Goverment housing, monthly inspections, and growing marijuana super stealth


Well-Known Member
Ill be moving in with my mom in about a week, and she is living in a goverment housing apartment. Shes smokes, and is reall questionable about the idea but im sure i could talk her into the idea. For my set up i have a 110 watt 10,000k flourescent fixture for veging and a 150 watt hps with 4 26 watt 2700k cfl's. I have a rubermaid tube customed out for veging, and am still debating on what to use for flowering, it either going to be a dressor or a file cabinet.

So my questions are:

1. Will there be a boost in the electricity bill be enough so that they will start getting suspicious?

2. If my units are completly smell/noise proof would they be able to search them if they have suspicion, like does the goverment have the ability to search through your personal shit?

thanks in advance.


Well-Known Member
....bumb... any tips? Any electricle info that would help me from starting a project that has busted writen on it or any that will help me feel more comfortable about this set up????


Well-Known Member
Is she section 8?

1. There will be a boost in the electricity, but there is a valid reason a second person moved into the apartment.

2. Generally a section 8 inspection is to verify that the apartment meets government health and saftey criteria. In cases where the landlord suspects the apartment s being torn up by the tenant a complaint inspection can be ordered.

found ths website:

HAP - Section 8 - HQS Inspection Suggestions


Well-Known Member
Is she section 8?

1. There will be a boost in the electricity, but there is a valid reason a second person moved into the apartment.

2. Generally a section 8 inspection is to verify that the apartment meets government health and saftey criteria. In cases where the landlord suspects the apartment s being torn up by the tenant a complaint inspection can be ordered.
Yess!!! A second person should be good reasoning for sure:blsmoke:, and im going to check up on what section inspection she has.


Well-Known Member
Ill be moving in with my mom in about a week, and she is living in a goverment housing apartment. Shes smokes, and is reall questionable about the idea but im sure i could talk her into the idea. For my set up i have a 110 watt 10,000k flourescent fixture for veging and a 150 watt hps with 4 26 watt 2700k cfl's. I have a rubermaid tube customed out for veging, and am still debating on what to use for flowering, it either going to be a dressor or a file cabinet.

So my questions are:

1. Will there be a boost in the electricity bill be enough so that they will start getting suspicious?

2. If my units are completly smell/noise proof would they be able to search them if they have suspicion, like does the goverment have the ability to search through your personal shit?

thanks in advance.
use a warde robe for your grow as they don't look out of place. they just check to make sure that the place is not becomming a slum. they can check closets. might not be smell proof.


Well-Known Member
It would definetly need to be completly smell proof, on acount of its a studio, and yeah its a gamble that cant be taken lightly, im leaning more toward a dressor cause i just dont see anyone suspecting such a thing out of a dressor, but then again a with a file cabinet i can get away with a good reason to lock it up, i would have "important documents" and there for they couldnt snoop around my shit if they were getting alittle touchy in their inspections.


Well-Known Member
Stealth ideas are cool and helpful though, im not set on anything yet, i could still be influenced if any one has any good ideas...


Well-Known Member
We are paying for you and your mom to have a place to live and now we have to pay for you to grow pot ? Doesnt sounds like the smartest idea to me. GOV housing was set forth as a transition to independence. Taking advantage of the system or even getting caught growing pot could devestate your family for life.


Well-Known Member
We are paying for you and your mom to have a place to live and now we have to pay for you to grow pot ? Doesnt sounds like the smartest idea to me. GOV housing was set forth as a transition to independence. Taking advantage of the system or even getting caught growing pot could devestate your family for life.
How are you paying for me to grow and live? Would you rather have my mom on the streets right now, is that what your saying? If so i hope you live in wisconsin so we could meet up and i can beat your ass. Like i said this would be a mutual agreement. Are you saying that by growing a plant or two that im taking advantage of the goverment?? Doesnt make much sence to me.


Active Member
I believe he is trying to say that, the government has given you and your mother a great opportunity... for instance, a great place to live! and you are going to risk all that to grow weed? get a regular appt or a house then grow, otherwise i would say you shouldnt risk it...

and as far as him saying we are paying for you to grow and live... im not a 100% infact im not even 50% sure but i believe our taxes pay for the government housing...


Well-Known Member
One word for you... s t e a l t h

yes i get that some taxes probably go toward goverment establishments like the one my mom, but its not like its free to live in, there is rent, i ment growing mainly, how r u the tax payers paying me to grow and how am i taking advantage of the goverment by growing is what i was wondering. Enlighten me on that


Well-Known Member
How are you paying for me to grow and live? Would you rather have my mom on the streets right now, is that what your saying?

Its every American's tax money that pays for transitional housing and other housing programs designed to help people find their way.

If so i hope you live in wisconsin so we could meet up and i can beat your ass.

Typical uneducated response.

Like i said this would be a mutual agreement. Are you saying that by growing a plant or two that im taking advantage of the goverment??

I am saying if you and your family are dependent on the governement for its survival I would think twice before risking your family's future by growing pot. I can assure you if caught there will be no future financial aid from the GOV for either of you.

Doesnt make much sence to me.
Its crystal, you just are not ready to accept it.

Let the record state that I have a few properties all which are occupied by people in similar situations as your mom. There is nothing wrong with accepting GOV assitance, its taking advantage of it I dont like. Dont bother spinning this like I dont care...


Well-Known Member
lol didnt even read this thread but its a bad idea, Ask mom if you can...convince her you'll grow mad herb. Im sure she smokes.( plus the fact u dont want to deal with dealers) but it needs to be a team effort in a government house for sure.

tell her everything she will give you more respect.


Well-Known Member
Im not looking for a battle for my point, i am growing and its a mutual thing, yes risky, but thats why we have brains, to come up with creative solutions for our problems, and i think that if i plant it out, think of all the precautions and take care of them that i can do this small operation with out getting busted. Nothing is 100 percent, but i can get damn close with what i know about keeping shit stealth, i know for one that i can nuetralize all odors, keep the electric bill on the DL with the fact that there is another person in the building, and lastly design a unit that no one would second guess. i always have problems with these controversial posts...blah blah blah, im not stupid, i know the risk im taking and im taking it and thats my perogative. Everyone of you is taking a huge risk by growing period. you all risk losing your house and all your posetions, so how is my risk much different than any of you indoor marijauna growers?


Well-Known Member
Many of the people on this board are protected by state laws that allow for medical marijauna.

I don't want to get in on the flame war, but it is your mom that would go to jail since the apartment is in her name.


Well-Known Member
the thing is youre gonna get inspected every month, most of us dont go through that.
Yes hence my main question, would electricity, wich is my main enemy, be enough so that they would get suspicious and its common, im not 100 percent, that these inspections are for sanitary reasons... im going to be checking it out with my mom in the mean time, if so, i have very little to worry about.


Well-Known Member
Many of the people on this board are protected by state laws that allow for medical marijauna.

I don't want to get in on the flame war, but it is your mom that would go to jail since the apartment is in her name.
Yes yes but you are so in... Like i said and i said and i said Mutual Agreement, i havent even gotten into how there are great possitves for her as well which include:

No risk of getting busted buying

No more paying hundreds of dollars a month for some 20 dollars a gram shit
which can go toward her own needs

And all the bud that we can toke!!! Helllll yeahhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!