It's finally time for me to quit reading and just grow!!!


Well-Known Member
You just want to make sure the bottom cut and at least one node deep. So UpperTrueLeaves---Stalk---|RockwoolCube---LimbCutAtNode---BottomCut---EndRockwoolCube|

Don't put it in the actual growing medium until it has a good 4-6 little white roots poking out of the rockwool cube. Then you know she's ready to spread her wings. Also, a lot of people take bigger clones, but my reasoning behind taking 2-3 inch clones is that there is less plant matter to keep alive and there are no roots to help in doing this.

Your popped seeds can also just be dropped into the rockwool cubes. I don't do this because I'm a soil guy, but I would say just drop it in, tap root down if possible (don't harm her making sure, she will recognize the light and gravity and grow the right direction regardless), and let it go with the clones until it gets big enough to handle the 1k's

Herb Man

Well-Known Member
Busted!!! I was being lazy... I will read some cloning material tonight. Because I'm still as lost as I was before y'all tried. It can't be that tuff, I think I'm over thinking this step and making it mentally harder than it is. Thank you for trying!!! Ok so I started the germination process-after the seed pops do I just put that in my cloning bucket by itself?? The top looks like something you can put eggs in (little cups) or do I need to plant it into a medium?? Any suggestions on a type of medium I should start it out in?? Doc, I think this is what your talking about???? I'm using rock wool now for what's under the T5s...

I wouldn't worry too much about the cloning thing right now, just focus on getting your seeds popped and grown and watched some tutorials on you tube on cloning in addition to the info you get here.

At some point the penny will drop then you can start having a go and making mistakes.

At some point you will dial it in.


Wow!!! My babies are doing great!!! They aren't babies anymore, they are in the toddler stage, and look beautiful!!! So I did 15 seeds & 12 made it. 1 master kush didn't pop, & 2 carmelisious grew through the paper towel and I went to pull it out and a part of the root tore, so they died. Almost 100%, if I would have came the night before it would have been 14 for 15... I still have them in the clone machine, they all have 4 petals, and the roots look awesome, about 3-6 inches long. Ill be transplanting those this weekend. The 1st round I only have the 8 going, but after seeing all the light not being used, I think I'm gonna shoot for 18-24 next round. Damn I'm really proud of my operation!!! Lets keep it growing!!!


Well-Known Member
Right on man, i know how you feel w the pride thing. I could just sit and stare at my girls all day long. Wait till you have to kill em...thats a day of mixed emotion :|

Herb Man

Well-Known Member
Wow!!! My babies are doing great!!! They aren't babies anymore, they are in the toddler stage, and look beautiful!!! ....

Damn I'm really proud of my operation!!! Lets keep it growing!!!
Good going man, it's a great feeling watching them grow, blossom and going through all the stages of development.

It's a learning curve man, at each stage you will be making mental notes of what you will do differently next time around.


Okay... Boring!!!! So I'm feeling real confident on the wifey finding out about "operation grow". Ebb & flow is 100% the way to go if you don't live with your girls. Once you get a feeding schedule down you can miss 2-4 days( and really longer than that) and all be swell. Now I have some questions 1) How to tell if its a female? 2) What is this discoloring about??



That pic obliviously is the seeds I planted less than 10 days old.i have this discoloration on every plant, bigs ones & those seed ones to. It's just a couple leaves. I have no clue, please help a brother out...


Well-Known Member
Can't say for sure on the discoloring problem, but I'm sure one of these guys can call it out pretty quick. As for how to tell if it's a female... I would keep an eye out for males for the time being. They usually show their genitalia first. It will look like a little ball on the end of a rod ( ---o ) It will show itself at the nodes. Just look at the place where branches come out and where your pistils are. Also, female parts tend to sit a little higher in the node.


Well-Known Member
Also, we're running on about the same time schedule! My seedlings are between 12-16 inches tall right now. They should start showing some signs before flipping to 12/12, but I'm doing it in a few days anyway. If they show before yours, I'll post some close ups for you... If I have any males. Don't know if the seeds are fem or not


Sexy & Paris (silver pearl l/r) & Diamond & Sierra (Death Star l/r) they are 29 days old, 16 dayson 12/12 feeding twice a day filling for 30 minutes each time. I do still have about a 9 inches on DS, and a ton for the other. Then the other pic is the seeds I cracked 8 days ago, (master kush & carmelisious) they are under T5 lights 24hrs in a clone machine, pumping oxygen & misting 24 hrs. The yellowish color is on a couple leaves on every single plant. Not a lot less than 10%. The seeds were "feminzed" but was told its 33% chance it will be m/f/both so whatever, looking at this can you tell what it is?? I'm really stoked about these because I started them. Other than the color (and really not to concern about that) I'm really happy how it all has gone so far!!! Also just got some real good news, my boys "crazy train" (this is supposed to be 18% & taste like starburst) is ready for a clone so hell yea!!!! Anyways I heard something about dry ice, is that anything???


Well-Known Member
Okay... Boring!!!! So I'm feeling real confident on the wifey finding out about "operation grow". Ebb & flow is 100% the way to go if you don't live with your girls. Once you get a feeding schedule down you can miss 2-4 days( and really longer than that) and all be swell. Now I have some questions 1) How to tell if its a female? 2) What is this discoloring about??
What ppm are those at?


Well-Known Member
my thoughts exactly i read a few of your posts not the brightest crayon in the box

anyways im glad someone said somthing:clap: