Need help with the nutrients plzz


Well-Known Member
Doing the claw is nute burn typically and just because they are so young I say go to water, don't bother PH'ing the water. Just put them on tap water for now.

There's a trick of using PH down to buffer to 5.0, then PH up to buffer back up to 5.6 and then you add the second half of the water to fill it all the way up and it is 5.8. But PH up/down is good, it is also 10 dollars a bottle and so is CNS17 :) I just don't know if that Miracle Gro will work.
danm i jus tested my water and found my ph lvl to be around the high 8.8 or higher and my amonia is very toxic as well i think i used to many of the hydro rocks i was jus realising there was alot of brown mixture in my water...i changed my water complety after finding out these results and im not using rockwell cubes i jus put them in with the hydro rocks is that a problem???


Yeah that pH is way too high. If growing in soil keep it close to 7, if hydro 5.2-6.3
You asked what ppm was. It means parts per million. A TDS meter will help you determine if your nutrient solution is too strong ot to weak. But if you are growing in soil you won't bother with that. You need to have a good inner sense about if the plant looks healthy or not. It is better to under fertilize than over. Over will burn or worse kill you cherished girls.
Yeah that pH is way too high. If growing in soil keep it close to 7, if hydro 5.2-6.3
You asked what ppm was. It means parts per million. A TDS meter will help you determine if your nutrient solution is too strong ot to weak. But if you are growing in soil you won't bother with that. You need to have a good inner sense about if the plant looks healthy or not. It is better to under fertilize than over. Over will burn or worse kill you cherished girls.
ok so tds looks like what is it like a thermometer thatio put in the and it tells me the lvl of the nutrients?? also could i use ph lvl down in the water with my gurls still bieng in there?? and what about the amonia is that also really bad for the plants as well??


New Member
Doing the claw is nute burn typically and just because they are so young I say go to water, don't bother PH'ing the water. Just put them on tap water for now.
always ph ur say not to is bad info
also not all tap water is good to use so do some tests on the tap or just use ro water and be safe

There's a trick of using PH down to buffer to 5.0, then PH up to buffer back up to 5.6 and then you add the second half of the water to fill it all the way up and it is 5.8. But PH up/down is good, it is also 10 dollars a bottle and so is CNS17 :) I just don't know if that Miracle Gro will work.
again this is bad info,riding the ph rollercoster will do more harm than good
just get the ph in range and u will be does not have to be adjusted to a specific number
again this is bad info,riding the ph rollercoster will do more harm than good
just get the ph in range and u will be does not have to be adjusted to a specific number[/QUOTE]

alright but what about the amonia is it bad for it to be so high..and can i use the ph down while my gurls are in the water??


New Member
alright but what about the amonia is it bad for it to be so high..and can i use the ph down while my gurls are in the water??
u should ph the water before u put it in the res
if it needs to be adjusted after the fact,then mix the ph adjuster in a lil water before adding it to the res

and yes i would assume ammonia can be toxic to plants
so what jus put amonia down and ph down in the water and let it sit for a day or 2 before puting them in?that should help with the curling if im not mistakin..


Well-Known Member
always ph ur say not to is bad info
also not all tap water is good to use so do some tests on the tap or just use ro water and be safe

again this is bad info,riding the ph rollercoster will do more harm than good
just get the ph in range and u will be does not have to be adjusted to a specific number
1) pH is for nutrients and nothing else, it has to do with solubility and that is all. So you are absolutely wrong here.
1A) Water with a natural PH of 7.0 will buffer the PH down right back to 7.0 as well. (Also you are adding food with PH down)

2. Recommending a water analysis to be able to grow hydro is not something I agree with. If sodium levels are too high you could have problems, generally from water softners but out of all the many many hydro growers I have watched come up very very few have had to actually buy RO water. I use RO for everything except cloning, but I started to 600+ PPM tap water.. I yielded pretty good on that water

3. PH up/down is horrible info but you completely missed the point. That was an instruction for mixing a new reservoir where you wouldn't have it feeding the plants yet. I am surprised you didn't go with the myth "can't use PH down and PH up in the same reservoir".. But instead you advised him at first to set the PH of water, then you finished by yourself explaining that pH rollercoaster is bad.

P.S. Just help him, if you see I have given wrong info just tell him the right stuff. Then if you give the wrong info along will come the next guy so no worries.


