Goverment housing, monthly inspections, and growing marijuana super stealth


Well-Known Member
I understand what natmoon is saying - if all tokers walked outside right now and lit up - there isn't much the police could do about it. But since that doesn't appear to be happening, you do need to be concerned about getting busted. Not over-the-top paranoid, but intelligent awareness would be more the answer. Don't tell anyone/don't sell to anyone/don't be an idiot and you should be fine. But if you plan on selling - you are going to have to confide in at least one person (if you are selling to a dealer) or you'll have to sell it yourself. If you choose the latter option, do be careful since someone picked up for possession would be happy to give the cops your name for selling it. You may or may not do time - but do you really want yourself and your mother! to be put in that position for a few extra bucks? ultimately - up to you. good luck and be careful.


Well-Known Member
wow does anyone read he already said hes coolin it out with his mom and thts not the issue. he just wants to grow some fucking buds so he doesent keep getting ripped by the shisters out there who are problay those of you are tellin him not to grow so you can sucker him into your 25$dubsacs. he wants to know how to do it so he doesnt get caught he doesnt need a fucking lesson on politics and law. its a felony to grow in most everywere in usa unless u have license to do so so if hes in govt housing or not hes still gonna have the hammer come down on him. as for selling.... if they can prove tht he is thts another felony right so he knows wats up and how many of us grow/sell/blaze everyday. so why is any diff if he's in govt housing besides our government fucks us over so much to have any respect for them is a fucking joke.
hes taking advantage of nothing but what he should legally be entitled to
just like all of us who feel we should be able to light a fattie up with no problems. weed doesnt increase criminal statistics so go and debate about crack and how people are commiting burglary and all kinds of shit so they get thier fix how many pot heads you see doing tht shit all we want to do is grow and smoke and be left alone.

as for your original ? just make sure you have carbon filters on your intake and outake and the lights you are going to use wont spike crap in ur bill so dont even tripp.:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
If we all had the balls to smoke in front of the police they would not be able to do anything and this dumbness would have never happened in the first place.
No one needs your fear mongery,we all know its illegal and we all know the risks.

I know that i could be arrested and caught at any moment but that will not deter me,i made a choice to come onto this forum to spread the word of,No Fear do it anyway.

Its the realization that we are kept like dumb children in fear that has forced me out into the open and as long as we are all afraid we will always be kept like sheep,i for one am sick of it and consider myself a warrior for freedom.
If i get caught i will just grow again and again and i will never admit that i have committed a crime as i have hurt no one and stolen nothing.

If as you say your country America really does put teenagers behind bars for a little bit of weed maybe its time you guys started to seriously put some pressure on your leadership to get rid of these unfair and draconian laws instead of hiding like scared sheep in your closets.

So once again i say stop spreading fear and paranoia and overgrow the law,practice civil disobedience.

I do however stand corrected on the fact that he intends to sell the weed and that is however another ball game altogether.
If you sell the weed to others then you do open yourself up to a world more of shit if you do get caught.

So my advice would be to not sell weed and only smoke it for yourself.
There are many plants out there that you can grow and sell that are worth a lot more than weed and they are completely legal:blsmoke:
Yeah, IF we had the balls to all smoke in front of the police at once they couldn't do anything. If a group of 1000 stoners went in front of the police station and started smoking together, they would probably tell us to go home, but the thing is, we don't have that kind of organization yet. And if we all know it is illegal and we all know the risks, we should act accordingly (evaluating RISK vs REWARD).

And I understand your "no fear" concept. I applaud you for making the choice to grow and to spread the word, but if you were in a situation where there was a HIGH probability of you being caught, would you continue anyway? It isn't hard for this to change from being an issue of "Fuck the system! Rebels for life!" to an issue of genuine self-preservation. I take it that you are not growing in your front yard, with signs in front of your house that says "Fuck the cops, I grow marijuana." Maybe if you did, I would have some respect for the fact that you see yourself as a "warrior for freedom," which is laughable at best. If your operation is underground and is not being proudly displayed to authorities, then you are merely just another grower who is practicing common sense (not the "out in the open" crusader for what is right that you claim to be). I'm not saying that I view cultivation of marijuana as a crime, I am just saying that if you get caught, the people who catch you DEFINITELY will, and will punish you accordingly.

