It's finally time for me to quit reading and just grow!!!


Well-Known Member
ninja? suck it? i don't know if you read my post or you're just a little slow. i hope the man SUCCEEDS! lol! no need to be so defensive like


Well-Known Member
Last thing the guy need is to be told hes riding a jet pack of shit right now bud, and you have the audacity to call me slow? lol if your brother got tossed in the box and some clown said that crap around me.....ohhh boy. If you aint got anything positive to add just kick rocks pal :):):)


Thank y'all for getting my back. I'm grown, & Go Big or Go Home has always, always, always was & will be motto!!! He is no longer mentoring me on this, and like they say friends close & enemies even closer, so ill be watching my man... The babies are looking beautiful!!! Death Star is about 4 inches and my pearl is about 2.5 but real bushy... Probably only veg for another couple days, waiting for the roots to come out the bottom, so here we grow!!!


Well-Known Member
Right on man, good luck. If you lay low you should be fine. Its a really fun hobby that youll get alot out of. Stupid ass laws, its only a god damn plant, the same as the ones in my garden. Overgrow. ;)

Herb Man

Well-Known Member
Got some super bad news yesterday, has me on the fence of closing down. My mentor got picked up last night F2 cultivating F2 trafficking & some other things... That's the worst news possible!!! Super noided!!!

I also put them under the T5 lights and will keep them under that for 24 hours a day probably for the next 8-10 days, any suggestions on that??

My next move today has to be the seeds, so I've read & watched videos on the process of getting those guys ready, any suggestions other that dark are & a damp napkin?? Here we grow...
Gotta go with your gut man, no one can tell you whether to stick or twist.

The lighting should be fine.

I normally go with water in the glass for 24 hours them the napkin till they sprout (with a heat mat under them).

Herb Man

Well-Known Member
Guido and cloud can suck it. Mans got his own reasons. Mans got his own thoughts. Mans got to choose his path. Rhyme or reason isnt important. Whats important is stayin cool. If ya cant be cool, white :):):) just kiddin ;)
You got a chuckle outta me with that one :lol:


Well-Known Member
Hi y'all!!! I've been reading for 8 months, planning & plotting my new hobby. I know a lot of my questions have been answered a million times on this site, but I get to reading threads and next thing I'm doing is munchen out, so it's time to get to work. Here is a background for those that care, and others, o'well. I'm a closet toker, wifey, & five kids have no clue. With that being said my grow has to be at another place, so I rented a very small 1 bedroom house in the suburbs. I get the keys Friday. My first step will be cleaning the bedroom, and then I'm shopping. I've decided on using soil, since ill only be able to visit it once a day, and be there for a couple of hours a day. I've read a lot of people using tents, but I assume they do because of the discreetness of them, and because its already set up (ventilation, and other things) What I'm thinking of doing is building a room within the room. Is that too much?? Also since this is my first grow and I know I'll be doing a bigger one down the line I'm buying 2 1000 watters with the lids that have the glass and vents on it to keep it cool. Couple of questions here, how much will the electric bill be with the 2 lights, and how many plants can I do with the 2 1000 watt HID w/cooling hood??? I'm looking for quality and quantity in this operation. I have access to some killer clones (don't know the strand, & I also bought some seeds but I forget what I got, but I remember it was a high thc and a high yield strand) regardless I need to recoup the money for the property & this equipment I'm getting. Also I've looked into SOG method and that seems awesome, but from what I'm reading it 1 plant per 1 light- T/F??? So this will be our journey, from start, literally getting the keys,to finish, putting my oldest through college... Couple of things I'm worried about 1) surge in electricity from previous renters 2) even though its a single family house, it's in the suburbs so smell 3) quantity & quality 4) amount of time per day 5) room size I'm guessing is 10 feet wide by 12 feet long by 7.5 feet high-- 2 1000 watt HID --- how many plants??? Lets get it in and make this a memorable trip!!! Thanks in advance!!
Hope the old lady doesn't find out about the house or she'll be worried about alot more than you growing weed lol


Welp the babies are doing awesome!!! Death Star is gonna be tall a skinny & silver pearl short and fat, so ill probably scrog the Death Star, but I don't know if that will give more to the yield or not??? My partner made bail, & we had a little talk, and I'm about 95% he's good people and is taking this on his own chin, but damn 21 years for 4 plants, puts shit into perspective... Over a EFFIN plant, DAMN!!! Anyways, no roots poking through yet, so I still have them veg-ing, but regardless I think Sunday I'm switching to 12-12 under the big lights. I did see some spiders in the veg room today, nothing on the babies, but 4-6 of them on the walls & a lot of spider webs??? Kinda weird!!! Nothing to much going on, ment to start the seeds, but I just forgot to take baggies over, so that will be Sunday. Other than that all good in the hood!!!


Well-Known Member
I mean scrog will work for ya but i figured you were just going to flip em pronto. If that is what your doin then you wont get too much out of a scrog. Youll have to support them somehow tward the end at least so you should think out how your going to horizontally trellis them some way. Man, i bet you could clone off them before you flip with the lower wild branches and get more use out of your trays man cause they didnt look that full too me. Unless you want to scrog, then youd have less plants but have to wait longer. You would optimize your lights better if your running a smaller plant count but bigger with all that room, you could have alot of little guys just pilein in there constantly as well. iDK, whatcha thinkin rookie :):):)


Ninja that is what I've been saying, but my brother keeps talking me out of it. The Death Star is some chronic, but I really don't like the way it smokes, & that's the one I was thinking of scrogging. If I did scrog I would have to go longer?? Cause if that's the case your right on, pronto is the key to the first 2. The pearl is short and fat, how and where would I clone that from?? I mean its probably only 3 inches tall, but it has triple the amount of leaves and it's probably 3 inches wide. I can clearly see where to clone from the Death Star, but not the silver pearl.... Back to my brother, he keeps telling me "we can only fit 4 per tray, the roots and the width and bushyness is gonna take up all this space, but I really just don't think that's gonna be the case. I feel like I should double the amount of plants in the trays, and it would still have room.??? Ill take pictures tomorrow and let you see what I'm talking about...


