I'm back and need help


Well-Known Member
Hi rollitup,

it's been a long time since I've even typed in the web address, let alone logged in. I don't know if anyone is still around who might recognize me.

I'm seeking some advice on what the best indoor setup would be for me. I've had a couple semi-successful indoor grows already and I'm looking to get back to it.

I've come to the realization that I'm not going to be able to jump right in and make a living off of this. I just would like opinions on the bits and pieces that I'm going to need to have a setup that I can learn with and still be somewhat profitable.

for example, 1000w or 600w, inline fan or just good ventilation, grow tent or open room, strains to try, etc.

I'm trying to do this in my garage FYI

thanks in advance. It's good to be back


Well-Known Member
20 x 10 tent for the garage - it only takes up about one side of a two car. They are a lot of different manufacturers out there, I own a light house and a few gorillas and like each for different reasons. If you looking to keep costs low, you can get one on ebay for around 1200. You can get 8 lights in there with inline fans and probably need 1-2 portable acs unless you are able to cool some other way. I would do 1000w if temps permit it. Also expect to need a large carbon filter if your worried about smell. I am not the biggest fan of cool tubes, but they will get the job done for cheap in the beginning if you need equip on a budget . Depending on growing media, you could do about 45 coco/soil or approx 4 tables and a nice scrog. My preference would be 240 in aero tubes if you dont mind pushing things to the limit. RO filter will be a good investment unless you have low ppm tap water. There is sooo much more, hope this puts you off to a good start.