass develops I switch to Hydroponic-Research VEG+BLOOM at < 200ppm. This provides>95% success


Campo Cultivator

Well-Known Member
personally I keep it simple and easy just plop the stem(dipped in clonex lightly) in damp rock wool ph 5.8 and then spray them lightly each day in the dome
keep them warm and bang roots 5-14 days the trick is not to saturate the rockwool


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the ideas guys....I am still learning how to use the bubbler...

Things i have changed (and will be changing):

-Added a heating mat to get the water temps up to 27-30 degrees (C) (think it was too cold)
-The 2 x 10w floodlights have been made higher
-Lowered the water level (allows more bubbles and gets the stem out of the water)
-Will be adding some cloning solution to the res.
-Glue the air stones to the bottom of the container (they are floating around a bit)
-Take bigger clones

I think i have about 9 out of the 15 rooting now....that was after i have added the heating pad...

This grow so far has been a challenge...still havent got to the flowering enclosure yet....


Well-Known Member
If your stones are floating they are crap ass stones. Get Oxystones, they come in pancakes, cylinders..


Well-Known Member
subbed, nice rig Kool- though I am waiting for those mother's to slap yah back! ;)

I still havnt rocked cloning quite yet... quite stoked about the little "guide" we have on the previous page though. Bare with me, I didn't read all ten pages, but probably will by the end of it.

Keep it up brother!


Well-Known Member
Thanks Bruv....yeah its a bit slow at the moment....But starting to see some success in the cloning department finally....

Its like micro challenges to complete the ultimate challenge...i love it! :D

Sort of working on a multiple wavelength 50w chip at the moment with a manufacturer.... early days... :)


Well-Known Member
Sort of working on a multiple wavelength 50w chip at the moment with a manufacturer.... early days... :)
Okay... you have to tell me more... you know my mind has already started racing.

Youre talking multiple nm peaks (full spectrum?) from one emitter/diode.... 50w's worth!?! Efficient? How intense of peaks are we talking? Any umole ideas?


Well-Known Member
So apparently you can put up to 7 different wavelengths on a single 30-100w chip...its just coming up with those wave lengths and the ratio of them.

And since i have the heatsink, driver, and reflector....its just a matter of replacing the white LED's i have....although i will keep some of the whites in my array of floodlights.

Nah...real early on with the no real figures yet.

Bumping Spheda

Well-Known Member
No idea if you'll be interested in any of this, but this seller has some interesting stuff, albeit a bit overpriced:

They use 45mil chips, so it seems pretty high quality. I wish they had 630nm and 430nm chips in the mix. Idk why they don't include all four wavelengths on a single array, they seem to like dual spectrum. :/ I've yet to contact them, but given the price on their 100W grow LED I might never get around to it.

Campo Cultivator

Well-Known Member
Im surprised bring up the water solution helped (dude I could have gotten my info mixed up ?) but as far as I know there's hardly any O2 left in the water at 30ºc in fact ten times less oxygen is able to absorbed at that temp rarther than at 20ºc leaving them vulnerable to pythium glad to hear they are rooting though :) just goes to show you cant believe everything you read ;)


Well-Known Member
Thanks Bruv....yeah its a bit slow at the moment....But starting to see some success in the cloning department finally....

Its like micro challenges to complete the ultimate challenge...i love it! :D

Sort of working on a multiple wavelength 50w chip at the moment with a manufacturer.... early days... :)
As long as those wavelengths are ~10% NW+ 90% WW (but all high quality diodes= higher CRI + lumens= +umols) then it should kick ass. Even better if each row was staggered, instead of rows and columns all lining up. Call it the Merkaba effect