Well-Known Member
An estimate is you will need 2 sq ft per plant if vegged for 4 weeks. Of course this would be strain dependent, but I feel it's a safe guesstimate and is what I'm using for my tent. 8 x 4 = 15 plants plus a space for my oscillating fan and duct running across the floor. If I'm running 15 on 2 600's, you should definitely be able to push it a whole lot more! The tent helps because I don't lose any light, but I would recommend doing at least 6 per light with your set up. Otherwise I feel you may be wasting electricity running 2 1kw's

Herb Man

Well-Known Member
Most of the tutorials that I've read and watched, suggest one clones from the bottom or lower section of the plant.

So I follow those instructions when I’m cloning.

Why not compromise and go for six plants per tray and see how they go.

What's the worse thing that could happen?


Well-Known Member
Here, this is from an ebb n flow. This should give you an idea of what you can fit in that tray. Not my pics and i hopethe person doesnt get mad i reposted them but im in a hurry. Man id take clones as they make themselves availible till that rooms full to the tits and every spec of lights used :):):)


Herb Man

Well-Known Member
Yep, you don't want to be wasting all that light.

And don't forget you can rotate the pics before you post them, if they're at an odd angle.



Well-Known Member
The lower part of the plant contains a higher concentration of the hormones plants use for rooting. You will have better success from there, but any part of the plant can be cloned as long as you have a good size to cut. People will tell you hoods, machines, cups over them, all kinds of stupid shit imho. It's all about the cut! In my trials I ran 6 in perlite only, 6 straight into soil, and I have done 20 rockwool cubes. All had a heating pad under them and were kept in the same conditions. The perlite did the best (6/6), soil the worst (2/6), and rockwool has been equal to the perlite (16/20) if I disregard 4 highly undesirable cuts I took. That was my second run of the test. My first I did 4 of each and didn't know how to take a perfect cut and used humidity dome. All but one failed lol. All cuts now are 2 inches give of take with 2 nodes below the newest leaves. I cut the bottom two node branches off about 1/16 inch from the stalk, cut bottom at 45 degree angle under water, clonex for 60 seconds, and make sure where you cut the 2 branches off and the bottom of the clone are both in the medium.
As for your room... I'm probably leaning toward Ninja's idea of using every bit of light you can. Even if the very outer plants only produce 25% of the others... It's still 25% gained. Let's see those pics and sorry about the long ass post!


I love my little girls!!!! They all have grown so much, but still no roots poking through yet, so I'm keeping them user the T5s for a couple more days. Started the germination process on the seeds I bought, 5 Master Kush, & 10 Carmelisious. I put them in a damp papertowl & then put it into a sealed plastic Baggie, and stuck them in a drawer. So my partner told me to break so stems into 2 parts, and that would produce more stems, hence making more spots for the buds to grow-T/F??? Also if you haven't noticed as far as termology goes, I SUCK!!! Nodes??? Ok so I see my girls as trees. I have the main "trunk" and off of that I have "limbs", off of that I have "stems", & from that I have leaveas. So now explain cloning???



Well-Known Member
Nodes are essentially the area the limbs come from. So a good cutting would look like this >---|--- the > being the top most set of true leaves, the ---- being the main stem and the | being the nodes and branches to cut close to the stalk. I tried the stalk splitting on my first run, but like I said, I didn't know what I was doing. I do think it's unnecessary and don't do it anymore, but can't say if it truly helps. Do you have any roots at all yet? I usually wait until I can see 4 or 5 little roots creeping out and then transplant them, but you may be able to do it earlier with ebb or later. Maybe ninja can pipe in when it comes to that


Well-Known Member
Ok, lets talk cloning. There is a fan leaf under every clonable branch. Fan leaves arent clonable, branches are. Heres an example, fan on bottom, clone on top. So, if you look at the anotomy of a tomato plant, the clones would be taken from where the suckers would be. Where my pinky is i took a top clone three nodes deep, and every one of those nodes had a branch to clone off of. Short ones but they still worked out. Just a little while ago. I let them grow pretty tall before i butchered em. You could take some off of your large couple. Probly your small ones too, i just cant see them. Idk if you havent read any tutorials on cloning but the branches that are sticking out the farthest horizontally could be taken back and cloned off of. Read, i could tell you it all but youd do it different than me anyhow and it wouldnt be the same. All i can say is keep them warm and moist, not drowning. Trim all the leaves back except a couple, and chop the tips off those and start from there. I like rapid rooters, cause theyre easy, with some rooting hormone. They take 14 days. The last week stop misting them so hard and just put a bit of water in the tray so the roots seek it out. Again, dont drown them. Read it up bro. :):):)



Busted!!! I was being lazy... I will read some cloning material tonight. Because I'm still as lost as I was before y'all tried. It can't be that tuff, I think I'm over thinking this step and making it mentally harder than it is. Thank you for trying!!! Ok so I started the germination process-after the seed pops do I just put that in my cloning bucket by itself?? The top looks like something you can put eggs in (little cups) or do I need to plant it into a medium?? Any suggestions on a type of medium I should start it out in?? Doc, I think this is what your talking about???? I'm using rock wool now for what's under the T5s...