Doonbeg- stealing taxpayers money


Well-Known Member
He is all talk, he will break as soon as he is about to get the cuffs slapped on and roll over on the entire operation and every single dirty thing he has ever seen. Whatever they got off David Pecker (National Enquierer), Roger Stone, Russian Interference, on and on, he will be facing serious time and will fold. He is weak.

Ha! And the best part is all those golf courses the American taxpayers have been dumping millions of our dollars into so he can have fun with his friends on our dimes will be seized and become property of the good old US of A!
If he wasn't POTUS he'd be in jail right now and most folks know it, he does too. In America a third of the government and the administration depend on the character of the president and this one has none. I figure running to Russia if he loses in 2020 would be his only way out of avoiding court and prison, his assets will be seized no matter the outcome, stay or go. The only other possibility is he wins in 2020 and if that happens we are all fucked. A house divided against itself cannot stand...


Well-Known Member
If he wasn't POTUS he'd be in jail right now and most folks know it, he does too. In America a third of the government and the administration depend on the character of the president and this one has none. I figure running to Russia if he loses in 2020 would be his only way out of avoiding court and prison, his assets will be seized no matter the outcome, stay or go. The only other possibility is he wins in 2020 and if that happens we are all fucked. A house divided against itself cannot stand...
If he wins in 2020, they will still have the impeachment option. One thing is even if people vote for him, Americans really like to have a check and balance system and I would bet will vote in a Democratic house and senate. I think that is why Nancy is keeping full on impeachment off the table and instead will do the investigations through the election, and if he wins, pull the trigger then.

And even still, as much as it sucks for the vulnerable in our world, there is only so much he can do. He has pretty much pulled out all the stops and he has moved the needle, but not much really. Life still sucks for the people it has sucked for, and it is pretty good for the rest of us. Everyone just has to start growing up and being responsible and educate themselves as much as possible and this too shall pass.

As long as he doesn't pull a Hitler....


Well-Known Member
As long as he doesn't pull a Hitler
Hitler had a brain and a plan, Trump is panicking. Hitler never betrayed his country to the Russians or sold it out, monstrous asshole, but he had that going for him at least...

Here is something for you to play with and post it on YouTube, (can't wait), if Donald goes down, you can have a lot of fun with it, look at some examples, the producers provide it to promote the film. I expect to see a lot here, might make one myself...

The Trumpers had fun with it, our turn now and I expect some dandy's!

Make a thread on this, copy below if ya want.
Create a Hitler Reacts Video
Chances are you've seen a few videos of Hitler reacting to ridiculous things out there on the internet. Now you can use Caption Generator to make a Hitler video with subtitles of your own. Today Hitler finds out whatever you can think of with the help of the easiest subtitle editor online. The clip itself is a parody of a scene from Downfall, a drama about Hitler's last days before his fall. This scene in particular portrays Hitler's rage and final acceptance of of defeat. It's up to you to decide what he's raging about today. Go ahead!


Well-Known Member
If your talking doing a “ hitler “ like in offing himself.... then i think he might not have the steadiness in his small hands.



Well-Known Member
Hitler had a brain and a plan, Trump is panicking. Hitler never betrayed his country to the Russians or sold it out, monstrous asshole, but he had that going for him at least...

Here is something for you to play with and post it on YouTube, (can't wait), if Donald goes down, you can have a lot of fun with it, look at some examples, the producers provide it to promote the film. I expect to see a lot here, might make one myself...

The Trumpers had fun with it, our turn now and I expect some dandy's!

Make a thread on this, copy below if ya want.
Create a Hitler Reacts Video
Chances are you've seen a few videos of Hitler reacting to ridiculous things out there on the internet. Now you can use Caption Generator to make a Hitler video with subtitles of your own. Today Hitler finds out whatever you can think of with the help of the easiest subtitle editor online. The clip itself is a parody of a scene from Downfall, a drama about Hitler's last days before his fall. This scene in particular portrays Hitler's rage and final acceptance of of defeat. It's up to you to decide what he's raging about today. Go ahead!
Sorry, you are right, as long as this guy isn't who ever it was that did all Hitler's work.

