Reusage of last year's plot - briar patch deficiences? Stalk fungus


Well-Known Member
Attached are pictures of last year's urban guerilla, I enjoyed a lovely veg stage but only 1 and another 1/4 of a plant out of three survived this stem rot, it seemed to be a late season disease, the briar patch could be infected with a certain fungus, it is a wild raspberry patch, everything went so well in veg last year, last years stalks were rooted out today so they potentially still have spores, we'll see, same strain this year, Early Skunks from Sensi, I just prepared my plot and the soil is sooo rich, how can I avoid this late season fungus problem? It comes from the roots and stalk for sure. Not sure on the ph take a look at the local bios



Well-Known Member
Could this be a case of charcoal rot? Seems to be a hot weather disease, we had a very dry August and perhaps the plants were stressed, I was on vacation and didn't water at all, does anyone have ANY experience with this?


Well-Known Member
Grrrr... Looks like I'm going to have to post in the Plant Problems section, springtime is always full of newbies posting lame questions, come on folks, maybe I would get some info if I were asking stupid questions.


Active Member
This is just a guess but that looks like wat all the other plants do in sept like weeds, umm I don't no how to explain it but around me,there's plants that grow to about 3-4ft and die jst like that,almost like a dead bamboo tree


Well-Known Member
you say it got hella hot and u didnt water???? i think when that happens roots might die and shit and then those might start the root rot?? idk just a thought