Doonbeg- stealing taxpayers money


Well-Known Member
Who knew the election of the first black president, twice, could bring to surface the deep rooted racism in America so badly? I must admit, I didn't. The gop was already on the path to self destruction. Trump didn't create the fears, racism, and bigotry. He capitalized on them and used them to his advantage. He mainstreamed them, and has ultimately sped up the inevitable fall of an amoral party.
Play with fire ya get burned, which is why our political parties in Canada are structured to drive racist out for the good of the party and the country, racism has no political home here. Racism is now a national security issue of the first order, top of the list, and is intertwined with Russian election, political and social interference in American affairs and domestic terrorism is mostly driven by it. Many people in America and the world are now keenly aware of racism as a national security issue, look for policy change with the restoration of responsible government. Racist put hatred first and country last and it's as true today as it was in 1860, just look at what they overlook and support today, Trump!.


Well-Known Member
Play with fire ya get burned, which is why our political parties in Canada are structured to drive racist out for the good of the party and the country, racism has no political home here. Racism is now a national security issue of the first order, top of the list, and is intertwined with Russian election, political and social interference in American affairs and domestic terrorism is mostly driven by it. Many people in America and the world are now keenly aware of racism as a national security issue, look for policy change with the restoration of responsible government. Racist put hatred first and country last and it's as true today as it was in 1860, just look at what they overlook and support today, Trump!.

Racisms is only one thing, a big thing in American (Build on slavery, killing first nations, jailing Japanese, on and on). But there are so many other things to take advantage of to find the worst people possible for these foreign trolls to use to get them elected.


Well-Known Member

Racisms is only one thing, a big thing in American (Build on slavery, killing first nations, jailing Japanese, on and on). But there are so many other things to take advantage of to find the worst people possible for these foreign trolls to use to get them elected.
We've still got issues of racism, resentment and political division that allowed Ole Rob to arise, a prelude to Trump, we beat ya to it, top that yanks! Well ya did, we launched a sputnik up here in Canada and America responded by going to the fucking moon with Trump! Sorry about that, eh. He too was in a unique position of being sheltered from the consequences of his actions by constitutional and political issues, until the election... Canada ain't utopia.
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Well-Known Member
trump had pence stay 4 hours away from his meetings in Dublin so that your taxpayer money would be diverted into his shitty failing resort

Your taxpayer dollars also footed the bill for all the extra hours of travel and setup on Air Force two just so trump could enrich himself at taxpayer expense

If anyone else in federal government did this they’d be arrested

this surprises you how?

he steals from every one he can for his Dumpster properties with bedbugs that are going out of business.

Doral Profit:

100% - 69% = 31%..there's THAT number again.


Well-Known Member
Bill Maher said it best last night.

"If Trump was the head of any other country, we'd be bombing them."


Apparently Bill agreed with you and thought it should be shared too...
Monologue: Weather Vain | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)



Well-Known Member
Bill also advocates individual responsibility, republicans should pay attention, liberals too...

Got a fat ass myself and couldn't agree more, sometimes the spirit is willing but the flesh weak and if it's weak enough it accumulates. Having the fucking munchies don't help either!
New Rule: The Fudge Report | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)

Calling voters fat pigs and weak willed is not a good idea however, if losing weight were easy there wouldn't be many fat folks...
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Well-Known Member

Calling voters fat pigs and weak willed is not a good idea however, if losing weight were easy there wouldn't be many fat folks...

But voters are fat pigs and weak willed! I've been summarizing that same idea since Nixon was reelected in '72. I just say people are idiots.

Bill and I are both correct, it's just that Bill is paid big money to be more eloquent than me. :lol:



Well-Known Member
But voters are fat pigs and weak willed! I've been summarizing that same idea since Nixon was reelected in '72. I just say people are idiots.

Bill and I are both correct, it's just that Bill is paid big money to be more eloquent than me. :lol:

Not if ya want their votes, appeal to their self delusions like the republicans do!


Well-Known Member
Bill also advocates individual responsibility, republicans should pay attention, liberals too...

Got a fat ass myself and couldn't agree more, sometimes the spirit is willing but the flesh weak and if it's weak enough it accumulates. Having the fucking munchies don't help either!
New Rule: The Fudge Report | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)

Calling voters fat pigs and weak willed is not a good idea however, if losing weight were easy there wouldn't be many fat folks...
I like Bill Maher but he is way out of line on this. As a species we have a real hard time with food in America, we subsidize cheap sugary and fatty foods (that taste delicious), and place them in arms reach anytime we leave the house. I pass about 5 fast food spots, 3 pizza, a couple sub shops on the way to the store, and you don't even need to cook it. Anytime anyone stops for gas, there is always a bubble of chocolate and candy to be ignored. It is crazy. This shit is addicting, and constantly being shoved into peoples faces by society. Imagine if a alcoholic person had a drink shoved in their face every time they stopped for gas.


Well-Known Member
I like Bill Maher but he is way out of line on this. As a species we have a real hard time with food in America, we subsidize cheap sugary and fatty foods (that taste delicious), and place them in arms reach anytime we leave the house. I pass about 5 fast food spots, 3 pizza, a couple sub shops on the way to the store, and you don't even need to cook it. Anytime anyone stops for gas, there is always a bubble of chocolate and candy to be ignored. It is crazy. This shit is addicting, and constantly being shoved into peoples faces by society. Imagine if a alcoholic person had a drink shoved in their face every time they stopped for gas.
Bill was doing comedy, political correctness is not his thing and he explains why frequently, Bill is bigger on personal responsibility than compassion on this issue. He's a somewhat naturally skinny guy, though I figure he makes good lifestyle choices too and can afford to be a bit judgmental on the issue. There's noting wrong with a little tough love and wiping away delusion and sometimes being bitch slapped back to reality helps for some. Dietary health issues are a serious problem in America and folks need healthier options and public education, Bill was providing the public education part with a few laughs, a variety of approaches can motivate change.

