joining the military


New Member
Yeah, Airforce all the way. I was Army and regretted it from day one at bootcamp. There is some kind of easy bootcamp for airmen, but compared to Army and Marine bootcamp, it is a cakewalk

Arizona Farmer

Active Member
I enlisted in the Airforce in 1971 and the military was the best thing ever for me. I was a mechanic on fighter planes and that led to a civilian career in aviation. I am now retired and have a lucerative consulting business and it all started from my military experience. I got out of active duty in 1976 and joined the reserves in 1983. I retired from the reserves in 2004. I served in Thailand during Viet Nam and served two tours. I believe the military made me a better person. The pay is a lot better today than when I was in. When I enlisted my pay was $148.00 per month. The education bennifits are real. They treat you good in the Airforce unlike the Army and Marines, and in the Airforce you don't have to worry about dropping the soap like in the Navy. Go Air Force!!!

Silky Shagsalot

Well-Known Member
i didn't read through your whole thread, but i say air force. i spent 15+ yrs. in the a.f. and it was pretty cool. first off, the other services are pretty dangerous. even the navy can end up in "very" nasty situations. i spent time in saudi for the first go round. we lived in huge heated/ac'd tents in the desert next to oman. had pool, ping pong, big screen t.v. and movies. hot and cold running showers and ate steak once a week. we got treated the best, and bitched the most. in the air force, for the most part, you're in the rear with the gear.


Well-Known Member
i enlisted into the army as a cavalry scout...i am very proud of my was very difficult..and it sucked..without doubt...and no..i didnt want to re enlist...fuck that...out of all the accomplishment's in my life i am most proud of my army service...i wouldnt do it again...and sure that the cause is just and correct if you might go to war and have to kill is very nice if it is a reason you believe in..i dont mind killing someone..if they have it comming..some people deserve it..and if someone is not strong enough to stand up to evil ..then evil will through basic training for a US ARMY CAVALRY get to basic..and AIT combined at FT KNOX KY. show shaved clothes taken from you..issued military clothing and gear...ruck sack..ect.all totaled around 60 lbs more than that if you include rifle and web gear and water canteen;s....first day of basic..up in morning and run all out two to three miles...its a great idea if you go into basic training already pretty well fit..and i thought i was....back to barracks..everyone in the troop was given like ten miniutes to shower..shave make your standards..dress and be in formation for breakfast...we had around 40 to 50 men..and three shower stalls....and forget hot was the begining of the summer and i was recruited from pheonix ariz. it was alot more humid in AC in the barracks...i thought i was going to die a few times for sure...after breakfast..just a few miniutes to eat...oh yea..if you were skinny they would sit you next to a fat guy and would have you eat about half of the fat guys meal...i seen one man lose 80 lbs in 3.5 months the very first time i seen the drill saergants the largest black man i ever seen stood in front of around 300 to 400 men and said..if there is any one of you who wants a ass kicking step forward now.....LOL..this guy was like a mr one challenged this ape...his arms were larger than id say...95% of the young mens waist's in the unit..this man was fucking huge....and everyone of the DIs were bad ass's...the meanest one we ended up having was only like 5 ft 4 inch;s tall..he was so short he wasnt allowed into airborne...and if he found out you were going into airborne he would run your ass to death screaming at you all the time...the second would run increasing distance all the time you were there..every morning cept sunday morning...after morning PT and then showering then would run to your ranged from radio operations class to artillary call for fire class;s radio operations..rifle range..we would ran to that in the dead of the heat full gear ....if a recruit falls down everyone in the platoon would run around him till he either got back up or we picked him and his gear up and carried would be screaming obsecneitys at the poor fool that fell out of a run the end of the second month or so we were running at least ten to fifteen miles every single morning...toard the end of basic training..we made a road march..that what they called was more like a full gear road was 25 miles..we ran it..full pack and 4.5 hours....on to regular duty station...we were ALWAYS in the field..there is no sleep..there is no hot food..there is no showers...NONE...we would go to the field and train to fight the that time...comeback for a few days..than back to the field for a hot shower's no sleep...
then back for a few days..then we would go run a live fire range..i like this did get a LITTLE sleep...and its fun watching the guns shoot...unloading the ammo and loading up the spent shells and ammo crates is hard work though...that would last a week or two..we would get hot food..and some sleep when we worked the live fire range...then back to the barracks..a couple of days off.then back to the field for another hot showers..this continue's on for 3 years....this is what i found out about the proud im as good a man as i am to be able to do this kind of job...i like warm food..showers..cold beer and hot women to ever have re enlisted..also i am a very independent thinker..and was smarter than all of my superiors..i do not like to take orders from more suited to be the order giver...if i were you .i dont think id join the military.....just my advice..but if you will more than likely regret doing it...but be proud you did it....:leaf:


