Need opnions on this 600W HPS/MH Kit Please


Well-Known Member
They're great. But are you vegging and flowering in the same space and will you keep doing that? If you plan to separate spaces you'd be better off with separate lights from the start.
For veg it doesn't take more than 250w of halide at most to keep up with a flower cabinet of 600w. If the halide and hps are run side x side they'll beat the hortilux alone, you can just use a regular hps bulb to defer the costs of the second light that way.

Either way people generally have nothing but good things to say about that company too.


Well-Known Member
Thx for the reply OregonMeds!

Yes I am going to be vegging and flowering in the same space but only for the first month. I was thinking about getting that 600W kit to veg about 6-12 plants for a month and when I get the money a mnth later buy either another one of those 600w kits or just a 400w HPS/MH kit. I willl have a sep veg area and a sep flower area then. What do you think about that? Im open to any and all suggestions as this is my first grow.Basically my 1st month light budget is only around $260.00-$270.00 but the second month I can get another or a diff one etc. .



Well-Known Member
I use their 400w MH/HPS setup (it came with the closet cultivator) and lemme tell ya...IT WORKS GREAT!!! Proof in my journal below. My cab is 4x3x6 and I'm vegging and flowering in there this time. Nice and simple to just change bulbs :) I normally veg under flouro tubes but this time changed it up and used my MH bulb. FANTASTIC results so far! If your grow room will accomidate the 600, go for it. This company has awesome customer service too :)


Well-Known Member
Thx for the reply OregonMeds!

Yes I am going to be vegging and flowering in the same space but only for the first month. I was thinking about getting that 600W kit to veg about 6-12 plants for a month and when I get the money a mnth later buy either another one of those 600w kits or just a 400w HPS/MH kit. I willl have a sep veg area and a sep flower area then. What do you think about that? Im open to any and all suggestions as this is my first grow.Basically my 1st month light budget is only around $260.00-$270.00 but the second month I can get another or a diff one etc. .

Then there is no reason at all to spend extra money on a dual purpose ballast. If it were me, or if I were you, or some shit like that I would get a 600 standard hps (not even digital, magnetic) unless your electric costs are really high there, and I would get a standard mag ballast 250 halide, and I'd pocket the rest of that stash for the next 600.

Your investment in any dual ballast would be wasted, but a good magnetic dedicated hps can save maybe 10% off electric so long term with high rates it pays.

My way you will have money for everything you need to set up a veg cab from day one, and ideally that would be made of wood not those rubbermaid things. I like kitchen cabinets, the uppers, 4' wide, 1' deep. You can get blemished or second hand or closeouts or go to goodwill and find amazing cabs there sometimes.

The single 250 isn't quite ideal for the whole cab, but you can have clones in humidity domes off to one side getting less light until they get strong enough to move over to the side with more light and a mother plant you can move around wherever, she'll grow fine no matter what with a 250 in there.


Well-Known Member
I have just decided to move some cash around and up my total budget dramatically. I will start a new thread asking for help with it though.