Capitalism needs regulating and we need to teach folks healthier choices, but the unnatural combination of sugar and fat in something like ice cream is like crack cocaine to some people's brains.
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Well-Known Member
Bill was doing comedy, political correctness is not his thing and he explains why frequently, Bill is bigger on personal responsibility than compassion on this issue. He's a somewhat naturally skinny guy, though I figure he makes good lifestyle choices too and can afford to be a bit judgmental on the issue. There's noting wrong with a little tough love and wiping away delusion and sometimes being bitch slapped back to reality helps for some. Dietary health issues are a serious problem in America and folks need healthier options and public education, Bill was providing the public education part with a few laughs, a variety of approaches can motivate change.

Capitalism needs regulating and we need to teach folks heather choices, but the unnatural combination of sugar and fat in something like ice cream is like crack cocaine to some people's brains.
I would push back with anyone upset that fat people exist, that instead of wanting people to run around for a couple hours a day, we would be at a much better place if people used that time to study math, science, economics, programming. Old age is also a serious health problem, when they do these studies of costs, they completely ignore elderly issues.

I would like to see a study that looks at the lifelong costs of being a 'healthy' person vs a 'fat' person. I doubt it would be any different.


Well-Known Member
I would push back with anyone upset that fat people exist, that instead of wanting people to run around for a couple hours a day, we would be at a much better place if people used that time to study math, science, economics, programming. Old age is also a serious health problem, when they do these studies of costs, they completely ignore elderly issues.

I would like to see a study that looks at the lifelong costs of being a 'healthy' person vs a 'fat' person. I doubt it would be any different.
Plenty of data exists, some supporting your contention. Compassion works better than ridicule to motivate and support change in ones self and others. If we seek to change others behavior and that of the world, the best place to start is within ourselves. One person at a time, starting with ones self and being clear on motives and intentions, connecting with each other person in a meaningful and sincere way.

Throwing facts, accusations, insults and being judgmental is no way to persuade those capable of change, look what happens around here. People actually work a lot differently than most logical thinkers believe they should, people are largely driven by emotion, not data and facts.
Me too.
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Well-Known Member
Plenty of data exists, some supporting your contention. Compassion works better than ridicule to motivate and support change in ones self and others. If we seek to change others behavior and that of the world, the best place to start is within ourselves. One person at a time, starting with ones self and being clear on motives and intentions, connecting with each other person in a meaningful and sincere way.

Throwing facts, accusations, insults and being judgmental is no way to persuade those capable of change, look what happens around here. People actually work a lot differently than most logical thinkers believe they should, people are largely driven by emotion, not data and facts.
This just sounds really close to telling gay people they should choose to be strait. If they suck it up and do something against their nature, they can fit in.

Fuck it, fat people exist. They are not deficient, I don't care how much my IT guy weighs as long as he keeps my shit running.


Well-Known Member
This just sounds really close to telling gay people they should choose to be strait.
A bit of conflating, people have an element of choice about health issues, weight among them, gay people have no such choices about their sexual orientation, nor is there any imperative for them to have any. Being gay is a natural part of the human condition as are a spectrum of sexual, mostly harmless, varieties, unless yer into S&M shit.

Nobody likes being severely over weight and if change were easy or even possible for many they would be as skinny as Bill Maher and healthier too. As one of the afflicted I have a real struggle with it, personal choices and responsibilities too.


Well-Known Member
A bit of conflating, people have an element of choice about health issues, weight among them, gay people have no such choices about their sexual orientation, nor is there any imperative for them to have any. Being gay is a natural part of the human condition as are a spectrum of sexual, mostly harmless, varieties, unless yer into S&M shit.

Nobody likes being severely over weight and if change were easy or even possible for many they would be as skinny as Bill Maher and healthier too. As one of the afflicted I have a real struggle with it, personal choices and responsibilities too.
A fat person gets fat because they have some combination of genetic factors, caloric imbalances, mobility issues (maybe others, but those are the big ones I can think to get a person investing too many calories for the amount they burn off in a typical span of time.

Being gay in the 90's and earlier was not the healthiest lifestyle.

And I know I have heard 'nobody wants to be gay' before.

I am not saying we live in a world for fat people. If someone is really struggling and wants to make it easier on their bodies, they should just get a gastric sleeve put in. There are medical procedures that can 'fix' fat people. But it doesn't mean there is anything wrong with them. It is like telling a person who makes a livelihood in a physical job that they need to do a couple hours of rigorous math everyday because society would be better off.


Well-Known Member
And I know I have heard 'nobody wants to be gay' before.
More conflation, my views on the subject are clear, these are two completely different issues with different factors, yer mixing apples and oranges.
Compassion and understanding work best in both though. The health issues of being over weight are a lot different than being gay too, though both groups are subject to abuse and bigotry. Unfortunately being different is dangerous and triggers fear and hatred in others with the subsequent results. Gay, brown, Jewish or fat, makes no difference to many, they despise and hate em all.
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