North Korea-What should be done?


Active Member
You are not very well informed on these issues ... you really should do your homework before you post. PNAC obviously had plans for Afghanistan. Losing doesn't matter ... as long as it creates a perpetual war ... with perpetual profits for the MIC and the oil companies ... check it people ...


Afghanistan: The Other Illegal War
The U.N. Charter provides that all member states must settle their international disputes by peaceful means, and no nation can use military force except in self-defense or when authorized by the Security Council. After the 9/11 attacks, the council passed two resolutions, neither of which authorized the use of military force in Afghanistan.
The invasion of Afghanistan was not legitimate self-defense under article 51 of the charter because the attacks on Sept. 11 were criminal attacks, not "armed attacks" by another country. Afghanistan did not attack the United States.

Like I said ... you need to do your homework ... PNAC wanted control of the area ... which is what they have ... and they have plenty of reasons for going there ... it was clear Afghanistan was not a security threat ... the only threat is the US illegally invading countries.

I'm not sure if you are being ignorant or just stupid ... have you seen the profits of Haliburton ... a cheney company and Bushel ... along with other defense contractors since these illegal wars started? ... the information is out there ... you need to do the research. They are looting the treasury to feed their geedy friends ... :sleep:

That first sentence doesn't make sense. Why wouldn't mean that they are what they are? The evidence is clear ... Skyscaper that have never in the history before or since ever fell in their own footprint in 15 sec. due to a plane crash and fire is not just a coincidence ... it's evidence of foul play ... and it is you that needs to look into who gain after 911 ... the information is out there ... there may be no reward for you ... but for PNAC the reward is a NWO ... thank God people from NYC and the architects and engineer are demanding a open investigation. It' never ceases to amaze me that people actually bought the government bullshit story about those buildings. It defies physics ... yet people will accept the government cock and bull over the laws of physics ... unfuckingbelievable
... as far as "what should we do?" How about cleaning our own house before we start pointing fingers at another country hmmmm?:-|
You just lost all credibility by mentioning the NWO. Sorry. This shows your reckless bias. There is no such thing as the New World Order. Let me guess, you believe in the Illuminati, too? And the reptilians who are plotting the demise of humanity for 2012?

I do not need to do my homework. I stand on neutral ground, and thus it is you who must prove your argument to me. YOU are making a subjective claim, not me.


You just lost all credibility by mentioning the NWO. Sorry. This shows your reckless bias. There is no such thing as the New World Order. Let me guess, you believe in the Illuminati, too? And the reptilians who are plotting the demise of humanity for 2012?

I do not need to do my homework. I stand on neutral ground, and thus it is you who must prove your argument to me. YOU are making a subjective claim, not me.
Funny thing is GrowRebel used Thompson's six-year-old timeline, which was factually based, as supportive evidence. Thompson knows more about 9/11 than perhaps anyone else. Does he believe that the government was behind the attacks? Absolutely not. Which his timeline painstakingly details! Again, another case of using factual evidence and tacking on some bullshit to make your view look a bit more valid. It's sad.


Well-Known Member
A couple of tac strikes would neutralize the threat. That Military parade thats always shown is probly all he got in one video clip. Its like a short train of obscelete crap. I doubt UN would even occupy N. Korea. It would be like an action in Africa where also there is nothing to legally exploit. Kim's just blowing through his retirement. I feel that if there are scientists smart enough to handle thois equipment in such a capacity they would not make such a blunder like attack, or aid ther of, another country. I think they are just gonna do a national power grid or something like that.....they have a small enough country to do that. I am sorry to disappoint the doom and gloomers. And do you think that the muslum extremists are growing tired of being on the run? God Bless America, She'll come around soon on the pot thing, but the odor may cover up Brainwashed Extemist hodgies and guns......kinda strong when its fresh and not in smuggle baggies......and rubbermaids got it there has got to be another reason out there.....that we can't have it now. Gotta be.


Well-Known Member
yea, 9/11 was an attack from a couple crazy fuckers. so we atatcked a country and made a whole race of enemys. The good news is at least we can fix it. Also those guilty of starting a war for profit should get the same as Suddam. That would send a worldwide message of equality and show that we are for the greater good. Have we wiped out the blood bathe people yet? Crazy shit going on...ethnic clensing OK! They did define themselfs as the enemy is what makes this interesting. All I can say is that if you don't know enough if you can take sides easily, and so entirely!


