Coco Growers Unite!


Well-Known Member
hmmm tons of salt residue from your pH down? never heard of that

My pH down is phosphoric acid, but there's no way I'm using enough of it to effect my NPK. Are you seeing clouding occuring when you first mix the pH down into your solution? I've never heard of that before and I'd say it's either your using too highly concentrated a pH down and should dilute it(I have 85% phosphoric and I dilute it 1:20 with wate). or your nutrients are just weird and you should use something different.

What ratio of those nutrients are you using in bloom? that does sound like alot of K... but I dunno anymore because apparently the H&G works wonders?
Its because he is using GH nutes they are heavy in salts seriously. I used GH nutes for llike 3 years its good stuff just heavy in salts needs like a 7 day flush.
Awesome thread mate looking forward to giving it a proper read tonight. I'm left with a question, when 'container growing' is that just like growing in soil but using coco?? I've never heard the term before so I'm a bit unsure what it entails could you (or anyone else) please explain how to use coco in a container grow? Thanks in advance.


Active Member
similar to soil, but its a hydro medium. there is a pretty big debate as to how you treat it, water daily or when it gets dry. i personally let it dry out, but you can feed daily. i guess it depends on container size too.
similar to soil, but its a hydro medium. there is a pretty big debate as to how you treat it, water daily or when it gets dry. i personally let it dry out, but you can feed daily. i guess it depends on container size too.
Ok so how long can it stay wet enough to give sufficient water to the plants? I work 13 hour days so if I could get away with watering once a day than that'd be awesome! And also do I just pack a container full of coco and drop a sprout or clone in and away you go? Don't no why I haven't looked into this coco earlier!!


Well-Known Member
similar to soil, but its a hydro medium. there is a pretty big debate as to how you treat it, water daily or when it gets dry. i personally let it dry out, but you can feed daily. i guess it depends on container size too.
I'm currently letting my pots dry out a bit more to stimulate root growth as I'm about to start flowering and my pots are pretty damn big.
But once I'm done veg and into flower I intend to water everyday. I also mixed 50/50 coco/perlite. so lots of oxygen getting into those roots

Just thought I would mention that I'll be using Dyna-Gro througout flower alongside my H&G nutrients. The DG has a very good bloom NPK of 3-12-6 and I'll be mixing that at 3 parts to 2 parts H&G, for a resulting NPK of 4-6.5-7 check it out if your interested in seeing what that combo will do


Well-Known Member
Well maybe my salt build up is from the Nutes. I use bout 5ml of each G-M-B ph perfect in a gal. My ph is 7.7 from tap after all 15ml of nute itl be 7.3 hard well water. but my veg plants r on soul synthetics and show alot salt too so i figured itd be my ph down The standard gh ph down too.


Well-Known Member
Well maybe my salt build up is from the Nutes. I use bout 5ml of each G-M-B ph perfect in a gal. My ph is 7.7 from tap after all 15ml of nute itl be 7.3 hard well water. but my veg plants r on soul synthetics and show alot salt too so i figured itd be my ph down The standard gh ph down too.
I love the GH ph down. Probably because I'm so used to using it.


Well-Known Member
First grow using coco coir with nothing mixed in, using tap water, is it ok to feed with 5.6 ph water in the morning, then water with say 6.0 ph in the evening? I say this because my PH tends to rise during the day and adding ph down is a pita.


Well-Known Member
you want your ph at 5.8. the ph going in is what is important, not the run off
Mostly true, but if your runoff is coming out with a very different pH(say 6.5 for example), it's a sign your either underfeeding, overfeeding, or your NPK ratios are less than ideal.
Lot's of K in the runoff for example will bring the pH up, which would mean your plants aren't using the extra K. A low pH usually results from over-feeding, or too little runoff.
Micro-life can alter the pH as well however.

My pH in=5.8
My pH out=5.7-5.9


Well-Known Member
I'm experiencing some nitrogen toxicity using the Canna Coco A+B. Any input on how I should proceed? A few waterings with just cal-mag? A few waterings with just cal-mag and B? I usually add cannazyme every watering as well as potassium silicate too. My tap water is RO water.

Near the end of the 3rd week of flowering.

Any thoughts?


Well-Known Member
I'm experiencing some nitrogen toxicity using the Canna Coco A+B. Any input on how I should proceed? A few waterings with just cal-mag? A few waterings with just cal-mag and B? I usually add cannazyme every watering as well as potassium silicate too. My tap water is RO water.

Near the end of the 3rd week of flowering.

Any thoughts?

Mix your nutes 50/50 canna and Botanicare CNS17 Ripe. (NPK 1-5-4)


Active Member
What's up, coco growers? Been a while. I'm curious if other people are using straight coco chips as a medium? I just did crop like that and it was awesome. I was nervous about coco because it stayed so wet but with the coco chips I was flooding 15 times a day no problem.


Well-Known Member
What's up, coco growers? Been a while. I'm curious if other people are using straight coco chips as a medium? I just did crop like that and it was awesome. I was nervous about coco because it stayed so wet but with the coco chips I was flooding 15 times a day no problem.
My first coco run was 100% coco chips in air pots worked fine for me. You flooded 15 times a day ?? Thats a lot but yeah its pretty hard to over water in coco.


Well-Known Member
I have some questions for the coco growers out there. Here's the deal...

I've been growing in supersoil for two years with great success. Before that I was using the entire line of Fox Farm. I've been really happy with soil, especially the Super Soil except for the fact that I get thrips and white flies in every bag of Roots soil. I've considered switching soils and amending it to match the roots but time is critical for me and I can't wait for the month+ to let the SS cook so I've been looking at alternatives.
I started looking into coco because I've been told a quality brand of coco will never have bugs in it, I've seen great results with it elsewhere, and I would like to try and become familiar with other mediums than soil.
I have some books with information on coco that's I've always skipped over because I never considered using it at the time. So I will read that but a few specific questions I have are:
When people say ''flush'' the coco how much water are you using? And I assume the water needs to be ph'ed, correct?
Are bottanicare and Canna still quality sources of coco? And I will be growing in containers, so I was looking at the coco coir as I heard it retains water the best.
How fast does coco dry out? I hear of people mixing perlite in with it so I thought it retained water pretty well but then I read that in containers it will need to be watered everyday so I'm a little confused.
When I used the Fox Farm I would feed once with the nutes, and then just water with plain RO water. Is this what you do with Coco, or you do use a nutrient solution with every watering?
I have a 5' x 5' veg/flower room where they will be growing. I would like to pop 20 seeds but this would leave me with little space so I planned on almost no veg time and flowering in small pots. Do any extra considerations need to be taken when flowering in small pots of coco?