Donald Trump is a liar.


Well-Known Member
Q Mr. President, this morning, on Twitter, you were referring to the testimony of James Comey vindicating you. But I wondered if you could tell us in person, sir, why you feel that his testimony vindicated you when it really boils down to his word against your word. And if you could also tell us, sir, do tapes exist of your conversations with him?

PRESIDENT TRUMP: Well, I'll tell you about that maybe sometime in the very near future.

anyone think he'll maybe sometime in the very near future tell us?


Well-Known Member
Q Mr. President, this morning, on Twitter, you were referring to the testimony of James Comey vindicating you. But I wondered if you could tell us in person, sir, why you feel that his testimony vindicated you when it really boils down to his word against your word. And if you could also tell us, sir, do tapes exist of your conversations with him?

PRESIDENT TRUMP: Well, I'll tell you about that maybe sometime in the very near future.

anyone think he'll maybe sometime in the very near future tell us?
He is going to have a subpoena stuck up his ass very soon to get the tapes he claims to have.
This is getting better and better each day as I watch Trump digging massive holes for himself, and I can't wait until his fat ass gets thrown in one and buried alive.
You wanted to be POTUS, asshole?
As the saying goes "be careful about what you wish for" motherfucker, because you and your sons and daughter are on a sinking ship, and I'm loving it.
Bye bye, douchebag


Well-Known Member
He is going to have a subpoena stuck up his ass very soon to get the tapes he claims to have.
This is getting better and better each day as I watch Trump digging massive holes for himself, and I can't wait until his fat ass gets thrown in one and buried alive.
You wanted to be POTUS, asshole?
As the saying goes "be careful about what you wish for" motherfucker, because you and your sons and daughter are on a sinking ship, and I'm loving it.
Bye bye, douchebag
If we simply must have a corrupt as fuck president, it's a very good thing he's as mind numbingly stupid as this one.


Well-Known Member
If we simply must have a corrupt as fuck president, it's a very good thing he's as mind numbingly stupid as this one.
That's actually a very good point. Nixon was about as smart a guy as you'll come across and in the end he couldn't escape.

Trump has essentially ZERO chance of being able to outwit a deceased, half-rotted head of cabbage, let alone a Senate Committee hell bent on ending his ass.