Donald Trump is a liar.

A.K.A. Overgrowem

Well-Known Member
Everyone should chill on Trumpy. He is a disorganized scatterbrain and will hopefully get little done. Pence, although a Trogladite, is more capable of enacting a far right agenda.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
trump is sending thousands of soldiers to afghanistan now.

he called that cause "a complete waste" when he was campaigning.

is it setting in now you that you have been duped, trumptards?

You really can't b this stupid, oh wait it's you, so yes you can be.

Why it never gets into your libtard head that presidents don't do anything like this that the deep state doesn't want done is beyond comprehension.


Well-Known Member
I was listening to "Coast to Coast" last night while driving. Some author who wrote about special forces was on and all these assholes kept calling in with Illuminati theories about bin Laden being killed years before and "them just pretending to kill bin Laden to make Obama's approval numbers go up". This poor guy kept shutting them down and trying to move on but more and more of them kept calling and going further and further down the rabbit hole. "I mean, come on, they supposedly killed him on May 1st - that's like the Illuminati's birthday! Connect the dots!"

So in closing, a liar was bound to happen.


Well-Known Member
trump is sending thousands of soldiers to afghanistan now.

he called that cause "a complete waste" when he was campaigning.

is it setting in now you that you have been duped, trumptards?
The right winger's ability to rationalize anything is a truly amazing spectacle.

Party over patriotism.
Lies over liberty.
Fascism over freedom.

Calling George Orwell!

Heil Tweetler

Well-Known Member
You really can't b this stupid, oh wait it's you, so yes you can be.

Why it never gets into your libtard head that presidents don't do anything like this that the deep state doesn't want done is beyond comprehension.
Cringe. Witless ass, youre not on breitbart. It will never be appropriate for you to call others stupid, fucking imbecile.
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Well-Known Member
I was listening to "Coast to Coast" last night while driving. Some author who wrote about special forces was on and all these assholes kept calling in with Illuminati theories about bin Laden being killed years before and "them just pretending to kill bin Laden to make Obama's approval numbers go up". This poor guy kept shutting them down and trying to move on but more and more of them kept calling and going further and further down the rabbit hole. "I mean, come on, they supposedly killed him on May 1st - that's like the Illuminati's birthday! Connect the dots!"

So in closing, a liar was bound to happen.



Well-Known Member
trump is sending thousands of soldiers to afghanistan now.

he called that cause "a complete waste" when he was campaigning.

is it setting in now you that you have been duped, trumptards?
Obama was going to bring all the troops home in a matter of what was it again, 16 weeks? That was the main reason I voted for him.