Slim 600H from Optic LED, claiming 3.03 umols/j


Well-Known Member
Yes, the Spider Farmer. Who verified legitimate LM301B diodes?
They seem like good boards, but how do we know they are the real deal?
I'd assume their rating would be a lot lower and Amazon would be staying something. A year ago I'd be skeptical, but not anymore. LM301Bs are kind of old news at this point

Rocket Soul

Well-Known Member
It's not like they put out a number with nothing to back it
They apparently achieved 3.0, not in a sphere test but instead using a quantum sensor as the fixture sits in a tent, taking multiple PPFD measurements (in this case 64), averaging them, multiplying the result by the square meters of the test area and then dividing by the wattage
If you have ever seen the MIGRO youtube channel this is the exact type of test he does and usually the result is slightly worse than in a full integrating sphere

Ultimately a lab report with a sphere test is what you would want
I think the 3.03 claim has something to do with whats mentioned here:

Again maybe a bit confusing as these numbers are at nominal .2w (which is somewhat plausible, theres a lot of white diode on that one but id be damned if im going to count them but there could be 2500+ diodes on there) AND for 6500k; which im pretty sure is not the spectrum as it looks clearly warm white.
Yes, there some monos that could make up the missing efficiency but i think the some fast-and-loosery going on here. But i wouldnt doubt high numbers on this fixture just not that high on system level, or maybe only when dimmed far down.


Well-Known Member
You know they are legitimate LM301B's because of your assumptions?
Do you also assume the claims of Chinese LED sellers are always true? :lol::lol::lol::lol:
When has Amazon ever said ANYTHING about the manufacture's claims of the products it sells? :roll:
Like I said.. at the beginning of this year, sure, question it. But there's just no need to anymore. It's not hard for these companies to get low bin 301Bs now.


Well-Known Member
You know they are legitimate LM301B's because of your assumptions?
Do you also assume the claims of Chinese LED sellers are always true? :lol::lol::lol::lol:
When has Amazon ever said ANYTHING about the manufacture's claims of the products it sells? :roll:
Do wonder how much he gets paid though. Was hortibloom for ages, now its the spida farmer, must have made him a better offer lol


Well-Known Member
Expensive YES good qulity products YES ..if you can get it cheaper do so... you can get discount .. I just ordered the Phantom XL dimmable..manged to ge 20% off ...fuckin awesome light. Heres a thought though... If you knw which leds are in the Optic rig..why not source the parts and diodes and build your own version... Id defo give it a try - STELTHY :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Expensive YES good qulity products YES ..if you can get it cheaper do so... you can get discount .. I just ordered the Phantom XL dimmable..manged to ge 20% off ...fuckin awesome light. Heres a thought though... If you knw which leds are in the Optic rig..why not source the parts and diodes and build your own version... Id defo give it a try - STELTHY :leaf:
Basically we all build our own stuff, using probably BETTER bin chips (if they really even use LM301) at sometimes less than half the cost. I have a huge hatred for optic. Pieces of scum.


Well-Known Member
Basically we all build our own stuff, using probably BETTER bin chips (if they really even use LM301) at sometimes less than half the cost. I have a huge hatred for optic. Pieces of scum.
You really seem to hate them LOL.. i have an idea for a behemouth led build.. But its over kill for most growers.. ..Ive been looking into military nautical and fighter jet led cobs etc... Some useful kelvin numbers ...insane power.. Admidibly they run hot but i am designing a cooltube inspied perspec build to house the lamps and ballasts etc.. and then add the 660s 730s iR Royal Blues and some 100w citizen cobs to balance out the spectrum... All on paper at the moment... But this wont be a cheap build - STELTHY :leaf:

Slim Piggens

Active Member


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
I dont see how you can hit >3umoles with Red Cree XPE-2, you need XPG-3 and a good proportion of them to lift to those numbers, Chilled's latest light uses top bin XPG-3 which is whats driving his numbers
Fuck me, put out ies files, Dialux or other programs will tell you instantly what the efficacy is, no where to hide in an ies file, even sphere data is just data, you cant test the veracity of sphere data, you can only see it in an ies file
manufacturers get with the fuckin program
