joining the military


Active Member
I am thinking about joining the military. possibly army or navy reserves, depending on which MOS I can get, and who gives me the best deal. Any advice, suggestions? Anyone on here ever been in the military? What were your experiences?


Well-Known Member
yes been there done that in mess we had to line up get you chow eat and be done in 10 minutes morning 7minutes to shit shower and shave before they try to pt you to death


Active Member
come on, somebody give me some lowdown on what it's really like to be in the military? Do they really give you all the money and tuition assistance they promise? I know it depends on the work you do in the reserves, but...please advice


New Member
Being an old army guy, I'd advise against the army. In Point of fact, joining any service in time of war seems pretty crazy to me. If you have to join something, I'd suggest the Air Force. Unless you are a pilot, you are mostly always behind the combat lines. The thing is though, in Iraq, they are using air force and navy personel to drive convoy, the most dangerous job in Iraq. My wifes best friend's son is slated to go to Iraq this year, probably to drive convoy as the Air force isn't very active in Iraq, Straight up suggestion, stay in school, avoid the military altogether. A few college credits is not worth your life. IEDs are not personal.


Well-Known Member
Military def. isn't for everyone, do a lot of research before u make a decision. I was in the Marines, it was cool until I was discharged for a back injury. Go talk to some recruiters, but dont let them talk you into anything. Remember they aren't your friends, it's their job to sign u up! You have to put up with a lot of crap in basic training no matter which branch u join. Some branches are a lot easier then others tho.... Good luck in whatever you decide!


New Member
I don't have any personal experience but early on when most people thought we were going to war to stop terrorism still, I had a bunch of friends go. My buddies wife didnt even make it thru boot before she broke her back. My other friend is one of those guys that just doesnt wanna talk about it. He was a machine gunner, and before he turned silent, I heard alot about what his crew was doing out there - not so good stuff. I guess since you really cant just execute someone over there, it would be considered a war crime.

Also Halliburton will make 100 dollars for every load of laundry you do, and youll be forced to let them do it. Not only that, you may be bathing and using water that has parasites in it, if KBR is managing it.

Its a no good situation, and I really doubt it needs any assistance. You ever read about the military industrial complex? If you start there and do a shitload of reading and start looking into other things our gov is used for, you may become unwilling to serve anyways. I brought up Halliburton and KBR(Also Halliburton) you can look into them. Obvious profiteers.

How old are you? If you're still really young, don't go jumping into this thing. If you havent already, stop watching TV for a few months and do some heavy HEAVY reading. Your life might depend on it!

I am thinking about joining the military. possibly army or navy reserves, depending on which MOS I can get, and who gives me the best deal. Any advice, suggestions? Anyone on here ever been in the military? What were your experiences?


New Member
Go talk to some recruiters, but dont let them talk you into anything. Remember they aren't your friends, it's their job to sign u up!
lol - If you're going to talk to the recruiters, go and talk to some of the Vets that made it home, only to protest the war. They have their reasons.

As far as money is concerned, my friend that broke her back still gets 500 dollars a month. The value of the dollar has gone quite low since then. lol

ITS A HUGE RISK, there are other ways to make money. I started in mortgage banking when I was 21 and started making some good money! I could only work there because of my persistence and desire to win, which im sure was only a fraction of what is required in the military. Before that I was buying and selling construction equipment since 19. Before that I was a H.S. drop out with a brand new meth habit. Now im a self employed web developer.

I never hurt anyone. Except for a few Option Arms and subprime loans. Read your fucking contracts. ha


Active Member
Military def. isn't for everyone, do a lot of research before u make a decision. I was in the Marines, it was cool until I was discharged for a back injury. Go talk to some recruiters, but dont let them talk you into anything. Remember they aren't your friends, it's their job to sign u up! You have to put up with a lot of crap in basic training no matter which branch u join. Some branches are a lot easier then others tho.... Good luck in whatever you decide!
oorah! my younger sister is/was a marine. i was also thinking about that branch-what kind of score do you have to get on the ASVAB to be a marine? I was hesitant about that branch because I read that the army and the marines are the branches that get deployed the most. That's why I'm thinking the Navy might be a better option, as far as not getting deployed.

