Eliminating AN voodoo tarantula and parahna by using tea ??


Well-Known Member
I've been doing a lot of searching about the benifits of aerated compst teas, and have come to the conclusion that they are awsome for plant/root growth and health. Now here's where i need some help from the masters. If i where to brew a batch of ACT using high quality mulch, liquid kelp, great white and molasses, could i replace the hundreds of dollars worth of AN products? Sence all the AN products are just mycrobes and fungi's. Im sure i wouldn't have the exact ratio or speicies they do but it should be real close and have plenty of life to keep the medium thriving. Can anyone shed a bit of insight on this subject, may somthing i need to add or eliminate to make it better? thanks and happy gardening.
I did post this in the nutreint forum also but both forums are pretty slow so dont bust my balls.....Too much


Well-Known Member
You should be able to eliminate most of it. If you add those products to your tea and they take off there is no reason you should ever have to add them again as long as you never completely drain the tea. Some particular microorganisms are symbiotic with root surfaces and will not be able to survive as well in the tea but the rest should do very well.