New Member
So with all the recent activity in N.Korea how should the international community respond?
Let's be logical here and say that an international response is unlikely. Even though China and Russia denounced the N. Korean tests, it does not mean they will respond. It's extraordinarily difficult, and you have to somewhat rely on tea leaves. The countries that matter most in this crisis are;

N. Korea
S. Korea

They are known as the six-parties (you will hear six-party talks a lot), which is a coalition of the six countries to seek peaceful concessions after N. Korea pulled out of the non-proliferation treaty and N. Korea started making nuclear weapons. But the parties have expanded now, and they all must now take into consideration;

Iran & Syria (N. Korea's nuclear partners).

Due to lack of response from the U.S. recently, Japan just announced they'll be launching a satellite to monitor launches in N. Korea. If anyone in these talks have first hand experience with nuclear weapons, it's JAPAN. And japan is one of two participants in the six-party talks that DON'T have nuclear weapons. And Japan remains an easy and formidable target for N. Korea, and would be their #2 priority. S. Korea, on the other hand is N. Korea's 1st target. And S. Korea DON'T have nuclear weapons either. S. Korea has a few U.S. Bases, and the Navy's 7th feet to protect it.

The problem here is that the U.S. has been the nuclear shield for Japan and S. Korea since the Korean War. And in one instant, both countries realized that shield is down with Obama's administration. But in reality, Obama's best option is the re-establishment of the six-party talks. However, this may not work, because it will be different for N. Korea since China and Russia will stand against their actions here. In addition, Obama just announced that Iran has a right to nuclear energy. He can make the same claim for N. Korea during these six-party talks. Considering that the two most probable targets are S. Korea and Japan, I personally don't see a positive outcome. The best thing Obama can do is try the six-party talks, while maintaining a strong shield on alert protecting the Western U.S., S. Korea, and Japan in the event of a preemptive attack. Shooting down his tests before the six-party talks would guaranty a negative outcome with conflict between N. Korea and S. Korea. However, if we get to the six-party talks without conflict, and those talks fail to resolve any issues, then Obama should then be ready to move fast with more drastic measures. The second worst outcome would be to allo N. Korea to proliferate their nuclear weaons. So far, we're on course, I think. Just as long Obama doesn't drop the defense shield that he just cut funding for.

Always avoid nuclear weapons. At all costs. We do not need one nuke to destroy N. Korea. We can do so with conventional warfare. It won't take much to create nuclear fallout across the world. Bombing anyone to the stone age with nuclear weapons is suicide.


Well-Known Member
You just lost all credibility by mentioning the NWO. Sorry. This shows your reckless bias. There is no such thing as the New World Order. Let me guess, you believe in the Illuminati, too? And the reptilians who are plotting the demise of humanity for 2012?
And you just demonstrated your stupidity ... Sorry but you are just one of those people that are just too stupid or too lazy to find out for yourself. I'm not going to tell you to take my word for it like your leaders ... lumpboy and hannity ... I'm giving you the info and telling you to check it out for yourself. ... and what makes you think PNAC doesn't what a NWO? So what do you call this ... a summary of the talking points from their own document ...a link to PNAC web site with where the original document can be found is provided.
26) "This is a blueprint for United States world domination - a new world order of their making, "Tam Dalyell, British parliamentarian and critic of the war policy from the Labor Party said.


So go ahead ... make your stupid reptile remarks ... you only show your own ignorance. And while we are at it ... why don't you tell us all why NWO is bullshit ... we'd love to hear.

I do not need to do my homework. I stand on neutral ground, and thus it is you who must prove your argument to me. YOU are making a subjective claim, not me.
Oh yeah ... you do need to do your homework ... you are standing on ignorant ground now. I've giving enough information IMO ... if you can't comprehend it ... that's not my problem ...

Funny thing is GrowRebel used Thompson's six-year-old timeline, which was factually based, as supportive evidence. Thompson knows more about 9/11 than perhaps anyone else. Does he believe that the government was behind the attacks? Absolutely not. Which his timeline painstakingly details! Again, another case of using factual evidence and tacking on some bullshit to make your view look a bit more valid. It's sad.
When and where did I say Thompson's time line was supportive of 911 being an inside job? ... I don't agree with him on 911 at all but I agree with him on Afghanistan and the US having "plans" for it... his is not the only report ... I provided two sources ... there are others ... if you took the time to read my post you wouldn't look pathetic now... which beats sad anyday.:neutral:


