Doonbeg- stealing taxpayers money


Well-Known Member
trump had pence stay 4 hours away from his meetings in Dublin so that your taxpayer money would be diverted into his shitty failing resort

Your taxpayer dollars also footed the bill for all the extra hours of travel and setup on Air Force two just so trump could enrich himself at taxpayer expense

If anyone else in federal government did this they’d be arrested


Well-Known Member
trump had pence stay 4 hours away from his meetings in Dublin so that your taxpayer money would be diverted into his shitty failing resort

Your taxpayer dollars also footed the bill for all the extra hours of travel and setup on Air Force two just so trump could enrich himself at taxpayer expense

If anyone else in federal government did this they’d be arrested
I always stay 180 miles away from my next meeting. Well, I mean, whenever my boss owns a hotel 180 miles away from that meeting that desperately needs a six figure cash infusion.

Don't you?


Well-Known Member

The long con is alive and well.
Human nature doesn't change that much, promise them what they want and gain their confidence. The Flimflam man was a great old movie that illustrated grifting in the rural south during the early sixty's, it would be instructive for many. Look for their weaknesses and exploit them is the real game, greed is a vice for many, so is hatred and fear makes ya stupid.


Well-Known Member
The sad part is there's so much shit and corruption no single human could be held to account for it all, just simply overwhelming. Donald had better hope he wins in 2020 cause he will end up in prison real quick and won't have a dime after the law suits are done with him. Donald and his cronies will keep the legal system busy for a long time to come if he loses the election. He's made a lot of smart, determined, pissed off, powerful and patriotic enemies and they are gonna want a lot more than a mere pound of flesh off his fat ass..

If you sow your path with stones, when you fall it will hurt a lot and Donald has a lot of hurt ahead, everything is on the line, he won't go down quietly. When they turn on him it will be like a pack of dogs, he'd better run to Russia on AF1 if he loses, it's the only way out. Let him go, never corner a rat, give him a way out, it will probably be best for the country and destroy the GOP, Moscow Mitch would shit a brick, so would Pence as they are left holding the bag. If he's too stupid to think of it himself, someone will inform him, if only to spook him into action.
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Well-Known Member
Trump has literally put more money in his pocket with this one, minor grift than he has given up in his much lauded tactic (by idiots) of foregoing a salary. And this is just a tiny cube in a whole fucking iceberg of corruption and self dealing.


Well-Known Member
The sad part is there's so much shit and corruption no single human could held to account for it all, just simply overwhelming. Donald had better hope he wins in 2020 cause he will end up in prison real quick and won't have a dime after the law suits are done with him. Donald and his cronies will keep the legal system busy for a long time to come if he loses the election. Donald has made some pretty smart, determined and patriotic enemies.

If you sow your path with stones, when you fall it will hurt a lot and Donald has a lot of hurt ahead, everything is on the line, he won't go down quietly. When they turn on him it will be like a pack of dogs, he'd better run to Russia on AF1 if he loses, it's the only way out. Let him go, never corner a rat, give him a way out, it will probably be best for the country and destroy the GOP, Moscow Mitch would shit a brick, so would Pence as the are left holding the bag. If he's too stupid to think of it himself, someone will inform him, if only to spook him into action.
We have a few months before the next tenant will be ready to move in. I'd be fine with Trump barricaded in the White House talking to hostage negotiators while snipers look for a clean shot.


Well-Known Member
We have a few months before the next tenant will be ready to move in. I'd be fine with Trump barricaded in the White House talking to hostage negotiators while snipers look for a clean shot.
Personally, I'd like to see him in a court of law where there are rules about truth, Hell for him. They would have to tie him to a chair and gag him, I hope they are prepared for this and get him a nice matching quality orange ball gag from a reputable sex shop, no dirty sock in a former POTUS's mouth, this is gonna be on national TV. Millions will watch as Donald squirms in the chair with his eyes bugged out, kinda like old mad King George...

Donald will spend a lot of time in that state, cause he's got a lot of court time ahead of him.
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Well-Known Member
Guess when time comes to flee after term .... he will go straight to Russia .

Vladimir Trumpski
If he's smart he'll skedaddle to Moscow on AF1, if Vlad will have him, he'll have the launch codes, so Vlad best not refuse and he would probably end up with his own RT propaganda show and he can still tweet to his base about a "deep state coup". He might be useful to them for awhile, but they might ship him back home in a couple of years too, what a welcome he would get!


Well-Known Member
How long would it take, if Donald ran to Moscow and threw the GOP and his base under the bus post election, before baseball bats became known as MAGA hat removers in America?

How long would he be there before the GOP would impeach him, if they got trounced in the election?

President Pence would be in one Hell of a pickle and so would Moscow Mitch who would like his nick name much less then.

America needs a shock, like sputnik, a bitch slap back to reality. Remember how that worked out, ya rose to the challenge and went to the moon, ya won in the end.
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Well-Known Member
Or the fat fuck will crawl in hole ( Hussein style ) somewhere in Saudi.
Suckling camel teet .
Naw, I'd bet Moscow and I figure when the time comes after the election, with all the talk about what is gonna happen to him on TV, he's either gonna go nuts, or to Moscow. Moscow might be the better choice for the country and possibly the planet. If he thought Vlad double crossed him while he still had the button in his hand Christ help us all, so it's likely he'd get in, whether he could stay is another matter, after Vlad relieved him of the nuclear biscuit. Donald jumped trough hoops for Vlad like a trained fucking monkey, so I imagine he figures he's owed.

That golf course Pence went to was bought with laundered Russian money and that is amazingly easily to prove. Looks like all those financial controls and monitoring programs they put in place for the war on drugs is gonna pay off again.
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Well-Known Member
He is all talk, he will break as soon as he is about to get the cuffs slapped on and roll over on the entire operation and every single dirty thing he has ever seen. Whatever they got off David Pecker (National Enquierer), Roger Stone, Russian Interference, on and on, he will be facing serious time and will fold. He is weak.

Ha! And the best part is all those golf courses the American taxpayers have been dumping millions of our dollars into so he can have fun with his friends on our dimes will be seized and become property of the good old US of A!