Donald Trump is a liar.


Well-Known Member

The mental capacity of some people really makes me depressed. Let's review:

The thread title posted by Uncle Buck was: Donald Trump is a liar.

His first post was: It's true.

To which I replied: I don't recall anybody ever saying it wasn't.

Got it now, or do you need some 8 x 10 color, glossy pictures with circles and arrows and a paragraph on the back of each one explaining what each one is?
You don't recall anybody saying Trump was not a liar? You have selective memory issues. Don't blame others for your personal problems.


Well-Known Member
From when you tried to con your minion 'buddies' with that bullshit a few months back under your Uncle Buck socket.
Lol. You are a regular Shitlock Homes.

That thing you posted about chemtrails was illuminating. Did you know that they are experimenting with and researching computerized implants in humans - which proves that there are a bunch of sentient robots in control of the mainstream media?

Fucking dimwit.


Well-Known Member
Lol. You are a regular Shitlock Homes.

That thing you posted about chemtrails was illuminating. Did you know that they are experimenting with and researching computerized implants in humans - which proves that there are a bunch of sentient robots in control of the mainstream media?

Fucking dimwit.
Keep going, you're doing great.
