Do You Accept The Theory Of Evolution?


New Member
Well its an entirely different part of your brain that fires up when you are having a "spiritual" experience and it can't be read yet, like when someone who thinks they are psychic has their brain read by machines when they have a "premonition" its a specific part of the brain that has increased activity...although nobody has ever proven to be a psychic and I don't really believe in a true coincides with similar studies of the brain during "spiritual" type experiences..

I can tell you probably one of the freakiest things I "believe" in...The Ouija board, it does work, I am convinced it is not talking to the dead though, it is a sort of telepathy, like involuntary muscle movements (i forget the technical term) essentially you are communicating in a way that science has yet to understand (with yourself) this is an example for me...I determined from tests that it definitely isn't actually communicating with dead people or ghost, it has to be that your communicating with yourself and at least one other person.


Well-Known Member
I feel like the question ''why are we here?'' is one of the major reasons for the start of religion as a whole. Not the only reason of course but before evolution or science there was no better reason other than a creator to our primitive mind. Science, like it or not, has been a huge thorn in the side to religion from Galileo showing the sun as the center of our system to Darwin introducing evolution and showing how Adam didnt just pop up because god is all powerful. Showing how we came from micro organisms is a little more believable than creationism in the Christian sense of a creator. I guess i havent seen anything in my life that cant be explained by science or coincidence. I have seen no miracles. Maybe if i did i would change my tune..


Well-Known Member
See things like the board sound fantastic to me but ive done one with my buddy and nothing happened. Ya i ve seen stuff like that on TV about pyschics but ive also seen a guy that can do math in his brain faster than a calculator. Why? Cause for some reason his brain does math where it also controls involuntary movement. Check out Stan Lee's show about sperhumans. Craz people but its always explained by science.


New Member
maybe you think it is explained but in 100 years they will be laughing at that explanation, maybe in 5 years, maybe tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
If your talking about the guy doing math in his head i totally agree. I was just basing that off of head scans showing areas lighting up that were irregular like you said with psychics. With that being said i dont think we use anywhere near our brains potential. I think our brains our constantly evolving. X-Men is obviously taking it to an extreme but i believe in thousands of years (if we havent destroyed the earth) we will all be able to do things with our brain we cant do now and we will look back and think.. Wow we were dumb back then. I just do not attribute these things to a six sense in the spiritual sense.


New Member
fair enough, but I think its all related, its the same portion of the brain (aside from the math kid)


New Member




Well-Known Member
Could be... Like i said, i havent done a lot of studies on agnostics so i dont know if you would be considered an orthodox agnostic in your beliefs but i have done alot of research for school on Wicca and what you say you believe in sounds pretty close. Have you read anything on Wiccan beliefs? Wicca isnt so much into a ''God'' or ''Godess'' but a spiritual realm. Call it mother earth or whatever but thats what you seem to be explaining to me.


New Member
I know a lot about wicca, I studied it for a few years, mostly dutch, but no I do not believe in any of it...I don't follow any books or stories.


Well-Known Member
Im working right now but ill have to check that video out when i get to the house. I think ive seen or heard of something like this.


New Member
Ok take a necklace and hold it in your hand so its dangling down straight up and down, become completely relaxed and focused, now imagine and state out loud, back and forth for NO and Circles for ask some yes or no questions. Imagine it will work and be sincere and you will find it (your brain) will answer appropriately.


Well-Known Member
That would only be special if you asked it someone you didnt already know and you have a 50/50 shot at getting it right. If i tried that out with a question i couldnt possibly know and got it right it would hold water. Otherwise i could skip the string and just tell you yes or no. Are you saying i could give you an enormous math problem and give you multiple choice answers where you could answer yes or no and you would get it right?


Well-Known Member
My grandma did that for both of my children on their moms hand and sadly got them both wrong. Thanks grandma. Had to return all the wrong color j/k.. She did get them wrong though.


New Member
you can ask the ouija board complex questions and it can answer them yes, but you CAN NOT ask it something that you do not know and come out with a definitive answer - this for me is what disproves that it is a spirit, I did experiments like have someone write down a number sitting across the room countless times and its impossible for it to tell you because IT is your brain.


Well-Known Member
you can ask the ouija board complex questions and it can answer them yes, but you CAN NOT ask it something that you do not know and come out with a definitive answer - this for me is what disproves that it is a spirit, I did experiments like have someone write down a number sitting across the room countless times and its impossible for it to tell you because IT is your brain.
it is your brain it isnt even anything special...



Well-Known Member
So what your saying is it works but its not really spiritual? It is interesting how our mind stores info. That might work great for taking a test that you studied for but cant remember the answer to due to being worried about failing. I always thought the guys holding a stick out looking for water were crazy. Especially cause they never seemed to find water. How could you embaress yourself on tv like that haha.


New Member
whats more interesting is how you can throw the pointer thru the air seemingly supernaturally with your fingers just resting lightly