And this troll that is using Cambridge Analytica's programing to micro target and spam a very impressionable voter base. And the ones he can't manipulate to vote for Trump...

Trump has invited his friends to continue their work hacking into Americans computers and using what they can to have their trolls spread lies across every platform on the internet. The ones that Brad Parscale can't manipulate into their cult of Trump, Putin and MBS will spam lies to convince a portion of the electorate to not to vote.


Well-Known Member
People enjoy being screwed! Standing in the only human checkout line this morning open a fellow that looked older than me but probably wasn't waddled up to me and said " only one checkout line open". I pointed to the two dozen self checkout lanes open and told him the shareholders prefer these. He looked at me like I had three heads and stopped talking to me. The lady at the register smiled when I said they prefer no employees. I love talking to people. It makes me realize how stupid they are.


Well-Known Member
He made an Air Force crew stop to refuel just outside of his failing turnberry resort

They were forced to spend the night there, funneling our taxpayer dollars into his failing resort

Then he made them do the same thing on their way back too

This is just corruption and stealing from taxpayers to the most extreme extent imaginable


Well-Known Member
He made an Air Force crew stop to refuel just outside of his failing turnberry resort

They were forced to spend the night there, funneling our taxpayer dollars into his failing resort

Then he made them do the same thing on their way back too

This is just corruption and stealing from taxpayers to the most extreme extent imaginable
Saw it on Maddow, more corruption and shit to add to the fucking mountain. Trumpers seem to overlook a lot...


Well-Known Member
He bought the place and all the other golf resorts with Russian money, in a money laundering scheme and the properties are losing cash, I figure it's not just greed and stupidity, but desperation, he's running out of money. The Deutsche Bank documents will fuck him and he knows it, his spigot of Russian money has dried up and lawyers are costing a fortune by the day. They will be want to paid up front too, cause deadbeat Donald has a history of stiffing lawyers like everybody else.


Well-Known Member
From prestwick airport to trump turnberry is 34 miles

there are 120 other hotels between prestwick airport and trump turnberry

This is theft. Plain and simple. They are stealing our taxpayer dollars and giving them to trumps shitty failing properties


Well-Known Member
From prestwick airport to trump turnberry is 34 miles

there are 120 other hotels between prestwick airport and trump turnberry

This is theft. Plain and simple. They are stealing our taxpayer dollars and giving them to trumps shitty failing properties
His golf properties were his biggest source of income and they've been bleeding money as Donald's brand has gone down the toilet. This has desperation and has financial panic written all over it. We're gonna find out who cosigned those loans soon, who fronted the money and if it was money laundering too, more felonies for impeachment and criminal charges. I'm telling ya you ain't seen nothing yet, when this shit hits the fan, look out, Donald is gonna go absolutely fucking nuts, can't wait. Every unhinged media rant and angry tweet diminish his odds of winning in 2020.


Well-Known Member
Sorry, you are right, as long as this guy isn't who ever it was that did all Hitler's work.

And this troll that is using Cambridge Analytica's programing to micro target and spam a very impressionable voter base. And the ones he can't manipulate to vote for Trump...

Trump has invited his friends to continue their work hacking into Americans computers and using what they can to have their trolls spread lies across every platform on the internet. The ones that Brad Parscale can't manipulate into their cult of Trump, Putin and MBS will spam lies to convince a portion of the electorate to not to vote.
Jeezus .... that head tho ..... bwhahaha !

Fucking five head.


Well-Known Member
Jeezus .... that head tho ..... bwhahaha !

Fucking five head.
Someone is gonna carve him a real nice hakenkruez on it in the big house, Dirty Rotten Basterds style. Probably his Hispanic cellmate who will teach him Spanish and ride him like a fucking horse, hope the asshole's asshole gets real sore. Put the prick in a cage like the toddlers he's responsible for abusing and give him a silver blanket and a nice cell mate, he'll make a fine bitch, couldn't happen to a nicer guy. Trust me, his day is coming if he doesn't end up in prison, someone is gonna kill the cocksucker.