And yes, our country's drug laws are barbaric, and yes, we ARE putting pressure on the establishment to banish these unjust laws. In fact, 12 states have now legalized medical marijuana, and I'm sure more are in the process. The real problem is that there isn't nearly enough influential people who are willing to back the marijuana issue. Most of the people who run our government are conservatives whose heads are filled with propagandist bullshit. Hopefully, our equally conservative country won't reelect those who are punishing voters. If it was up to me (and almost everyone I know), things would be completely different. Unfortunately, in the real world, change happens slowly and it takes a LOT of effort and a LOT of support.

And stop saying that we are "sheep in hiding" or whatever ridiculous crap that you came up with. I don't see you posting pictures of yourself with your weed, with pictures of your house and your address for the world to see, to show everyone that you are such a "warrior." I am assuming that you would care if you got caught, and it is your intention to not get caught. In that case, you are just as much of a "sheep" as you are accusing us of being.

I am not spreading fear and paranoia, I am spreading rhyme and reason. You are spreading ignorance and denial of risks which are very real.

Just stop talking so I will stop having to correct you.:hump:


Well-Known Member
Yeah, IF we had the balls to all smoke in front of the police at once they couldn't do anything. If a group of 1000 stoners went in front of the police station and started smoking together, they would probably tell us to go home, but the thing is, we don't have that kind of organization yet. And if we all know it is illegal and we all know the risks, we should act accordingly (evaluating RISK vs REWARD).

And I understand your "no fear" concept. I applaud you for making the choice to grow and to spread the word, but if you were in a situation where there was a HIGH probability of you being caught, would you continue anyway? It isn't hard for this to change from being an issue of "Fuck the system! Rebels for life!" to an issue of genuine self-preservation. I take it that you are not growing in your front yard, with signs in front of your house that says "Fuck the cops, I grow marijuana." Maybe if you did, I would have some respect for the fact that you see yourself as a "warrior for freedom," which is laughable at best. If your operation is underground and is not being proudly displayed to authorities, then you are merely just another grower who is practicing common sense (not the "out in the open" crusader for what is right that you claim to be). I'm not saying that I view cultivation of marijuana as a crime, I am just saying that if you get caught, the people who catch you DEFINITELY will, and will punish you accordingly.

And yes, our country's drug laws are barbaric, and yes, we ARE putting pressure on the establishment to banish these unjust laws. In fact, 12 states have now legalized medical marijuana, and I'm sure more are in the process. The real problem is that there isn't nearly enough influential people who are willing to back the marijuana issue. Most of the people who run our government are conservatives whose heads are filled with propagandist bullshit. Hopefully, our equally conservative country won't reelect those who are punishing voters. If it was up to me (and almost everyone I know), things would be completely different. Unfortunately, in the real world, change happens slowly and it takes a LOT of effort and a LOT of support.

And stop saying that we are "sheep in hiding" or whatever ridiculous crap that you came up with. I don't see you posting pictures of yourself with your weed, with pictures of your house and your address for the world to see, to show everyone that you are such a "warrior." I am assuming that you would care if you got caught, and it is your intention to not get caught. In that case, you are just as much of a "sheep" as you are accusing us of being.

I am not spreading fear and paranoia, I am spreading rhyme and reason. You are spreading ignorance and denial of risks which are very real.

Just stop talking so I will stop having to correct you.:hump:
i agree with most of what you said except the denial of risks. i think he gets the risks involved. but also taking the risk is part of the game thts how its played and always will be until we get together and fight as one and make tht shit legal. but if so many people are scared of authorities and shit how are we ever gonna get a strong enough alliance against them. we just need more active people all over the world to strike back and make it happen so we dont have to have theese stupid forum arguments about weed laws and governmental debates.


