Marketplace forum? (for used hardware, etc)


Well-Known Member
I thought that this may have been mentioned but, what about having a "trading" forum area on here.

Not for seeds or anything like that, but having sub categories for like "growing supplies" (lights, fans, filters, piping, etc, anything people may be getting rid of because they upgraded or they are moving outdoors, whatever), "Smoking supplies" (pipes, bongs, things of that nature) and "other" (art, maybe someones wants to sell their car, bicycle, anything else because they're "low on funds" for their next grow").

All done via Paypal or EMT, use an iTrader rating system on here to ensure trustworthy trading.

Anyone think that's an ok idea?

EDIT: I meant, the kind that isn't "pay members" only. One that is open to the whole community! :P


Well-Known Member
I agree, i think that is a totally awesome idea!! That would be pretty much unique to the variety of cannabis websites that I regularly partake in!