Matching Drivers and COBs


Well-Known Member
This is basically what is down inside the "A" version meanwells for their internal dimming.
Let Me tell Ya from experience they are really easy to foook up
too much downward pressure borks it
not the right slot size screw driver borks it
not being perfectly perpendicular inserting into the hole will bork over time
actually the internal pot are Not meant for continued adjusting but just once at install


Well-Known Member
Let Me tell Ya from experience they are really easy to foook up
too much downward pressure borks it
not the right slot size screw driver borks it
not being perfectly perpendicular inserting into the hole will bork over time
actually the internal pot are Not meant for continued adjusting but just once at install
Good to know, thanks.


Well-Known Member
wouldnt it be cool to get the right fit peg with a slot and superglue it in to give you a knob on the surface (still to be treated gently of course)
Sounds like a workable plan- cuz I don't know anyone who doesn't like their knob treated gently.


Well-Known Member
Its a genetic thing, we're incapable of dividing and multiplying by 10........

50' is 50 feet right? You Americans with your silly non metric system :P
Yes I'm aware of the 220V, we have 230V here where I live so that will be fine.

So three CXB3590 will be fine on that elg?
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