Since you broke your back and were discharged, did you still get your benefits, like 20,000 enlistment bonus and health insurance?

I'm 24, and considering the reserves so I can save up money for grad school and get some tuition assistance when/if I'm accepted to a grad program.

I have been reading up on this a lot over the past few weeks, and I'm thinking it's not a shabby deal. Plus, we're not at war anymore, really, right? I mean, my 6-8 years of service would be during peacetime, right? Also, if I'm in graduate school during that time (and it'll probably take me 6 years to graduate), I won't be deployed because I'm enrolled as a full-time student. Hopefully somebody can tell me something I haven't already read. Trust me, I've been reading a lot on both sides of the issue (joining/not joining), and I'm aware that recruiters are probably lying bastards, but I think I could actually benefit a great deal from joining up if I educate myself about it and play my cards right. Right?


Active Member
oh, btw, which branch is the easiest? I heard its the air force, because their basic training is the shortest.


Well-Known Member
Finish school, then if u want to enlist you can become an officer. I wouldn't advise the Marines if you don't want to be deployed... or any military for that matter. IF you still want to go you would be better off with navy or air force. We are still at war, people are dying every day over there.


New Member
If certain people had their way, and they tend to always have their way, we will stay at war until we cant afford to be anything but slaves. You just cant predict that stuff. Im pretty sure she did not get 20k as an enlistment bonus, this was somewhere around the beginning of this whole clusterfuck. If you're dead set on this, try to get something not so confrontational. My buddy's brother just got out, his job was to detect and destroy explosives and stuff. He even ran through Dick Cheney's house a bunch of times checking for bombs. Our military protecting tyrants . Anyways, he survived, and runs security at an airport now. He's about your age and makes good money, but you can tell by talking to him that he understands the whole Iraq scam is a big ass scam. Why are we spreading democracy everywhere? Until recently in history the United States was a constitutional republic that would define a democracy as MOBocracy (mob rule) in the early 1900s. Democracy was called one of the worst forms of government by one of our founding fathers (forgot which one). Yet today you see everyone from the president down calling this country a democracy and insisting we spread democracy to oil bearing nations.

Venezuela and Iran have not been attacked yet.

oorah! my younger sister is/was a marine. i was also thinking about that branch-what kind of score do you have to get on the ASVAB to be a marine? I was hesitant about that branch because I read that the army and the marines are the branches that get deployed the most. That's why I'm thinking the Navy might be a better option, as far as not getting deployed.

Since you broke your back and were discharged, did you still get your benefits, like 20,000 enlistment bonus and health insurance?

I'm 24, and considering the reserves so I can save up money for grad school and get some tuition assistance when/if I'm accepted to a grad program.

I have been reading up on this a lot over the past few weeks, and I'm thinking it's not a shabby deal. Plus, we're not at war anymore, really, right? I mean, my 6-8 years of service would be during peacetime, right? Also, if I'm in graduate school during that time (and it'll probably take me 6 years to graduate), I won't be deployed because I'm enrolled as a full-time student. Hopefully somebody can tell me something I haven't already read. Trust me, I've been reading a lot on both sides of the issue (joining/not joining), and I'm aware that recruiters are probably lying bastards, but I think I could actually benefit a great deal from joining up if I educate myself about it and play my cards right. Right?


New Member
Plus, we're not at war anymore, really, right? I mean, my 6-8 years of service would be during peacetime, right?

Here's where you are dead wrong and I emphasize "Dead". We are at war and with the enemy being "Terror", our armed forces can (and will) be deployed anywhere at anytime. If you join the military at this time in will be considered cannon fodder. Don't think that by joining the Guard or reserves you will be exempt from combat, a great percentage of the troops in Iraq and Afghanistan are guard and reserves. Also a good MOS is not an exemption from combat. The first duty of any and all military personel is as an infantryman. When needed you will be required to pick up a gun and fight.