I have a special place outside my heart for his kind, he would look good in an SS uniform and if he had his way there would be camps and smoke stacks belching smoke and the stink of decay behind the razor wire. He's about the only one among them who cares more about hate than money and has a plan, eventually it would lead to the gates of a death camp. He's fucking Jewish too and should know better so he's got to be really fucked up with a big chip on his shoulder.

I don't hate many, but this one I'll make an exception for, considering what he's done to young vulnerable kids, I'm surprised decent people don't spit in that arrogant prick's face if given the chance.

Needed that, this ones a real slime ball.
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Well-Known Member
Someone is gonna carve him a real nice hakenkruez on it in the big house, Dirty Rotten Basterds style. Probably his Hispanic cellmate who will teach him Spanish and ride him like a fucking horse, hope the asshole's asshole gets real sore. Put the prick in a cage like the toddlers he's responsible for abusing and give him a silver blanket and a nice cell mate, he'll make a fine bitch, couldn't happen to a nicer guy. Trust me, his day is coming if he doesn't end up in prison, someone is gonna kill the cocksucker.

I have a special place outside my heart for his kind, he would look good in an SS uniform and if he had his way there would be camps and smoke stacks belching smoke and the stink of decay behind the razor wire. He's about the only one among them who cares more about hate than money and has a plan, eventually it would lead to the gates of a death camp. He's fucking Jewish too and should know better so he's got to be really fucked up with a big chip on his shoulder.

I don't hate many, but this one I'll make an exception for, considering what he's done to young vulnerable kids, I'm surprised decent people don't spit in that arrogant prick's face if given the chance.

Needed that, this ones a real slime ball.
Humans are another animal and can be dicks like every other human or animal regardless of their race/religion/party/species.

The scary part is they do everything without any plan, and expect no accountability. That is what leads to people locked up in conditions no animal can survive without major phycological damage. What happens when they run out of funding, people are overworked and succumb to the dehumanization of these poor people coming here to make a better life, is what really has the potential to be ugly.


Well-Known Member
Humans are another animal and can be dicks like every other human or animal regardless of their race/religion/party/species.

The scary part is they do everything without any plan, and expect no accountability. That is what leads to people locked up in conditions no animal can survive without major physiological damage. What happens when they run out of funding, people are overworked and succumb to the dehumanization of these poor people coming here to make a better life, is what really has the potential to be ugly.
There is a human imperative here and emotional instinctive reactions are the correct reaction to these specific abuses, compassion motivates action. Paralysis by analysis will not do at all, our purpose in this instance is not to understand it, we understand it just fine. In this case the slippery slope argument, usually a fallacy, applies, it only gets worse and spirals downward real quick if it gets way from ya. Just look at what happened to the Republican party, seemingly over night for many, not so much for other observers who saw it coming. The only thing required was fuel and a spark, Obama was the fuel and Trump the spark, the GOP had been gathering and storing the gasoline of racism for years and it burned down their house overnight.


Well-Known Member
There is a human imperative here and emotional instinctive reactions are the correct reaction to these specific abuses, compassion motivates action. Paralysis by analysis will not do at all, our purpose in this instance is not to understand it, we understand it just fine. In this case the slippery slope argument, usually a fallacy, applies, it only gets worse and spirals downward real quick if it gets way from ya. Just look at what happened to the Republican party, seemingly over night for many, not so much for other observers who saw it coming. The only thing required was fuel and a spark, Obama was the fuel and Trump the spark, the GOP had been gathering and storing the gasoline of racism for years and it burned down their house overnight.
Who knew the election of the first black president, twice, could bring to surface the deep rooted racism in America so badly? I must admit, I didn't. The gop was already on the path to self destruction. Trump didn't create the fears, racism, and bigotry. He capitalized on them and used them to his advantage. He mainstreamed them, and has ultimately sped up the inevitable fall of an amoral party.