Volcanic eruptions might be responsible for the warming hiatus

desert dude

Well-Known Member
Scientists are trying to understand the 17 year long global warming hiatus that you consensus guys on RIU insist isn't happening. Why are they wasting their time like this?


But now, a newly-published study by Massachusetts Institute of Technology scientists reveals that relatively small volcanic eruptions may be mitigating the increases in output of greenhouse gases and slow the rate of global warming by as much as half. In fact, the effect of such volcanic activity may help to explain why the pace of warming has decreased in recent years and fallen short of matching the level predicted by the amount of carbon going into the atmosphere.


Well-Known Member
2014 was the hottest year on record.

2000-2014 had 14 of the 15 hottest years on record.

there is no "hiatus".

reported as spam.
True, but they were predicting even hotter temperatures and were puzzled by the disparity between prediction and observation.

This points to a clear and distinct set of variables that could explain the disparity and lead to greater understanding of the macro workings of our atmosphere- a good thing, unless one's politics is wrapped up in one's carbon intensive investments.

I have a cousin who did PhD work at CSU Atmospheric Sciences, the same institution where Bill Gray gives his famous yearly predictions of hurricane frequency and severity.

Da cuz helped develop a radar system that can better see the components of atmospheric disturbances- like the size and shape of water droplets and ice crystals.

Weird as it may seem, this was an important component of both short term weather prediction models and long term climate simulators.

Not all volcanoes belch equally- far from it. Mt. St. Helens and Mt. Pinatubo were both dust bombs in that they blew millions of tons(!) of dust and ash into the stratosphere, where they floated around and shaded the earth for years. Mouna Loa does not, even though it erupts far more often.

For me, I an still waiting for a right wing vetted scientist to plausibly (a low bar- I didn't say 'satisfactorily') explain how humans could have a century's worth of industrial activity and NOT affect the climate?


Well-Known Member
How could the earth possibly withstand all that animal shit? Animals have been shitting on the earth for millions of years, how come the earth isn't just a giant shit ball by now?


Well-Known Member
14 out of 15 years of record temperatures this century prove it's not getting warmer.

the fact that we just had the warmest year on record clearly shows there is a hiatus.




Well-Known Member
geomagnetic reversal
pole shift
I'm surprised these haven't been mentioned lol
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Well-Known Member
You are aware, that is not a hiatus in the trend of global warming, it is one inaccurate prediction years ago.
A whole constellation of model results that didn't square with observable facts on the ground.

Then again, the 'hiatus' thing was not my idea.

King Arthur

Well-Known Member
I am still wondering if it isn't hotter than last year then why do we still not have any snow at lake level? Hmmm.... hottest year on record and we still got people denying that there is anything going on.

Just business as usual guys carry on, the only thing in this thread is a big pile of turd turd.


Well-Known Member
I am still wondering if it isn't hotter than last year then why do we still not have any snow at lake level? Hmmm.... hottest year on record and we still got people denying that there is anything going on.

Just business as usual guys carry on, the only thing in this thread is a big pile of turd turd.

Maybe you need to move to Saudi Arabia?

PS that guy is breaking the (ahem) "law".

The fatwa, by Mohammad Saleh Al Minjed, said that building snowmen or any replica of an animal, even if it is for fun or recreation, could not be condoned. Only lifeless things, such as ships, fruit and buildings could be imitated, the fatwa said.

But never mind that...tell me more about this snow you're missing. Is it the shoveling or frostbite you miss the most?

desert dude

Well-Known Member
You are aware, that is not a hiatus in the trend of global warming, it is one inaccurate prediction years ago.
What is it that these MIT scientists are trying to explain then? I mean, why would they bother to write a paper explaining a discrepancy between predicted temperatures and observed temperatures, if there is no such discrepancy? You are asserting that these scientists are either lying or that they don't know the temperature data. That sounds to me a lot like "denying the science", not to mention the observed facts.

"In fact, the effect of such volcanic activity may help to explain why the pace of warming has decreased in recent years and fallen short of matching the level predicted by the amount of carbon going into the atmosphere."