Well-Known Member
i agree with most of what you said except the denial of risks. i think he gets the risks involved. but also taking the risk is part of the game thts how its played and always will be until we get together and fight as one and make tht shit legal. but if so many people are scared of authorities and shit how are we ever gonna get a strong enough alliance against them. we just need more active people all over the world to strike back and make it happen so we dont have to have theese stupid forum arguments about weed laws and governmental debates.
I agree with what you say, but I believe you are missing my point as well. Risk vs. Reward. Risk taking is always involved when it comes to marijuana cultivation, and I believe the risk is definitely one worth taking. What you seem to be missing, is that, at times, risk is greater.

For example, growing in the privacy of your own home, which is never subject to regular inspection. That is a relatively safe example and I would believe it to be worth the risk.
On the other hand, growing in a section 8 apartment which is routinely subject to inspection in a relatively conservative state with no lax on marijuana laws involves significantly more risk than the former. Especially because of the fact that he would be putting his mother at risk (who is already in financial straights), I would consider this to be an example of unwise risk taking.


Well-Known Member
i do understand your point. i would agree its sketchy growing a sec 8 seeing as how they prolly would give him the federal sentence instead of state due to his situation but none the less he understands that its a big risk and what im trying to point out is hes looking for help on how not to get caught. not on what the laws are and what will happen. Its just like a post i saw some kid wanted to climb a light post and d steal a hps instead of buying one, now i think thts a pretty dumb #1 cuase it gives us tokers bad rep #2 he prolly will shock himself due to insufficiant knowledge of electronics, and #3 the main point in trying to say is he wanted our help on how to remove it and he deffinetly got flamed for it but he wasnt asking for that he was asking how to do it. i wouldent tell him just for his own good and cuase i dont want to see some kid dead on the news from a lightpole but anyways same thing with this post he wanted info for stealth growing not a lecture on government class so if you really wanted to help you woulld either answer his ? or not say anything cuase hes gonna make his own choices no matter we say so we mine as well help him if its a good cuase"saving money for instance cuase we arnt all rich" and he even said he wants to save i mean selling would not very smart i agree it would attract attention but like he said theres another grower nearby and if could hook up a setup in his place or sumthin he would be all good and tht prolly means they arnt to strict were hes at cuase theres other growers. idk if it was you who said he was cheating us or w/e was said but i dont agree with that if anything our government is cheating us by taking away what naturally should be ours and has been around for centuries and has been smoked from bamboo to glass to even crazy lightbulb shit and whacky ass soda bottle bongs and god who knows what else. if anything we should be arguing about how fucked up it is and how we can improve our role in making it legal. i mean theres so many uses of it and it its considered bad when you can go to a store and buy a pack of smokes and how many people die from those and how many die from pot? as a matter of fact its our sweet herb that helps those people who fucked up. how many potheads do you see plowing into innocent people cuase their intoxicated not many i see so thts the shit we need to be arguin not this crap. if you dont like whats hes doing leave it that all you have to say is i dont agree sorry cant help you or dont reply. so lets squash this shit and talk about somthing that somwon is gonna actualy benifit from.bongsmilie


Well-Known Member

I like your example and now see what you were trying to say. Sorry if it came off as flaming, I just didn't want to see the kid make the same mistakes some of my friends have.

And you're right. He will do what he wants to do, and if he's going to ignore the risk and do it anyway, he might as well be doing it right!


Well-Known Member

I like your example and now see what you were trying to say. Sorry if it came off as flaming, I just didn't want to see the kid make the same mistakes some of my friends have.

And you're right. He will do what he wants to do, and if he's going to ignore the risk and do it anyway, he might as well be doing it right!
both sides have valid points.... but yea anyways what we need to focus on is keepin kids from climbing the street lamps:blsmoke: and keep the fuzz on the crazy crackheads and keep us out there radabongsmilier


Well-Known Member
I didn't really read the rest of this thread, but you won't be able to put all of those lights in a dresser and be able to cool it at the same time. Sorry. Closet or nothing.