New Member
1) pH is for nutrients and nothing else, it has to do with solubility and that is all. So you are absolutely wrong here.
1A) Water with a natural PH of 7.0 will buffer the PH down right back to 7.0 as well. (Also you are adding food with PH down)
using an out of range ph on seedlings WILL have an effect
u do not have to worry about ph on clones because there r no roots
ur also telling this guy to use a ph of 7,when he is in rockwool and hydroton,which i will also say
is bad info
2. Recommending a water analysis to be able to grow hydro is not something I agree with. If sodium levels are too high you could have problems, generally from water softners but out of all the many many hydro growers I have watched come up very very few have had to actually buy RO water. I use RO for everything except cloning, but I started to 600+ PPM tap water.. I yielded pretty good on that water
i did not mean a water analysis,i simply meant to measure the tds and ph to get an idea if it would be worth tap is 560ppm and over 8ph,so i dont use it
3. PH up/down is horrible info but you completely missed the point. That was an instruction for mixing a new reservoir where you wouldn't have it feeding the plants yet. I am surprised you didn't go with the myth "can't use PH down and PH up in the same reservoir".. But instead you advised him at first to set the PH of water, then you finished by yourself explaining that pH rollercoaster is bad.
i have no idea what u r talking about

P.S. Just help him, if you see I have given wrong info just tell him the right stuff. Then if you give the wrong info along will come the next guy so no worries.
i thought that is what i was doing
i was in no way trying to argue


Well-Known Member
Yeah he has very complicated topics, that one I just wanted to show you the pretreating of the mediums because you had mentioned PH swings, anytime I see someone mention something with conviction I know they learned their lesson the hard way.
hey hx for thew help didnt mean to cause any type of argument but can i use amolock on the water whil the gurles are in the water to lower my amonia lvl???


New Member
hey hx for thew help didnt mean to cause any type of argument but can i use amolock on the water whil the gurles are in the water to lower my amonia lvl???
i wouldnt recommend it,only because ive never done it
thats y mentioned to use ro water and be safe...

r u noticing problems?if not, let it be


Well-Known Member
Definitely not arguing, moash actually called the transplant and feeding before me reading back through the thread. I have to give some respect and in some hydro I am sure you do set pH too that was a hasty response, gotta be more careful so I apologize I am sure you do set your pH of plain water

That is why I read back through the thread though we need more info.. spartinniffer you said your leafs are curling, obviously the rule for nutrients was right no nutrients for little ones. Help us Help you now.. Which method do you grow? Temps:, Humidity:, Air movement?, Let's talk getting you through this. How about a picture?
well yea before i read through both yours and moashes comment i changed the water and started a quick change on my hroponics system bought a new container made better wholes to put the net podes got some rockwool cubes and a better airstone got a 14'' airstone and also went and bought a pureblend progrow vegetative formula 3-2-4 for went it hits about a month il start feeding it like u told the humidity im sure im not doin and air movment im not toi sure what that is but i have a fan in there i noe im doin a dwcs thats about it..ohh and for the pics im posting some up tomorrow in the afternoon..everybody has been asking me lol..i also found out that the tap water ph lvl is normally 8.2 here for some reason so im applying some ph down and some ammolock to drop the amonia lvl if needed and defenitly the ph as well to get it around 5.8 or 6.2...thats what i decided so far that sounds good??
i noe u cant see them to well but if u look close them tips are curling way to much...and i moved the light up real high cause the lights can be 1 of the reason y its causing them to curl..i also changed the light timer to 8 hours light and 16 hours night to c if that can help them..ohh and it seems like the light cant reach the plants but it can when the doors are closed and i jus turned it on so i can take better pictures so it was jus getting lvl is 7.0 and amonia lvl is normal now not toxic like before...


New Member
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i noe u cant see them to well but if u look close them tips are curling way to much...and i moved the light up real high cause the lights can be 1 of the reason y its causing them to curl..i also changed the light timer to 8 hours light and 16 hours night to c if that can help them..ohh and it seems like the light cant reach the plants but it can when the doors are closed and i jus turned it on so i can take better pictures so it was jus getting lit..
i cant really see too much,but u should change the lights to 18-20 hrs on and 4-6 hrs off...
also,ur media looks awfully wet....that could be the problem of which u speak
as long as the ph of the water u r using is fine,and the media is not waterlogged,u should not see any problems while it is that small
i also want to say to make sure and keep ur water temp down
alright cool but that light settings ur talkin about seems way to much..i had it ona 14/10 before and i been hearing from pple that it can be 2 much light that is makin the plat leaves curl in so i put the gurls on a 8/16 so that it can relax with all that heat stress..