New Member
i enlisted into the army as a cavalry scout...i am very proud of my was very difficult..and it sucked..without doubt...and no..i didnt want to re enlist...fuck that...out of all the accomplishment's in my life i am most proud of my army service...i wouldnt do it again...and sure that the cause is just and correct if you might go to war and have to kill is very nice if it is a reason you believe in..i dont mind killing someone..if they have it comming..some people deserve it..and if someone is not strong enough to stand up to evil ..then evil will through basic training for a US ARMY CAVALRY get to basic..and AIT combined at FT KNOX KY. show shaved clothes taken from you..issued military clothing and gear...ruck sack..ect.all totaled around 60 lbs more than that if you include rifle and web gear and water canteen;s....first day of basic..up in morning and run all out two to three miles...its a great idea if you go into basic training already pretty well fit..and i thought i was....back to barracks..everyone in the troop was given like ten miniutes to shower..shave make your standards..dress and be in formation for breakfast...we had around 40 to 50 men..and three shower stalls....and forget hot was the begining of the summer and i was recruited from pheonix ariz. it was alot more humid in AC in the barracks...i thought i was going to die a few times for sure...after breakfast..just a few miniutes to eat...oh yea..if you were skinny they would sit you next to a fat guy and would have you eat about half of the fat guys meal...i seen one man lose 80 lbs in 3.5 months the very first time i seen the drill saergants the largest black man i ever seen stood in front of around 300 to 400 men and said..if there is any one of you who wants a ass kicking step forward now.....LOL..this guy was like a mr one challenged this ape...his arms were larger than id say...95% of the young mens waist's in the unit..this man was fucking huge....and everyone of the DIs were bad ass's...the meanest one we ended up having was only like 5 ft 4 inch;s tall..he was so short he wasnt allowed into airborne...and if he found out you were going into airborne he would run your ass to death screaming at you all the time...the second would run increasing distance all the time you were there..every morning cept sunday morning...after morning PT and then showering then would run to your ranged from radio operations class to artillary call for fire class;s radio operations..rifle range..we would ran to that in the dead of the heat full gear ....if a recruit falls down everyone in the platoon would run around him till he either got back up or we picked him and his gear up and carried would be screaming obsecneitys at the poor fool that fell out of a run the end of the second month or so we were running at least ten to fifteen miles every single morning...toard the end of basic training..we made a road march..that what they called was more like a full gear road was 25 miles..we ran it..full pack and 4.5 hours....on to regular duty station...we were ALWAYS in the field..there is no sleep..there is no hot food..there is no showers...NONE...we would go to the field and train to fight the that time...comeback for a few days..than back to the field for a hot shower's no sleep...
then back for a few days..then we would go run a live fire range..i like this did get a LITTLE sleep...and its fun watching the guns shoot...unloading the ammo and loading up the spent shells and ammo crates is hard work though...that would last a week or two..we would get hot food..and some sleep when we worked the live fire range...then back to the barracks..a couple of days off.then back to the field for another hot showers..this continue's on for 3 years....this is what i found out about the proud im as good a man as i am to be able to do this kind of job...i like warm food..showers..cold beer and hot women to ever have re enlisted..also i am a very independent thinker..and was smarter than all of my superiors..i do not like to take orders from more suited to be the order giver...if i were you .i dont think id join the military.....just my advice..but if you will more than likely regret doing it...but be proud you did it....:leaf:
The basic training part pretty much describes what I went through at Ft. Ord. I decided right up front, like the first day, i wanted no part of the infantry and applied to ordinance school and left the insanity behind. I always trended towards a Battalion or headquarters company, I found ways to navigate the system, get a friend in records, and you could get a few breaks. I'd tell more, but I wouldn't want to incriminate myself.


Well-Known Member
basic training was easy...compared to regular duty station...i figured what i was earning a hour...24 hours a day...30 days in a month...divide by 450 dollars a month...58 cent a hour is what i was earning...LOL..yea..all the fat pay made in the military you hear about is BULL isnt worth it..the only way id fight for this country the current condition everything is in is if we were straight up invaded or have a civil war.....this is just not the country i grew up in...