New Member
I can't believe this person comes on here for some ideas and support and gets a lecture.:-| Even IF All of this were true... really!!!!:roll:
We are paying for you and your mom to have a place to live and now we have to pay for you to grow pot ? Doesnt sounds like the smartest idea to me. GOV housing was set forth as a transition to independence. Taking advantage of the system or even getting caught growing pot could devestate your family for life.


New Member
Oh sh*t! Thats true.:-|
yeah I don't have a clue about any of it but it does sound risky. I'm just really high. :mrgreen:

I hope it works out for you.

Many of the people on this board are protected by state laws that allow for medical marijauna.

I don't want to get in on the flame war, but it is your mom that would go to jail since the apartment is in her name.


Well-Known Member
The only ridiculous person here is you majestic,there are pigs and and narcs on every forum in the world,the pigs are very clever and have hackers and crackers and money and equipment,so yes i may as well have a banner with my name and address on it.

It is you that underestimate me,it is you that is scared,it is me that is powerful not them,it is my voice and yours that they fear,it is all our voices that will prevail.

I have made songs about weed and i have given away a lot of seed,my seed is even grown in France,my weed is all over the net,if they wanted to find me they would,i would however not go quietly,i would not take the deal to hush me up,i would make a huge big deal out of it,and they know it,a big public and media deal,this is probably why i am still here as this is not what they want.
We should all do this,every one of us make a huge noise if we get caught.
I have done my bit to help this terrible law to be annulled.

Pot people go to jail everyday quietly this is what i want to stop,make a huge deal out of it,contact the press,contact the tv,contact everyone and anyone on the internet,make internet and paper in shop petitions asking the law to prove that you have harmed or removed goods from anyone person or persons unlawfully and that if they cannot prove this they cannot sentence you because the law is paradoxical in on its self as the law must only protect citizens from harm or loss of goods,if no one was harmed and nothing was stolen the law cannot be applicable and the law is therefore unlawful.

If this is not the case then we live in an undemocratic dictatorship and that would be unconstitutional in itself and therefore illegal rending the law makers to revise the law or be judged themselves as criminal violators of human rights.

Change your signatures to state that you do grow pot and you have every right to,not everything is bullshit that i write on this site and this is a disclaimer,fight back fkers:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
I thought this is squashed but here we go again...

I don't see how I am ridiculous at all. All my arguments have an anchor in reality, not in the hypothetical fairy land of your minds creation. I never said that pigs and narcs weren't on the forums, I just said that I am not one, as you claimed. Every time you respond to me you keep defending yourself against arguments that I didn't make. Maybe you should actually read my post before replying.

Look man, if you care so little then post the pictures of you and your address and your garden. If you don't want to do that, then just admit that you are afraid of the consequences just like everyone else.

And what is this epic talk of me underestimating you, and that I'm "scared." Wouldn't anyone with any sense of self-preservation be at least slightly wary of resulting punishment? I don't see how you consider yourself to be so powerful when you have absolutely no influence whatsoever. You're not a cannabis god, no matter how many "songs" you wrote about weed, and no matter how famous and well known you claim that you are. Frankly, I've never heard of you, and that's not because I'm not with the "in" crowd.

When most people get arrested for pot charges, they do try to make as much noise about it as they can. Consequently, not everyone is seen as important enough to create a huge media frenzy every time there is a marijuana arrest. You want to know why no one cares when someone gets arrested for pot? Well for one, there are about 700,000 pot arrests in the USA every year; the media could not possibly keep up with that, nor would they care enough to. Another reason is because of the demonization of marijuana. No influential news network is going to be willing to tarnish their reputation based on support of an illegalized drug (there are exceptions when it comes to medical MJ). Now I am not saying that is how I believe it should be, I am saying that this is how it is now, and I believe 100% that we are due for a HUGE change.

