joining the military


New Member
in your enlistment oath you sware to uphold the constitution against all enemies forign and DOMESTIC
Hey can you guys just stay home and help us out with this. Fuck other countries, America is the one I love. Im not joking and not trying to be a dick.


Well-Known Member
Is this 3yrs active and 3yrs non?
They will give you your money after you finish school. You'll get your first check in the amount of 10k minus taxes. Then every year there after on your anniversary date, and if you are overseas you get that pay grade...and if you are in Afghanistan or Iraq when your anniversary date hits you get it without any taxes taken out...sweet deal. My husband got a 30k sign on and 5k quick ship. If you check daily with your recruiter the pay outs change. You can milk them for up to 40k...Yes, they do pay.
o.k. so it's been a while, and I'm seriously considering joining up. I'm thinking the Army is the best option. My recruiter supposedly hooked me up with a 20k enlistment bonus plus a 5k "quick ship" bonus, all other incentives also included of course. I'm kind of freaking out here because I'm not exactly government material, and suddenly this recruiter's ringing my doorbell because he happened to be in the neighborhood, and wanted to drop off a pamphlet he forgot to give me. right. and I got a bunch of shit in writing about the specifics of my enlistment bonuses and incentives-at the beginning and end of the text in the email though it reads, "UNCLASSIFIED" Does that mean that even though it's in "writing", it doesn't count as proof if they end up screwing me out of incentives? 25 thousand dollars (minus taxes, of fucking course) sounds really nice to me, even if I have to wait a year and go through bootcamp for it, but I'm not sure if it's worth 6 years of my life and the possibility of being deployed/mobilized while I'm trying to get into grad school or thinking about buying a house and settling down or whatever. Is my recruiter full of shit? Is this a commonly used marketing strategy? 20k is a big number to just throw around if I'm not actually gonna see it. And I'll fucking hunt down my recruiter and kick his ass if I don't get what he said I'd get.

Dirty Harry

Well-Known Member
*ahem* Weekend Warrior here....not doing the active duty that changes the perspective a bit
You already know this, but getting one phone call you can be doing the active duty thing. I have been there and done that.
Good luck on what ever you choose and thanks for your service.


Well-Known Member
You think it was bad that my coworker blew up a transmitter? Hah! Think about John McCain! They gave him a plane, he crashed it. They gave him another plane, he crashed it. They gave him another plane, he crashed it. They gave him another plane, he crashed it. They gave him another plane, he crashed it and got captured. Now THAT is some crazy shit there. FIVE PLANES. In today's dollars, that'd probably be like a quarter of a billion dollars...from one dude's poor flying! If I'd been his commander, I'd have stopped at two planes, maybe one, and stuck him on desk duty inventing Blackberries.


Well-Known Member
Well i'm a former Marine. Its been almost a year since i've been out. i went to iraq 3 times and got hurt the last. Marines have the longest bootcamp which is 13 weeks. Bootcamp is hell like its supposed to be.After that its cake. If you want to join a branch do it cause you want it not cause of what they offer. I'm not telling you to join the Marines but the reason why i didn't join the AF or Army is cause the were a bunch of dicks. When i was out in the fleet the Navy personnel where all about themselves. not just towards us but between themselves. no one helps there one branch. Thats one of the reasons why i was glad i joined the Marines and not the others but thats up to you. it all depends on what you are joinin for. if i were you and the AF and army where my choices i would go AF. there are so many army bases that you could be promised europeand end up in Texas or some shit hole here in the states. my cousin was in the army and they promised him everything and he hasn't even left texas. i went to Japan within my first year. i've been everywhere. so Good Luck to you and keep us posted. Insane India 3-2


Well-Known Member
By the way Soldier are but and Marines are made. Thats why the army gives you a sign on bonus. Marine corps doesn't give you extra shit. Either you want the title or you don't. Every one everywhere i went knew that i was a Marine. I know alot of people that are in the Army and they look like everyone else. Most of them Disgust me. Just thought i'd throw that in there


Active Member
I don't have any desire to be a fucking jarhead. My sister's one, and that's enough for one gene pool. recruiter and his buddy came to my house again just earlier to have me sign some papers about records and medical checks and gave me some more stuff to finish about where I've lived for the last 7 years and who knows me well, etc. When he gave me the drug testing agreement, I straight up told them that I smoked a couple of days ago (these past 2 days, btw have been my longest period of "sobriety" in quite a while, and I feel like that dude in the movie Super High Me...everything makes me think of pot. Just walking around on campus to pick up my diploma, walking past the quad where I used to fire up the J's and study made me really nostalgic, to say the least).

His buddy just laughed and told me his girlfriend was a pothead in highschool and it's no big deal. They said I'm innocent compared to some of the people they've recruited! He's even gonna come by on Monday to drop off a U-test for me! This is so fucking shady, and I knew this sort of thing happened, but this is all kind of surreal. I'll be going to MEPS next week if they think I can piss clean. I fucking showed them my orange bottle of the liquid stuff I had in the cabinet, and they were asking me about how it works and shit. Shady, man. Almost makes me not want to join.


Well-Known Member
I don't have any desire to be a fucking jarhead. My sister's one, and that's enough for one gene pool. recruiter and his buddy came to my house again just earlier to have me sign some papers about records and medical checks and gave me some more stuff to finish about where I've lived for the last 7 years and who knows me well, etc. When he gave me the drug testing agreement, I straight up told them that I smoked a couple of days ago (these past 2 days, btw have been my longest period of "sobriety" in quite a while, and I feel like that dude in the movie Super High Me...everything makes me think of pot. Just walking around on campus to pick up my diploma, walking past the quad where I used to fire up the J's and study made me really nostalgic, to say the least).

