Eliminating Free Speech The Smart Way


Well-Known Member
D- . Not on topic, queer and possibly obsessive Trump derangement syndrome driven response.

Please report to summer school room 124 to repeat remedial Journalism.
Awww, little robby the neo nazi is upset that we don’t all worship trump like he does


Well-Known Member
“Where were the “free speech” crusaders three months ago, when a PEN America report documented more than 70 separate instances of President Trump or senior administration officials smearing journalists and denying them access and platforms? Why didn’t the crusaders challenge the gag orders Trump imposed on federal agencies, including barring the Environmental Protection Agency from providing information on climate change? And what about the administration’s oft-repeated intention to tighten libel laws?”

Yet it sure is funny how many people want to think Julian Assange is an exception.

He did exactly the same thing Daniel Ellsberg did, no more, no less.


Well-Known Member
Left-wing activists have recently been increasingly active in seeking to limit opposing political viewpoints, in order to create a more ubiquitous “groupthink.”
so whats your solution"
limit the left-wings 1st amendment right to protest right-wing hate speak?..sounds like a double standard.
incidentally i do support the exercise of free speech regardless however vile the rhetorical vitriol may be.


Well-Known Member
so whats your solution"
limit the left-wings 1st amendment right to protest right-wing hate speak?
incidentally i do support the exercise of free speech regardless however vile the rhetorical vitriol may be.
But remember, the right wingers are NOT snowflakes who can't stand hearing people disagree with them.