trump oddly refusing to implement bipartisan russia sanctions

Stink Bug

Well-Known Member
I do believe the universe is comprised of a finite amount of matter. Don't believe in god and question the big bang theory.


Well-Known Member

"This discovery will help us refine simulations and better tune future observations. For now though, we can be happy that at least regular matter is all accounted for. "

It's a head scratcher for sure...
so you believe this guy who discusses what could only be verified in one or two labs but aren't convinced by easily verifiable studies that show the earth is warming due to human activities.

It's a head scratcher for sure.

Here is some science about carbon dioxide build-up in the atmosphere:

Key point: three isotopes of carbon, Carbon 12 is the lightest, C14 is the heaviest

^^Key point: Carbon 14 is continually being added to the atmosphere due to action of sunlight, C12 and C13 come from volcanoes and are remnants from earth's history. In absence of other factors, the earth's atmosphere should show ever increasing amounts of C14.

In photosynthesis, living plants take in CO2 from the air, energy from the sun, and water from the ground to make the building blocks of living matter and the energy they need to grow. All three carbon isotopes show up in the CO2 which plants use in photosynthesis, however, since 13C and 14C are slightly heavier than 12C, the plants "prefer" to use the lighter isotopes of carbon: 12C over 13C over 14C. So if you took a plant and measured what isotopes it has you would find that it would be slightly "richer" in 12C than in the naturally occurring background ratios. So it might have 99.2% 12C, 0.8% 13C, and much, much less than 1% 14C. And since animals eat plants (and other animals which eat plants) their isotopic ratios would be similar to plants.

Key point: Plant and animal material is richer in C12 and C13 and has very little C14 compared to the atmosphere. Fossil fuels are made from plant and animal material and contains almost no C14.

Key points:
The ratio of Carbon dioxide to oxygen is going up.
The amount of carbon 13 in the atmosphere is increasing each year at the same rate as global emissions.

Conclusion: Carbon dioxide is increasing due to man's burning of fossil fuels.


Well-Known Member
Nice post, and well said, but ...

it's a tin roof.

It's over his head. :lol:

Thanks. It was extracted from a much better post in skeptical science blog that also won't affect the determinedly ignorant.

But I didn't post that for him. He's just a foil.
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