First time grow and using CFLs


Well-Known Member
Another couple weeks and I should be germinating some seeds for the third round of plants. Going to try to germ four seeds with the hopes of getting a couple females out of it.


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure what's going on but I think it might be from treating the plants for the mites. I've already got some pistils turning amber. It started with the top of the main cola on the WW but now I see the tips of a few pistils on each of about half of the buds of both plants turning amber. I'm not sure if this is normal or if it's a reaction to treatment for mites.


Active Member
I'm not sure what's going on but I think it might be from treating the plants for the mites. I've already got some pistils turning amber. It started with the top of the main cola on the WW but now I see the tips of a few pistils on each of about half of the buds of both plants turning amber. I'm not sure if this is normal or if it's a reaction to treatment for mites.
hi dez :) *I don't know if I can help* but I have a similar situation here: I'm only between 2-3 weeks of flowering and my bagseed this weekend started to show quite a few amber pistils, especially on the main cola.

I heard (don't remeber where on RIU, sorry m8 ) that some mite treatments can create early amber pistils or something like that (and no harm if I can remember correctly) but I guess it can happen naturally also since I didn't have any mites (for now - touch wood-iron-balls sayin' this lol...! ^^ )

maybe try to ask in the plant's problems section tho just to be sure

-c ya, bye :)


I am doing a Pc grow as leaves look exatly like yours some have yellow tips and are a littly crinkly..i would def get a fan on them makes them stronger and keeps them cool..i stunted mine at first had the light about an inch away..might be good at first for pc but my plants are very short for there age i run the lights three inches away now


Well-Known Member
Yeah I asked and got an answer already about the pistils. It's from the spray and they should recover no problem is what I was told.

As far as the leaves go, I have plenty of fan action going on in there right now (9" fan on a dimmer switch for circulation and a 9" fan on a dimmer switch for exhaust with a big ass intake that's filtered and connected to two 4"vent hoses). I have the fans on dimmers so I can dial in the fan speed to control the temps and wind speed over the plants. I'm using DIY Co2 generators in my room too but I think running the exhaust fan 24/7 probably sucks most of it produces out.

The leaf problems you see are from me being careless and getting water filled with nutes on them when I watered a couple times. That and I let the soil Ph get too high a few times and I had a couple leaves grow into the lights since I keep them so close to the plants. None of the damage is new and I haven't had any issues like that in about a week or so. I'm new and I'm making the same mistakes everyone else does. I think the next round will go smoother and am still hopeful that tese two will turn out ok.

Good luck with yours man! You should drop a link in your sig to some pics of your grow or something. I'd like to check it out.


hey i just took some pics gotta get em up..will give you a did you cut yours to get the colas..iam doing my lst..should i cut the top to get more colas?


Well-Known Member
I'm wayy new bro so I wouldn't give you any advice on how to get more colas. I did LST on the plant on the left. I tried it on the other one but it stopped growing the day I tied it down so after a few days I untied it. It ended up growing a little "to the side" from being tied down though.

From what I've read though you can lst, fim, top or supercrop it to get more colas and there's a bunch of threads on here that explain how to do all of these. I did lst because I started with a cabinet with only a 32" inside height. I started flowering early for the same reason but now I have 7' ceilings in the rooms so it wasn't necessary. I'm still doing LST on one of my vegging plants but mainly in hopes that it will bud like the White Widow is.

Good luck man.


Well-Known Member
I built those closets in my garage so the smell stays out there and actually if I don't open the doors you can't smell them. I have the exhaust being pulled through carbon and so far it's working. If I open the door though it fills the garage up with the beautiful smell of MJ that lingers for a while.


Well-Known Member
I cant get it to open your link. I thinkmy connection might be screwed up though so I'll try later.


Well-Known Member
I over nuted the Shiva Skunk apparently. It noticed signs of it yesterday when I watered/fed them. The picture links in the plant problems thread are broken or something so once again SimpsonSampson420 helped me out. The WW looks fine though so I'll feed them different amounts of nutes going forward instead of mixing up one batch and splitting it up among the two.


