Guns & Gun Violence


Global Moderator
Staff member

Yeah, I haven't lived here all my life & I've experienced several different cultures growing up.
I understand what you're trying to convey, but you realize that we are both speaking out of the same sides of our mouth's, yes?

Racism is bad - Tolerance is good.
Peace bro.


Well-Known Member
Lol, fucking cry baby. My family came from a reservation with nothing, I was the first colored kid to go to my grade school. We've done fine and have made quite the lives for ourselves. Quit acting like the world owes you something and man the fuck up.


Well-Known Member

If even a couple of people in Paris had been proficiently armed with a legally carried firearm (whether the licensing involves an objective training course, psych exam or whatever) there probably would've been far less dead.

For those who say it'd be hard to tell who the "bad guys" are, they're probably the middle eastern looking fellows with beards and rifles shouting "Allah Akbar"...


Ursus marijanus
My point stands.

And your point is that one sort of racism is better than another sort, to the point of being approved.

I come from a nation that is very intimately familiar with racism pushed to its logical limit.

So I speak from knowledge when i say i despise the notion that racism can be parsed into varieties, some of which are wrong and others right. Remember Niemoeller.


Well-Known Member

And your point is that one sort of racism is better than another sort, to the point of being approved.

I come from a nation that is very intimately familiar with racism pushed to its logical limit.

So I speak from knowledge when i say i despise the notion that racism can be parsed into varieties, some of which are wrong and others right. Remember Niemoeller.
Parsed is massively underused word...


Well-Known Member
Ok, you're right - you win.
You are the victim and the rest of the population of the earth are all privileged.

I must have not seen "Institutionalized racism" wherein I was attacked because the color of my skin - it must have been something more benign and harmless.

You're blinded by your self pity.
Self pity? I do quite well, thank you.


Well-Known Member

If even a couple of people in Paris had been proficiently armed with a legally carried firearm (whether the licensing involves an objective training course, psych exam or whatever) there probably would've been far less dead.

For those who say it'd be hard to tell who the "bad guys" are, they're probably the middle eastern looking fellows with beards and rifles shouting "Allah Akbar"...
And if my aunt had a dick, she'd be my uncle.