When and where did I say Thompson's time line was supportive of 911 being an inside job? ... I don't agree with him on 911 at all but I agree with him on Afghanistan and the US having "plans" for it... his is not the only report ... I provided two sources ... there are others ... if you took the time to read my post you wouldn't look pathetic now... which beats sad anyday.:neutral:
Are you going to deny your own reasoning doesn't follow as such: 1) Governments and political elites draw up plans to invade the Middle-East 2) Government engages in a false flag operation 3)Using said false flag operation as grounds for invading and occupying two other countries 4) Elites gain tens of billions in contracts, a good portion being no bid contracts and government can establish permanent bases in the region

It may be a little more nuanced than that, but that's a pretty accurate description of your views, right? If so, you used factual information provided by Thompson's fantastic work to provide some context to your bullshit theory. Funny how I'm the one who is pathetic and not the person that's viewed as a loon by the vast majority of physicists, engineers and architects.


Well-Known Member
Are you going to deny your own reasoning doesn't follow as such: 1) Governments and political elites draw up plans to invade the Middle-East 2) Government engages in a false flag operation 3)Using said false flag operation as grounds for invading and occupying two other countries 4) Elites gain tens of billions in contracts, a good portion being no bid contracts and government can establish permanent bases in the region

It may be a little more nuanced than that, but that's a pretty accurate description of your views, right? If so, you used factual information provided by Thompson's fantastic work to provide some context to your bullshit theory. Funny how I'm the one who is pathetic and not the person that's viewed as a loon by the vast majority of physicists, engineers and architects.
You demonstrate once again your stupidity ... vast majority of physicists, engineers and architects think I'm a loon huh ... such as ... ? And what part of my so called theory is bullshit? I'd love to hear that one. Doubt that you will be able to be specific ... On the other hand I've provide a link to engineers, and architects demanding a new investigation into 911 ... so yes ... you are pretty pathetic ... if anyone's a loon to them it's you that believe that those building fell due to a plane crash and fire. So let see some links of these physicists, engineers, and architects that think I'm a loon.

Put up or stfu ... kiss-ass


You demonstrate once again your stupidity ... vast majority of physicists, engineers and architects think I'm a loon huh ... such as ... ? And what part of my so called theory is bullshit? I'd love to hear that one. Doubt that you will be able to be specific ... On the other hand I've provide a link to engineers, and architects demanding a new investigation into 911 ... so yes ... you are pretty pathetic ... if anyone's a loon to them it's you that believe that those building fell due to a plane crash and fire. So let see some links of these physicists, engineers, and architects that think I'm a loon.

Put up or stfu ... kiss-ass
Seeing as you didn't make reference to my reply, I was pretty god damn spot on in guessing your fucked up line of thought, huh? To answer your question, it's your assertion that it was an inside job (as part of a false flag operation) and controlled demolitions. This has nothing to do with wanting a new investigation, only your conspiracy theory.

To even suggest that a majority of physicists, engineers and architects support your position is a fucking joke that even your everyday idiotic troofer doesn’t even maintain. Let's see their findings actually appear in scientific peer review journals. I found a number for my side, but I think that I'll only provide one for now, given as to how you won't even be able to ferret out one for your side. The American population has never been confused for brilliant, but even a vast majority of them aren’t dumb enough to buy into this lunacy.

The American Society of Civil Engineers is the largest and oldest engineering organization in the country. Guess what, they're the group that compiled and studied the data for the World Trade Center Building Performance Study: Data Collection, Preliminary Observations, and Recommendations and the Pentagon Building Performance Report. You'll reject this since it was put out by FEMA. But you'll be rejecting the findings of an organization that represents nearly 150,000 civil engineers. How many engineers do you maintain support your claims? A few hundred and that's a very liberal estimate.

Here's a list of the 'scholars' that comprise the Scholars for 9/11 Truth & Justice:

As you can see about half of their academic qualifications are left blank and few are Ph. D's, let alone in fields related to physics and engineering.

From LERA, the structural engineering firm that built the god damn buildings: 'We designed the towers to resist the accidental impact of a Boeing 707, perhaps lost in the fog while seeking to land. The impact of the Boeing 767s, commandeered by the terrorists, even though larger and flying much faster, was still unable to bring down the towers. The fire-resistive systems, however, did not and could not have contemplated the subsequent fire fueled by thousands of gallons of jet fuel.'

Eight reports compiled by M.I.T. engineers:

Report co-authored by a SES Prager recipient:

How many ‘scholars’ that believe in controlled demolitions have won a Prager? Oh yeah, that’d be none. That's because they're nobodies within their respective fields.