And actually, in most countries, a law is a law, whether or not someone was hurt or something was stolen. That is not the only foundation for our legal system. You seem to be very confused. Maybe in NeverNeverLand where you live, that is how it is, but in the United States and most other countries in the civilized world, that is far from the truth, no matter how many people agree with you.

And I think you're behind the times a little bit. The United States IS a loose form of an undemocratic dictatorship. All federal drug laws are unconstitutional and actually contradict the foundation of our country. However, shit just is how it is, and I know it is unjust. How do you expect us to turn the law against those writing it? I understand that things are unfair and that this world has a LOT of changing to do, but you seem to have this fantasy conceptualization that you growing is going to get the law changed. Maybe it will show the government that we won't be oppressed by them any longer, but it certainly won't get the law changed until we go out there and prove our point to the general public, and to lawmakers. We don't need support from ourselves; we already have that. What we need is support from everyone else before anything is going to change.


Well-Known Member
I never said i wasn't aware of the consequences just that i am not afraid to take them if i have to.
Your a lil net hater that talks and talks and knows nothing really,your not worth my effort.
All you do is spout law,which is exactly why we fight to change things,you just don't get it,because you cant.

As to you trying to twist my words into me being a megalomaniac i said "my voice and all our voices" you just don't get it because your not a head,your just not,i can smell you from here:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
I never said i wasn't aware of the consequences just that i am not afraid to take them if i have to.
Your a lil net hater that talks and talks and knows nothing really,your not worth my effort.
All you do is spout law,which is exactly why we fight to change things,you just don't get it,because you cant.

As to you trying to twist my words into me being a megalomaniac i said "my voice and all our voices" you just don't get it because your not a head,your just not,i can smell you from here:mrgreen:
I get it, Nat. It is just something that is easier said than done.:peace:


Well-Known Member
Yes yes but you are so in... Like i said and i said and i said Mutual Agreement, i havent even gotten into how there are great possitves for her as well which include:

No risk of getting busted buying

No more paying hundreds of dollars a month for some 20 dollars a gram shit
which can go toward her own needs

And all the bud that we can toke!!! Helllll yeahhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!

ok now im with the other guy "No more paying hundreds of dollars a month for some 20 dollars a gram shit" we are paying for you to live there and if your paying hundreds of dollars on marijuana? i have a major problem with that! when i moved on my own i loved weed more then ne 1 but i had bills to pay so i settled for schwag (when i could afford it) cuz i had bills to pay you need to put that money towards moving out! now you wanna spend more money on starting a grow, electric, water, nutts, soil, and all that shit SAVE IT move out and stop bumming off me and the rest of the ppl who pay taxes cuz that money should be spent on better things like social security for the normal ppl who work for a living. yea you pay for rent but its only like fuckin 25 - 50 dollars BUM get out and get a fuckin job and dont give me all kinds of stories i grew up with no 1 but crack heads around me on the fuckin streets of philly no money but i worked put myself through college and didnt use the goverment i could and should have but i have more dignity then that i did it on my own i went many nights without food but i still did it with out useing other ppls hard earned money now.... i make 460,000 a year legit (master gardener) i own 6 houses an and grow in 5 of them CUZ I CAN AFFORD IT so grow up and make do with what YOU got not me and the rest of America asshole ! im sure if you actually lived like you were poor for a couple months you could afford to live somewhere else!


Well-Known Member
someone else said a couple post back that who cares the government waste money all the time and thats just stupid! of course they do they the fucking government but that doesn't mean that ppl can just keep fucking the system if thats happens nothing is ever gonna get better with that attitude this world is just gonna keep falling into the conceited, materialistic hell that were in right now we if everyone just stopped depending on the government we might have a little edge on putting that money in something that actually help society now i don't disagree with government funding but there a line between getting help and living off the government and that were you crossed your not trying to get out of the shit your in your spending more money on shit that isn't gonna help you now you can say that your gonna sell shit but u already said that you've been spending hundreds on weed b4 that could have gone towards getting yourself out of that situation.