Well-Known Member
What is it that these MIT scientists are trying to explain then? I mean, why would they bother to write a paper explaining a discrepancy between predicted temperatures and observed temperatures, if there is no such discrepancy? You are asserting that these scientists are either lying or that they don't know the temperature data. That sounds to me a lot like "denying the science", not to mention the observed facts.

"In fact, the effect of such volcanic activity may help to explain why the pace of warming has decreased in recent years and fallen short of matching the level predicted by the amount of carbon going into the atmosphere."
It might also be that their models are crap based on crap but they wont admit that...

desert dude

Well-Known Member
It might also be that their models are crap based on crap but they wont admit that...
I don't know about that, but I do know with no doubt whatever that the model is wrong because it does not accurately predict observed real-world data.

This doesn't mean that the climate isn't changing, it just means that nobody fully understands why it is changing, or even if it is changing. Not even Al Gore. It also means that any prescriptions imposed by politicians to combat global warming should be treated with great skepticism.


Well-Known Member
What is it that these MIT scientists are trying to explain then? I mean, why would they bother to write a paper explaining a discrepancy between predicted temperatures and observed temperatures, if there is no such discrepancy? You are asserting that these scientists are either lying or that they don't know the temperature data. That sounds to me a lot like "denying the science", not to mention the observed facts.

"In fact, the effect of such volcanic activity may help to explain why the pace of warming has decreased in recent years and fallen short of matching the level predicted by the amount of carbon going into the atmosphere."
still no mention of a hiatus.



Well-Known Member
I don't know about that, but I do know with no doubt whatever that the model is wrong because it does not accurately predict observed real-world data.

This doesn't mean that the climate isn't changing, it just means that nobody fully understands why it is changing, or even if it is changing. Not even Al Gore. It also means that any prescriptions imposed by politicians to combat global warming should be treated with great skepticism.
good job on spamming climate denier talking points.

we know why the climate is changing. we are putting millions of years of CO2 into the air all at once, causing CO2 levels to shoot up about 100 PPM in one century (drastic), and since CO2 is a greenhouse gas, the temps have gone up with it.

the models predictedthis over 30 years ago you dumb shit.



Well-Known Member
I don't know about that, but I do know with no doubt whatever that the model is wrong because it does not accurately predict observed real-world data.

This doesn't mean that the climate isn't changing, it just means that nobody fully understands why it is changing, or even if it is changing. Not even Al Gore. It also means that any prescriptions imposed by politicians to combat global warming should be treated with great skepticism.
Are you familiar with scientific theory? To properly test something using the method, you need to establish a baseline. That way you can prove a cause and effect reaction that is provable and repeatable. It is how you create a theory from a hypothesis.

Now, given that fact. How can one possibly establish a baseline for weather that is constantly changing in a solar system that is constantly changing in a universe that is constantly changing???

We need to learn how to adapt and be more flexible in less hospitable climates. It is the only way to ensure the future of the human race. This whole global warming fiasco is an attempted cash grab into a slush fund for bribing world leaders and dipping into by crooked politicians. It should be shit canned as fast as possible.


Well-Known Member
It might also be that their models are crap based on crap but they wont admit that...

tell us more about how the earth is cooling (a claim you actually made) and how forest fires cause global cooling (a claim you actually made).


Well-Known Member
Are you familiar with scientific theory? To properly test something using the method, you need to establish a baseline. That way you can prove a cause and effect reaction that is provable and repeatable. It is how you create a theory from a hypothesis.

Now, given that fact. How can one possibly establish a baseline for weather that is constantly changing in a solar system that is constantly changing in a universe that is constantly changing???

We need to learn how to adapt and be more flexible in less hospitable climates. It is the only way to ensure the future of the human race. This whole global warming fiasco is an attempted cash grab into a slush fund for bribing world leaders and dipping into by crooked politicians. It should be shit canned as fast as possible.
no wonder you think AGW is a conspiracy, you are too stupid to know the difference between weather and climate.

by the way, how is this for a baseline?

does 400,000+ years work for you?
