Shack's 125W CFL DIY Tent Grow


Well-Known Member
since some of you have asked.. here are the clones... both chilling under their own 23W lamps (one per plant) side by side so 46W CFL between the two of them.. doing JUST fine :mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
Well here they are in flower. Liza is lagging behind Gwen as usual! All of the good bud shots are of Gwen, Liza has pre flowers and will probably start forming buds within the next few days. More pics than usual so they are all in attachment form.. no way in hell I'm waiting to upload ONE INDIVIDUAL IMAGE AT A TIME!! THANKS ALOT RIU!! Where is the complaint department anyway?

Enjoy and let me know what you think. Also if anyone has info about the flower cycle for lemon skunk that would be awesome.




Well-Known Member
Oh shit the grow looks great man,

and also i may have been the one to accidently rate the thread 1 :/ i didint mean to!!! it was an accident sorry!!1 ha


Well-Known Member
up until today the lamp has remained no more than 2 inches from the tops at any given time. when i finally caved and adjusted (earlier today) the tops were about 1/4-1/2" from the lamp. The hood is now the highest it can go, no more chains, hanging directly from the shelf by hooks. Now the tops are about 3-4 inches (my guesstimates for length/distance suck though, it could be 6 inches). My concern is the vigorous growth I've experienced up to this point may slow down.We shall see just how strong these high wattage CFL are.

To hedge my bets,I clamped in two 23W (1-2700k and 1-6500k) bulbs under the hood a little closer to some of the plant, the lower tops that are the furthest from the lamp. The hope is this will kept them growing stronger and eventually push upward to meet the other tops and even herself out.

My concern is that the lower buds won't pack on the weight, but!! I'll cross that bridge as the tops fatten. Little less than a week since first pre-flowers. SO no too bad so far.



Well-Known Member
Im sure will be fine man, you will be surprised on how those lower shoots do, there always amaze me haha


Well-Known Member
I had a couple 14" T8 lying around, so i stood those up along the front posts (one on either side) they are in the daylight spectrum, between those and the hood I have a pretty wide spectrum.
Main goal of the T8's was to penetrate the lower branches/stems of each plant just have to remember a 1/4 turn every day and I should some SERIOUS bud development down low.



Well-Known Member
Well here they are in flower. Liza is lagging behind Gwen as usual! All of the good bud shots are of Gwen, Liza has pre flowers and will probably start forming buds within the next few days. More pics than usual so they are all in attachment form.. no way in hell I'm waiting to upload ONE INDIVIDUAL IMAGE AT A TIME!! THANKS ALOT RIU!! Where is the complaint department anyway?

Enjoy and let me know what you think. Also if anyone has info about the flower cycle for lemon skunk that would be awesome.

lookin fucin great man that gws will start to get thick ass buds on it mine is full of buds everywhere keep up the good work :bigjoint:i just posted a new video and sum pics check em out when u get time!!!


Well-Known Member
Got bored.. Took some pictures, you can check out the extra lights.

Feeling pretty good about things. I was considering upgrading to the Sun System 150W HPS with built-in ballast (pretty good deal, 80 bucks for hood/bulb/ballast) from Sunlight Supply. But things are looking good enough without.

Also, attached below are the party cup clones I just posted to the PCC Official Update Thread




Well-Known Member
If you got the 150w hps deffo go for it. i think those plants look like they are quite big for just a 125w cfl, they will have nice tops btu nothing lower down i recon. Looking real good though, nice and healthy plants, cant wait to see the results :)


Well-Known Member
Things are going perfect, the results should be killer.

I would say if anything, i would just do the 250 if you went up to HPS, an extra 100 watts should make a biiger difference then just 150 watts of CFL, to 150 watts of HID lighting.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the quick feedback fellas.

growwwwwww - thats my thinking exactly. the tops are looking awesome and the budsites JUST below the tops look pretty good but there are only a few hairs on the very lower shoots. HPS has the penetrating power i would need to get those lower shoots, without upping my energy use (too much) and without causing a spike in my temps.

SICC - i'm fine with what i have, so if i were to upgrade it would be something cheap like the 150 Sun System. everything i've read so far says the difference in temperature/heat output between 150 and 250 is ridiculous. forgot who the grower is, on this forum, he's using the 150 i'd like and he keeps it about 6 inches from the tops with no discernable increase in heat and no real damage to his buds. sounds like a good fit for my little tent.

2'x2' is the recommended maximum dimensions for a 150W HPS. which is actually just a LITTLE bigger than the dimensions i have in my tent. so in essence, 150W HPS is the ideal for my tent. hmm... my girl gives me shit every time i dump cash into growing :wall:. BUT! If i don't start to see some development on the Lemon Skunk (which looks to JUST be starting to bloom) by the weekend, i'll probably be ordering.

If you got the 150w hps deffo go for it. i think those plants look like they are quite big for just a 125w cfl, they will have nice tops btu nothing lower down i recon. Looking real good though, nice and healthy plants, cant wait to see the results :)