Is there truly a way to completely eliminate odor?


Active Member
I've heard of charcoal filters, carbon filters, ona gel, ionizers, air fresheners and whatnot, but can anyone who's actually done this say that their setup is -really- non skunky?

I'm curious.


Well-Known Member
carbon filters and ion generators. Home ionizers are no good. whats ona gel?


Well-Known Member
Ozone Generators are the ticket,once you learn how to use them your grow will be 100% odorless no matter how skunky the bud.


Well-Known Member
I have 2 DIY carbon scrubbers that I made with the instructions you can find in the growfaq. The larger of the two, a 8" model thats 2ft long completely removes the odor from 6 5ft Satoris under 1000 watt hps, and the inside of the room smells STANKY especially when we work in there. This is in a 10x8x8ft room using a 8" and 6" duct fan to exhaust room air through the air cooled hood.

I cant really speak to the effectiveness of Ozone generators having never used them, but I think you can argue that there is a bit more cost overlay in an Ozone generator then a carbon scrubber you build yourself and can refill indefinitely.


Well-Known Member
I cant really speak to the effectiveness of Ozone generators having never used them, but I think you can argue that there is a bit more cost overlay in an Ozone generator then a carbon scrubber you build yourself and can refill indefinitely.
Price difference is a non issue in this case,the real question was if anything will kill all the smell,filters work & i have used them,i even made a tutorial on this site for a $3 carbon filter that works excellent but nothing compares to an ozone generator in effectiveness.

Take a carbon filter out of the equasition for one minute & the air will reek,Ozone generators destroy all the smell in the air & the effects last even when the unit is off.


Well-Known Member
Ozone is the only method that I've found that will completely remove the odor. I use a homemade on that is built around a light dimmer, a higher voltage capacitor (1uF) and an auto ignition coil. Basically it's a crude high voltage power supply that I use to create a corona discharge that generates the ultraviolet light to create the ozone. It's nearly silent and costs about $25 in parts.

from wikipedia:

"Ozone has been implicated to have an adverse effect on plant growth, "...Ozone reduced total chlorophylls, carotenoid and carbohydrate concentration, and increased 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC) content and ethylene production. In treated plants, the ascorbate leaf pool was decreased, while lipid peroxidation and solute leakage were significantly higher than in ozone-free controls. The data indicated that ozone triggered protective mechanisms against oxidative stress in citrus".

I've found no obvious determintal effects on plants with low but usable concentrations of ozone on my plants.


Well-Known Member
Will ozone gen effect the smell and taste of the buds? 1st timer I have carbon filter and ozone gen 10-100 as a backup to mask the smell. It kind of smells like I am bleaching the air. :weed: :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
YES,ozone generators can fuk your buds seriously up,you should not,under any circumstances, place a ozone generator in the grow room with the plants,the best method is to vent dirty air to another location to be ozoniated,then dumped outside,or to insert the generator directly into the exhaust vent leading to the outdoors.

I dump dirty air to an area i have sealed off,then treat with ozone,then vent the area through a carbon filter to the outdoors,no smell no matter what.