Reports utilizing over 200 technical analysts from the National Institute of Standards and Technology which is home to three Nobel Prize winners:

From engineers published in the peer review journal The Journal of The Minerals, Metals and Materials Society:

Presented at the prestigious
Australian Institute of Building Surveyors
National Conference:

There are literally hundreds upon hundreds, but I'll give you an opportunity to respond, so we can go tit for tat. And for someone to continuously use ellipsis after ellipsis in place of periods, you're fucking ballsy to question my intellect. Why is it you troofers type like tweens?

what... huh?

Active Member
Just out of curiosity... logistically...

Am I to understand that teams of XXXXXX agents infiltrated the WTC in teams carrying explosives and construction equipment... went from floor to floor... tearing out walls, planting precision detonating equipment, resealed the walls, painted and cleaned the mess... on 118 floors... when the building was empty (WTC was NEVER empy).

Does that about sum it up?

How long you suppose that took?


Just out of curiosity... logistically...

Am I to understand that teams of XXXXXX agents infiltrated the WTC in teams carrying explosives and construction equipment... went from floor to floor... tearing out walls, planting precision detonating equipment, resealed the walls, painted and cleaned the mess... on 118 floors... when the building was empty (WTC was NEVER empy).

Does that about sum it up?

How long you suppose that took?
I'm thinking about half an Alex Jones broadcast. :joint:


Well-Known Member
Sorry, you guys obviously arent getting the same news coverage as we are in the Uk. Other than the ''Nagasaki size'' nuke they detonated, they have also recently fired a mock 'satelite' that was obviously ballistic missile practice, they have fired several short range (100km) missiles and today have said that they are no longer in a state of cease fire with S.Korea due to their agreement with the US over searching all shipping headed for N.Korea to search for wmd's. A strike on S.Korea is imminent as retaliation by KJ il has been guaranteed if another ship is stoppped.
we get the news over in the USA..the AMERICAN people are fucking stupid.
would you like any other explanation?


Active Member
No chance that anyone will attack North Korea. Especially the US...there is far too little to gain from such a confrontation and many lives to lose. As to what North Korea actually crave...I gather that they want improved relations and RESPECT from the West, and also something along the lines of India's nuclear deal with the Yanks...i.e. with some monitoring of their nuclear activities, but not COMPLETE monitoring.

the ruling elite of NK do not want to let The West IN, and then find themselves undermined, whether that would be better for the north koreans as a whole or not. they simply wont let it happen, so they need assurances, that they will be left in charge.


Well-Known Member
Come one Grow Rebel. This thread is about N Korea.
Please start your own thread if you want to rant about the US. Quit hiding in a thread labeled N Korea.
It has been mentioned before, now you are being rude.

And I dont think N Korea will ever launch a nuke. They know everybody hates them and everybody would blow their shit high in the sky if they ever did.
Kim Jong Il is a bully and needs a scare tactic. He is tired of getting his cargo containers raided and bullied by UN.

What pisses me off more is the 2 journalists that recently got sentenced 12 years hard labor for being spies.

Now, I think its time to send in Chuck Norris on a stealth/ninja like mission and get those journalists back. Assasinate Kim Jong Il with a roundhouse kick to the face while he's over there.


Well-Known Member
I have a friend who worked in Seoul for several years teaching English, while he was there he witnessed at first hand the N.Korean problem. The people are/have been brainwashed and want war, they are told that the West is the cause of all their woes and are angry, and emaciated! If anyone has read 'The Handmaids Tale' by Margaret Atwood then the parallels are uncanny with false information about wars that are going on etc, imaginary ones that is. Farenheit 451 is another analogy that could be used. The N. Koreans want a war for food, KJ IL wants a Nuke for the threat of it and then means to negotiate, not with the west though, Iran and Syria would be his choice imo. In my English History Degree years ago, my lecturer gave us a quote to remember, ''I defy you to agitate a man with a full stomach'' this applies throughout the ages and certainly with N.Korea now.

what... huh?

Active Member
Tough problem... I don't know what the appropriate solution is...

For once though... I would like the other countries to handle it. We are broke and busy.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by motorboater
C'mon man. What resources have we looted from Iraq?

Come on lady ... use your head ... the oil ...
Originally Posted by motorboater
The Iraqi's said that our oil contracts were unfair, and thus they opened them up for bidding. They acted as a sovereign nation and told us that we would have to pay more money. I know that it's popular to hate on the Iraq War, but lets at least state the true facts.

The US put a great deal of pressure on the Iraqis to sign a oil deal with them ... I for one was happy to see it didn't go the US way ... but that is what they wanted. Along with putting in US bases. Those are the facts.