Well-Known Member
Ahh things are not looking so good for me right now. Got some work lined up and won't be able to do it since some kid on a quad ran into me on my dirtbike and fucked us both up. He got knocked out and hauled off in an ambulance and I got a major concussion, almost passed out a few times and now have a separated shoulder, torn ligaments in my arm, swollen knees, scrapes, cuts and welts head to toe and can hardly walk. I didnt want the ambulance ride but they wanted to take me since I was having a hard time staying conscious. My buddies scooped me up with a shovel, so to speak, and gave me a ride to camp. Took some vicodin and a few beers, ate some food, drank a rockstar and was driven home where I've been miserable since.
Got xrays yesterday and got the word on the injuries and I'm heading to the Ortho in a few minutes to find out when my MRI and surguries will be. Good times for sure, fucking idiot kid. When I sat up I could hear him snoring.

I'll update the plants as soon as get this shit straightened out. Probably a couple days.


Well-Known Member
Ahh things are not looking so good for me right now. Got some work lined up and won't be able to do it since some kid on a quad ran into me on my dirtbike and fucked us both up. He got knocked out and hauled off in an ambulance and I got a major concussion, almost passed out a few times and now have a separated shoulder, torn ligaments in my arm, swollen knees, scrapes, cuts and welts head to toe and can hardly walk. I didnt want the ambulance ride but they wanted to take me since I was having a hard time staying conscious. My buddies scooped me up with a shovel, so to speak, and gave me a ride to camp. Took some vicodin and a few beers, ate some food, drank a rockstar and was driven home where I've been miserable since.
Got xrays yesterday and got the word on the injuries and I'm heading to the Ortho in a few minutes to find out when my MRI and surguries will be. Good times for sure, fucking idiot kid. When I sat up I could hear him snoring.

I'll update the plants as soon as get this shit straightened out. Probably a couple days.
damn man sounds rough hope u get better


Well-Known Member
Well we don't know if I'm having surgery on the shoulder and won't know until next week. I get to wear one of those awesome braces for the grade 3 AC Separation for a week and he's going to decide based on how it looks then. Got an MRI today and will get the rtesults in a couple days. Def having surgery for the knees and arm but won't know exactly what surgeries or how bad they'll be until the results come back from the MRI.

I've been riding off and on for almost 20 years and have been racing for the past 4 and have never been hurt like this. I feel and look like I got hit by a car or something. Shit sucks bro, but it'll all heal and I'll be fine eventually.

My wife is not very happy about having to help me with my grow either but I have no choice but to ask. She'll be adjusting my lights and watering with me tonight :)


Dude! I just forced my plant into flowering using cfl's! I love the progress i have been getting with these lights! your plants look GREAT! i hope my plants turn out like that! HAPPY CULTIVATION!


Well-Known Member
Dude! I just forced my plant into flowering using cfl's! I love the progress i have been getting with these lights! your plants look GREAT! i hope my plants turn out like that! HAPPY CULTIVATION!
Thanks man. My plants don't look so happy today though. I guess I should've watered instead of feeding nutes on the last watering because they've got nute burn now. I gave them straight water last night in hopes they'll come back around. The buds all still look good and the Skunk plant is getting this killer looking cola going but a bunch of the leaves look burned on both plants. I thought I saw it starting after I fed them last and it set in over the weekend.
There's a learning curve with stuff, that's for sure.


Well-Known Member
Thanks man. My plants don't look so happy today though. I guess I should've watered instead of feeding nutes on the last watering because they've got nute burn now. I gave them straight water last night in hopes they'll come back around. The buds all still look good and the Skunk plant is getting this killer looking cola going but a bunch of the leaves look burned on both plants. I thought I saw it starting after I fed them last and it set in over the weekend.
There's a learning curve with stuff, that's for sure.
Why dont you flush them with ph'ed water (three times the amount of soil, so 9 gallons of water for a 3 gallon pot) and let them sit for 4 days or so then start them back on half nutes? Thats what you should do to eliminate the build up of nutes in your soil.

-edit- oops sorry didnt read about your injuries, get better first man....then worry about the plants. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
Why dont you flush them with ph'ed water (three times the amount of soil, so 9 gallons of water for a 3 gallon pot) and let them sit for 4 days or so then start them back on half nutes? Thats what you should do to eliminate the build up of nutes in your soil.

-edit- oops sorry didnt read about your injuries, get better first man....then worry about the plants. Good luck.
Thanks bro. Yeah if i could lift them and take em out, I would've flushed them as soon as I got home and saw them. Felt like too much to ask of the wife to mix up that large of a batch of ph'd water and sit there for as long as it takes to flush. As it is she watered them for me last night after having to make dinner and take care of the kids since I'm pretty useless right now. usually we help each other out but...