His buddy just laughed and told me his girlfriend was a pothead in highschool and it's no big deal. They said I'm innocent compared to some of the people they've recruited! He's even gonna come by on Monday to drop off a U-test for me! This is so fucking shady, and I knew this sort of thing happened, but this is all kind of surreal. I'll be going to MEPS next week if they think I can piss clean. I fucking showed them my orange bottle of the liquid stuff I had in the cabinet, and they were asking me about how it works and shit. Shady, man. Almost makes me not want to join.
Its cool that you don't want to be a Marine. Its not for everyone. I remember when i first went to MEPS. I couldn't piss. So when i finally had to piss they stand in the restroom with you to make sure that you don't switch it out or put anything in it. So i finally went after about 3 hours of drinking water and this mother F***** walks out of the room and then tells me that i have to do it again. Man i was pissed. lol. So I ended up spending half the day there. MEPS was boring as shit. you go to MEPS one last time before you ship off. Good Luck to you and i hope you make the right choice by what you feel is right. Thats all that matters


Well-Known Member
GIJane I don't know if you have gone to the military forum yet or not, but, it is recommended. (by me at least)
When my hubby first did this I went there and had a lot of my questions answered, it really helps me.
Here is the Forums - Powered by eve community
Go and read the stuff there. It is mixture of spouses, people thinking about joining, people that have joined, is helpful and we are a nice community.


New Member
Ignoring it doesnt make it go away, thats how we got into this mess. Those who swore to uphold the constitution against enemies foreign and domestic should read the constitution if you think its still being upheld. Or is that oath meaningless?

Originally Posted by 0849
in your enlistment oath you sware to uphold the constitution against all enemies forign and DOMESTIC

Hey can you guys just stay home and help us out with this. Fuck other countries, America is the one I love. Im not joking and not trying to be a dick.


Active Member
GIJane I don't know if you have gone to the military forum yet or not, but, it is recommended. (by me at least)
When my hubby first did this I went there and had a lot of my questions answered, it really helps me.
Here is the Forums - Powered by eve community
Go and read the stuff there. It is mixture of spouses, people thinking about joining, people that have joined, is helpful and we are a nice community.
Yeah, I'll look into that. Thanks much.


Well-Known Member
go navy you get to sleep in a bed and ya get fed regular

The only good thing about navy is the travel, those beds are super tiny and you can hardly sleep depending on what part of the ship you sleep on. Machinery and jet landings don't let you sleep, the ship is ran 24/7 so there will always be noise.


Well-Known Member
Navy dude, You get fed regular and have a bunk to sleep in. Peace and war time are similar in the navy to. The US navy constitutes 52% of the worlds navel forces total, so we will not be challenged on the seas.

Unless, you like sleeping in the mud, eating out of a pouch, and waiting for the sound of incoming mortars, go navy.

DevilDogg, that reminds me of my trip to meps got so frustrated about not being able to piss with that Colonial standing there that in my frustration I put the pee cup with about 1 inch full of piss on top of the urinal while I zipped my fly and he reached for it, saying "don't put it there!!"... LOL that Colonial got piss all over his arm. I said right there nope no army for me. Cause I could see this Colonial literally following me around my entire career and fucking with me.


Well-Known Member
I was in the Army. I sure as hell wish I had joined the Air Force though. They get so many benefits and life is so easy in comparison...

If you are not a gung ho "lets run up and down this hill with 50lbs on our backs for no reason" type of guy, or mentally challeged enough to want to be a jarhead, I really suggest the Air Force.


Well-Known Member
I was Navy and it was not a bad experience. Traveled the world and enjoyed meeting lots of people from all over. I was in through the first Persian Excursion and the difference was nothing to note. A bit of pucker factor when in a war zone, but you are far enough away from it all that you are relatively safe. Felt sorry for the ground pounders that were in the thick of it.

I would say that your best bet is either Air Force or Navy unless you have something else to prove. My Marine and Army buddies have lots of stories about mud and nasty conditions, but not so much about really seeing anything new.


Well-Known Member
By the way Soldier are but and Marines are made. Thats why the army gives you a sign on bonus. Marine corps doesn't give you extra shit. Either you want the title or you don't. Every one everywhere i went knew that i was a Marine. I know alot of people that are in the Army and they look like everyone else. Most of them Disgust me. Just thought i'd throw that in there
Right so the sort of logic presented above is meaningful only to other Marines. The rest of the DOD operates on the premise that we are all making sacrifices for our country. Inter-service rivalry has got to be the stupidest thing I encountered while in the military. I pondered this often as I walked to work on cold mornings in Korea, hands in my pockets ("Air Force Gloves"), navigating my way around the Army platoons laying on the cold pavement doing sit-ups.

An Army grunt sitting in a foxhole, eating MREs and wearing 50lbs of gear after having marched 12 miles, says: "This sucks."
A Navy seaman sitting on his 5' X 2' bunk, in a closet-sized room smelling of oil and rolling from the waves, which he shares with 6 other men, after not having seen the sky for 30 days says: "this really sucks".
A marine, doing push-ups in the mud during a downpour, after an 18 mile march with 60 lbs of gear, says: "I love the way this sucks, oorah!"
The special forces green beret crawling through a leech-infested swamp, eating nothing but bugs and tree bark for 6 days, sneaking around past armed terrorists, says: "I wish this could suck some more!" An Air Force pilot sitting in an easy chair in an air conditioned hotel, holding a remote control, says: "no cable? this sucks!"